diff --git a/.github/workflows/api-misskey-js.yml b/.github/workflows/api-misskey-js.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6411d63bd5d0c871f4928594e19eeba7cf6f0189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/api-misskey-js.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+name: API report (misskey.js)
+on: [push, pull_request]
+  report:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout
+        uses: actions/checkout@v3.3.0
+      - run: corepack enable
+      - name: Setup Node.js
+        uses: actions/setup-node@v3.6.0
+        with:
+          node-version: 18.x
+          cache: 'pnpm'
+      - name: Install dependencies
+        run: pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
+      - name: Build
+        run: pnpm --filter misskey-js build
+      - name: Check files
+        run: ls packages/misskey-js/built
+      - name: API report
+        run: pnpm --filter misskey-js api-prod
+      - name: Show report
+        if: always()
+        run: cat packages/misskey-js/temp/misskey-js.api.md
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint.yml b/.github/workflows/lint.yml
index d65076ebb288d26cae75f0d7f0950a32dc76cf35..1c6615e17f1a070f8af63a0487b2c5ed8e49e500 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/lint.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/lint.yml
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ jobs:
         - backend
         - frontend
         - sw
+        - misskey-js
     - uses: actions/checkout@v3.3.0
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ jobs:
         - backend
+        - misskey-js
     - uses: actions/checkout@v3.3.0
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-misskey-js.yml b/.github/workflows/test-misskey-js.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b15e704c7fa3ccb572477a1aef34041005cb9bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-misskey-js.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This workflow will do a clean install of node dependencies, build the source code and run tests across different versions of node
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-nodejs-with-github-actions
+name: Test (misskey.js)
+  push:
+    branches: [ develop ]
+  pull_request:
+    branches: [ develop ]
+  test:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        node-version: [18.x]
+        # See supported Node.js release schedule at https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout
+        uses: actions/checkout@v3.3.0
+      - run: corepack enable
+      - name: Setup Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
+        uses: actions/setup-node@v3.6.0
+        with:
+          node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
+          cache: 'pnpm'
+      - name: Install dependencies
+        run: pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
+      - name: Check pnpm-lock.yaml
+        run: git diff --exit-code pnpm-lock.yaml
+      - name: Build
+        run: pnpm --filter misskey-js build
+      - name: Test
+        run: pnpm --filter misskey-js test
+        env:
+          CI: true
+      - name: Upload Coverage
+        uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
+        with:
+          token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
+          files: ./packages/misskey-js/coverage/coverage-final.json
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c413cd4da9c924b65d7794a0b2f7641b75f39715..29420311b8ecd3c14f765ee7acdc4b65f636a057 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ api-docs.json
 # blender backups
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index fd0b5e1c9fc2b9192561929c84cbd788a6eacbf0..8db7400c9fa766bb21e6c294b025cc8f18e33ccc 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ COPY --link ["scripts", "./scripts"]
 COPY --link ["packages/backend/package.json", "./packages/backend/"]
 COPY --link ["packages/frontend/package.json", "./packages/frontend/"]
 COPY --link ["packages/sw/package.json", "./packages/sw/"]
