diff --git a/locales/en.yml b/locales/en.yml
index b901b5e221719a26aff40fefa8c8849394df231b..0938b37bac2298d373ecac9a7bc3f5fcd6e84f78 100644
--- a/locales/en.yml
+++ b/locales/en.yml
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ common/views/widgets/server.vue:
   title: "Server info"
   toggle: "Toggle views"
-  public: "公開"
-  home: "ホーム"
+  public: "Public"
+  home: "Home"
   home-desc: "ホームタイムラインにのみ公開"
-  followers: "フォロワー"
+  followers: "Followers"
   followers-desc: "自分のフォロワーにのみ公開"
-  specified: "ダイレクト"
+  specified: "Direct"
   specified-desc: "指定したユーザーにのみ公開"
-  private: "非公開"
+  private: "Private"
   total: "Black ... Total"
   notes: "Blue ... Notes"
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ desktop/views/pages/drive.vue:
   more: "さらに読み込む"
-  title: "ホームのカスタマイズ"
+  title: "Customize home"
   prev: "Previous note"
   next: "Next note"
@@ -539,9 +539,9 @@ desktop/views/pages/selectdrive.vue:
   cancel: "Cancel"
   upload: "Upload files from you PC"
-  users: "ユーザー"
-  add-user: "ユーザーを追加"
-  username: "ユーザー名"
+  users: "User"
+  add-user: "Add a user"
+  username: "Username"
   title: "Followers you know"
   loading: "Loading"
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ desktop/views/pages/user/user.profile.vue:
   muted: "Muting"
   unmute: "Unmute"
-  default: "投稿"
+  default: "Posts"
   with-replies: "投稿と返信"
   with-media: "メディア"
   empty: "このユーザーはまだ何も投稿していないようです。"
@@ -681,14 +681,14 @@ mobile/views/pages/settings/settings.profile.vue:
   name: "名前"
   location: "場所"
   description: "自己紹介"
-  birthday: "誕生日"
-  avatar: "アイコン"
-  banner: "バナー"
-  is-bot: "このアカウントはBotです"
-  save: "保存"
-  saved: "プロフィールを保存しました"
-  uploading: "アップロード中"
-  upload-failed: "アップロードに失敗しました"
+  birthday: "Birthday"
+  avatar: "Avatar"
+  banner: "Banner"
+  is-bot: "This account is a Bot"
+  save: "Update profile"
+  saved: "Profile updated successfully"
+  uploading: "Uploading"
+  upload-failed: "Upload failed"
   search: "Search"
   empty: "No posts were found for '{}'"
@@ -696,34 +696,34 @@ mobile/views/pages/selectdrive.vue:
   select-file: "Choose a file"
   signed-in-as: "Signed in as {}"
-  lang: "言語"
+  lang: "Language"
   lang-tip: "変更はページの再読み込み後に反映されます。"
-  recommended: "推奨"
-  auto: "自動"
-  specify-language: "言語を指定"
-  design: "デザインと表示"
-  dark-mode: "ダークモード"
-  circle-icons: "円形のアイコンを使用"
-  timeline: "タイムライン"
-  show-reply-target: "リプライ先を表示する"
-  show-my-renotes: "自分の行ったRenoteを表示する"
-  show-renoted-my-notes: "Renoteされた自分の投稿を表示する"
-  behavior: "動作"
-  fetch-on-scroll: "スクロールで自動読み込み"
-  disable-via-mobile: "「モバイルからの投稿」フラグを付けない"
+  recommended: "Recommended"
+  auto: "Auto"
+  specify-language: "Specify the language"
+  design: "Design and display"
+  dark-mode: "Dark Mode"
+  circle-icons: "Use circle icons"
+  timeline: "Timeline"
+  show-reply-target: "Show reply target"
+  show-my-renotes: "Show my renotes"
+  show-renoted-my-notes: "Show renoted my notes"
+  behavior: "Behavior"
+  fetch-on-scroll: "Fetch on scroll"
+  disable-via-mobile: "Without the \"mobile posts\" flag"
   twitter: "Twitter integration"
-  twitter-connect: "Twitterアカウントに接続する"
-  twitter-reconnect: "再接続する"
-  twitter-disconnect: "切断する"
+  twitter-connect: "Connect to your Twitter account"
+  twitter-reconnect: "Reconnect"
+  twitter-disconnect: "Disconnect"
   update: "Misskey Update"
-  version: "バージョン:"
-  latest-version: "最新のバージョン:"
-  update-checking: "アップデートを確認中"
-  check-for-updates: "アップデートを確認"
-  no-updates: "利用可能な更新はありません"
-  no-updates-desc: "お使いのMisskeyは最新です。"
-  update-available: "新しいバージョンが利用可能です"
-  update-available-desc: "ページを再度読み込みすると更新が適用されます。"
+  version: "Current version:"
+  latest-version: "Latest version:"
+  update-checking: "Checking for updates"
+  check-for-updates: "Check for update"
+  no-updates: "No updates available"
+  no-updates-desc: "Your Misskey is up to date."
+  update-available: "New version is available!"
+  update-available-desc: "To reload the page and updates are applied."
   settings: "Settings"
   signout: "Sign out"