diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
index 5ae21482a713a5b1d0c3c2317bed83984fade11f..ba46dfdc72bdf94b4fe784ce20c7c02718c50a3d 100644
--- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -1,13 +1,32 @@
-## Summary
+<!-- ℹ お読みください
+PRありがとうございます! PRを作成する前に、以下をご確認ください:
+fix / refactor / feat / enhance / perf / chore
+このPRによって解決されるIssueがある場合は、そのIssue IDを本文内に記入してください。
+<!-- ℹ README
+Thank you for your PR! Before creating a PR, please check the following:
+If possible, prefix the title with a keyword that identifies the type of this PR, as shown below.
+fix / refactor / feat / enhance / perf / chore
+Also, make sure that the granularity of this PR is appropriate. Please do not include more than one type of change or interest in a single PR.
+If there is an issue to be resolved by this PR, please include the Issue ID in the text.
+Please add the summary of the changes to CHANGELOG.md. However, this is not necessary for changes that do not affect the users, such as refactoring.
+If you have added a feature or fixed a bug, please add a test case if possible.
+Thanks for your cooperation 🤗
-  -
-  - * Please describe your changes here *
-  -
-  - If you are going to resolve some issue, please add this context.
-  - Resolve #ISSUE_NUMBER
-  -
-  - If you are going to fix some bug issue, please add this context.
-  -
-  -->
+# What
+<!-- このPRで何をしたのか? どう変わるのか? -->
+<!-- What did you do with this PR? How will it change things? -->
+# Why
+<!-- なぜそうするのか? どういう意図なのか? 何が困っているのか? -->
+<!-- Why do you do it? What are your intentions? What is the problem? -->
+# Additional info (optional)
+<!-- テスト観点など -->
+<!-- Test perspective, etc -->