+COPY --link ["packages/misskey-js/package.json", "./packages/misskey-js/"]
 RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.local/share/pnpm/store,sharing=locked \
 	pnpm i --frozen-lockfile --aggregate-output
diff --git a/packages/backend/package.json b/packages/backend/package.json
index 3f640c4a63bf2f7e67e19bf58df47a81270444b4..162acd9f805dd98f546b98487e4552169ca9bb98 100644
--- a/packages/backend/package.json
+++ b/packages/backend/package.json
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 		"jsrsasign": "10.6.1",
 		"mfm-js": "0.23.3",
 		"mime-types": "2.1.35",
-		"misskey-js": "0.0.15",
+		"misskey-js": "../misskey-js",
 		"ms": "3.0.0-canary.1",
 		"nested-property": "4.0.0",
 		"node-fetch": "3.3.0",
diff --git a/packages/frontend/package.json b/packages/frontend/package.json
index 54404c8c535cda9ea5a78ab6099b47d2f30f17ca..34024408d542497cde5d6efeef55b932bf68d13f 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/package.json
+++ b/packages/frontend/package.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 		"json5": "2.2.3",
 		"matter-js": "0.19.0",
 		"mfm-js": "0.23.3",
-		"misskey-js": "0.0.15",
+		"misskey-js": "../misskey-js",
 		"photoswipe": "5.3.6",
 		"prismjs": "1.29.0",
 		"punycode": "2.3.0",
diff --git a/packages/frontend/vite.config.ts b/packages/frontend/vite.config.ts
index a90ee552688d9858724d4b4a37a4c13d95010390..7e21b3d85003d9a316a27b5ce0f3c7b03a941632 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/vite.config.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/vite.config.ts
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@ export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
 			__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__: false,
+		// https://vitejs.dev/guide/dep-pre-bundling.html#monorepos-and-linked-dependencies
+		optimizeDeps: {
+			include: ['misskey-js'],
+		},
 		build: {
 			target: [
@@ -110,6 +115,11 @@ export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
 			emptyOutDir: false,
 			sourcemap: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
 			reportCompressedSize: false,
+			// https://vitejs.dev/guide/dep-pre-bundling.html#monorepos-and-linked-dependencies
+			commonjsOptions: {
+				include: [/misskey-js/, /node_modules/],
+			},
 		test: {
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/.eslintignore b/packages/misskey-js/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f22128f047fd7d41ba245801483111d0e5862b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/.eslintrc.js b/packages/misskey-js/.eslintrc.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..426894947b8b18dd12d12f18d20fc6126e45ba16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/.eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module.exports = {
+	root: true,
+	parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
+	parserOptions: {
+		tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
+		project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
+	},
+	plugins: [
+		'@typescript-eslint',
+	],
+	extends: [
+		'eslint:recommended',
+		'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
+	],
+	rules: {
+		'indent': ['error', 'tab', {
+			'SwitchCase': 1,
+			'MemberExpression': 'off',
+			'flatTernaryExpressions': true,
+			'ArrayExpression': 'first',
+			'ObjectExpression': 'first',
+		}],
+		'eol-last': ['error', 'always'],
+		'semi': ['error', 'always'],
+		'quotes': ['error', 'single'],
+		'comma-dangle': ['error', 'always-multiline'],
+		'keyword-spacing': ['error', {
+			'before': true,
+			'after': true,
+		}],
+		'key-spacing': ['error', {
+			'beforeColon': false,
+			'afterColon': true,
+		}],
+		'space-infix-ops': ['error'],
+		'space-before-blocks': ['error', 'always'],
+		'object-curly-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
+		'nonblock-statement-body-position': ['error', 'beside'],
+		'eqeqeq': ['error', 'always', { 'null': 'ignore' }],
+		'no-multiple-empty-lines': ['error', { 'max': 1 }],
+		'no-multi-spaces': ['error'],
