import { isMfmBlock, MfmNode, TEXT } from '../node'; export function mergeText(nodes: (MfmNode | string)[]): MfmNode[] { const dest: MfmNode[] = []; const storedChars: string[] = []; /** * Generate a text node from the stored chars, And push it. */ function generateText() { if (storedChars.length > 0) { dest.push(TEXT(storedChars.join(''))); storedChars.length = 0; } } for (const node of nodes) { if (typeof node == 'string') { // Store the char. storedChars.push(node); } else if (node.type == 'text') { // Store the text. storedChars.push(node.props.text); } else { generateText(); dest.push(node); } } generateText(); return dest; } export function stringifyNode(node: MfmNode): string { switch(node.type) { // block case 'quote': { return stringifyTree(node.children).split('\n').map(line => `> ${line}`).join('\n'); } case 'search': { return node.props.content; } case 'blockCode': { return `\`\`\`${ node.props.lang ?? '' }\n${ node.props.code }\n\`\`\``; } case 'mathBlock': { return `\\[\n${ node.props.formula }\n\\]`; } case 'center': { return `<center>\n${ stringifyTree(node.children) }\n</center>`; } // inline case 'emojiCode': { return `:${ }:`; } case 'unicodeEmoji': { return node.props.emoji; } case 'bold': { return `**${ stringifyTree(node.children) }**`; } case 'small': { return `<small>${ stringifyTree(node.children) }</small>`; } case 'italic': { return `<i>${ stringifyTree(node.children) }</i>`; } case 'strike': { return `~~${ stringifyTree(node.children) }~~`; } case 'inlineCode': { return `\`${ node.props.code }\``; } case 'mathInline': { return `\\(${ node.props.formula }\\)`; } case 'mention': { return node.props.acct; } case 'hashtag': { return `#${ node.props.hashtag }`; } case 'url': { return node.props.url; } case 'link': { const prefix = node.props.silent ? '?' : ''; return `${ prefix }[${ stringifyTree(node.children) }](${ node.props.url })`; } case 'fn': { const argFields = Object.keys(node.props.args).map(key => { const value = node.props.args[key]; if (value === true) { return key; } else { return `${ key }=${ value }`; } }); const args = (argFields.length > 0) ? '.' + argFields.join(',') : ''; return `$[${ }${ args } ${ stringifyTree(node.children) }]`; } case 'text': { return node.props.text; } } throw new Error('unknown mfm node'); } enum stringifyState { none = 0, inline, block }; export function stringifyTree(nodes: MfmNode[]): string { let dest: MfmNode[] = []; let state: stringifyState = stringifyState.none; for (const node of nodes) { // 文脈に合わせて改行を追加する。 // none -> inline : No // none -> block : No // inline -> inline : No // inline -> block : Yes // block -> inline : Yes // block -> block : Yes let pushLf: boolean = true; if (isMfmBlock(node)) { if (state == stringifyState.none) { pushLf = false; } state = stringifyState.block; } else { if (state == stringifyState.none || state == stringifyState.inline) { pushLf = false; } state = stringifyState.inline; } if (pushLf) { dest.push(TEXT('\n')); } dest.push(node); } return => stringifyNode(n)).join(''); } export function inspectOne(node: MfmNode, action: (node: MfmNode) => void) { action(node); if (node.children != null) { for (const child of node.children) { inspectOne(child, action); } } } // // dynamic consuming // /* 1. If you want to consume 3 chars, call the setConsumeCount. ``` setConsumeCount(3); ``` 2. And the rule to consume the input is as below: ``` rule = (&{ return consumeDynamically(); } .)+ ``` */ let consumeCount = 0; /** * set the length of dynamic consuming. */ export function setConsumeCount(count: number) { consumeCount = count; } /** * consume the input and returns matching result. */ export function consumeDynamically() { const matched = (consumeCount > 0); if (matched) { consumeCount--; } return matched; }