From c5cfbd99d03c88038becfed9d99df5dbb175e154 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: syuilo <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 20:08:55 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] perf(server): improve nodeinfo performance

Resolve #9505
---                                  |  1 +
 .../src/server/NodeinfoServerService.ts       | 27 +++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 8ccb2cd94d..d2b5ffde3a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ You should also include the user name that made the change.
 - Server: improve note scoring for featured notes @CyberRex0
 - Server: アンケート選択肢の文字数制限を緩和 @syuilo
 - Server: improve stats api performance @syuilo
+- Server: improve nodeinfo performance @syuilo
 - Server: delete outdated notifications regularly to improve db performance @syuilo
 - Server: delete outdated hard-mutes regularly to improve db performance @syuilo
 - Server: delete outdated notes of antenna regularly to improve db performance @syuilo
diff --git a/packages/backend/src/server/NodeinfoServerService.ts b/packages/backend/src/server/NodeinfoServerService.ts
index 86d87872b2..c4236c8752 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/server/NodeinfoServerService.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/server/NodeinfoServerService.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import { MAX_NOTE_TEXT_LENGTH } from '@/const.js';
 import { Cache } from '@/misc/cache.js';
 import { UserEntityService } from '@/core/entities/UserEntityService.js';
 import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
+import NotesChart from '@/core/chart/charts/notes.js';
+import UsersChart from '@/core/chart/charts/users.js';
 import type { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions } from 'fastify';
 const nodeinfo2_1path = '/nodeinfo/2.1';
@@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ export class NodeinfoServerService {
 		private userEntityService: UserEntityService,
 		private metaService: MetaService,
+		private notesChart: NotesChart,
+		private usersChart: UsersChart,
 	) {
 		//this.createServer = this.createServer.bind(this);
@@ -46,20 +50,27 @@ export class NodeinfoServerService {
 	public createServer(fastify: FastifyInstance, options: FastifyPluginOptions, done: (err?: Error) => void) {
 		const nodeinfo2 = async () => {
 			const now =;
+			const notesChart = await this.notesChart.getChart('hour', 1, null);
+			const localPosts =[0];
+			const usersChart = await this.usersChart.getChart('hour', 1, null);
+			const total =[0];
 			const [
-				total,
-				activeHalfyear,
-				activeMonth,
-				localPosts,
+				//activeHalfyear,
+				//activeMonth,
 			] = await Promise.all([
-				this.usersRepository.count({ where: { host: IsNull() } }),
-				this.usersRepository.count({ where: { host: IsNull(), lastActiveDate: MoreThan(new Date(now - 15552000000)) } }),
-				this.usersRepository.count({ where: { host: IsNull(), lastActiveDate: MoreThan(new Date(now - 2592000000)) } }),
-				this.notesRepository.count({ where: { userHost: IsNull() } }),
+				// 重い
+				//this.usersRepository.count({ where: { host: IsNull(), lastActiveDate: MoreThan(new Date(now - 15552000000)) } }),
+				//this.usersRepository.count({ where: { host: IsNull(), lastActiveDate: MoreThan(new Date(now - 2592000000)) } }),
+			const activeHalfyear = null;
+			const activeMonth = null;
 			const proxyAccount = meta.proxyAccountId ? await this.userEntityService.pack(meta.proxyAccountId).catch(() => null) : null;
 			return {