+		'no-var': ['error'],
+		'prefer-arrow-callback': ['error'],
+		'no-throw-literal': ['error'],
+		'no-param-reassign': ['warn'],
+		'no-constant-condition': ['warn'],
+		'no-empty-pattern': ['warn'],
+		'@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition': ['error'],
+		'@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types': ['warn'],
+		'@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': ['warn'],
+		'@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': ['warn'],
+		'@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises': ['error', {
+			'checksVoidReturn': false,
+		}],
+		'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports': 'error',
+	},
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/CONTRIBUTING.md b/packages/misskey-js/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa759345b02bc063e4d799ea0cfb6f1f6301a34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Contribution guide
+**[✨ English version available](/docs/CONTRIBUTING.en.md)**
+## 実装をする前に
+## Issues
+- 重複を防ぐため、既に同様の内容のIssueが作成されていないか検索してから新しいIssueを作ってください。
+- Issueを質問に使わないでください。
+	- Issueは、要望、提案、問題の報告にのみ使用してください。
+	- 質問は、[Misskey Forum](https://forum.misskey.io/)や[Discord](https://discord.gg/Wp8gVStHW3)でお願いします。
+## PRの作成
+- 可能であればタイトルに、以下で示すようなPRの種類が分かるキーワードをプリフィクスしてください。
+  - fix / refactor / feat / enhance / perf / chore ç­‰
+  - また、PRの粒度が適切であることを確認してください。ひとつのPRに複数の種類の変更や関心を含めることは避けてください。
+- このPRによって解決されるIssueがある場合は、そのIssueへの参照を本文内に含めてください。
+- [`CHANGELOG.md`](/CHANGELOG.md)に変更点を追記してください。リファクタリングなど、利用者に影響を与えない変更についてはこの限りではありません。
+- この変更により新たに作成、もしくは更新すべきドキュメントがないか確認してください。
+- 機能追加やバグ修正をした場合は、可能であればテストケースを追加してください。
+- テスト、Lintが通っていることを予め確認してください。
+  - `npm run test`、`npm run lint`でぞれぞれ実施可能です
+- `npm run api`を実行してAPIレポートを更新し、差分がある場合はコミットしてください。
+  - APIレポートの詳細については[こちら](#api-extractor)
+## Tools
+### eslint
+### Jest
+ローカル環境でテストを実施するには、`npm run test`を実行してください。
+### tsd
+ローカル環境でテストを実施するには、`npm run test`を実行してください。
+### API Extractor
+このプロジェクトでは[API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/)を導入しています。API ExtractorはAPIレポートを生成する役割を持ちます。
+APIレポートはいわばAPIのスナップショットで、このライブラリが外部に公開(export)している各種関数や型の定義が含まれています。`npm run api`コマンドを実行すると、その時点でのレポートが[`/etc`ディレクトリ](/etc)に生成されるようになっています。
+PRを作る際は、`npm run api`コマンドを実行してAPIレポートを生成し、差分がある場合はコミットしてください。
+### Codecov
+## レビュイーの心得
+## レビュワーの心得
+- 直して欲しい点だけでなく、良い点も積極的にコメントしましょう。
+	- 貢献するモチベーションアップに繋がります。
+### レビュー観点
+- セキュリティ
+	- このPRをマージすることで、脆弱性を生まないか?
+- パフォーマンス
+	- このPRをマージすることで、予期せずパフォーマンスが悪化しないか?
+	- もっと効率的な方法は無いか?
+- テスト
+	- 期待する振る舞いがテストで担保されているか?
+	- 抜けやモレは無いか?
+	- 異常系のチェックは出来ているか?
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/LICENSE b/packages/misskey-js/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11c1f9ce22c95f243d991f4247a7d7c086dcec68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2021-2022 syuilo and other contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/README.md b/packages/misskey-js/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63d4b36c567c02c857cb28d5c8d45cf2167ced34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# misskey.js
+**Strongly-typed official Misskey SDK for browsers/Node.js.**
+- ユーザー認証
+- APIリクエスト
+- ストリーミング
+- ユーティリティ関数
+- Misskeyの各種型定義
+## Install
+npm i misskey-js
+# Usage
+``` ts
+import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
+便宜上、以後のコード例は上記のように`* as Misskey`としてインポートしている前提のものになります。
+``` ts
+import { api as misskeyApi } from 'misskey-js';
+## Authenticate
+## API request
+``` ts
+const cli = new Misskey.api.APIClient({
+	origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+	credential: 'TOKEN',
+const meta = await cli.request('meta', { detail: true });
+## Streaming
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main');
+mainChannel.on('notification', notification => {
+	console.log('notification received', notification);
+### チャンネルへの接続
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main');
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+const messagingChannel = stream.useChannel('messaging', {
+	otherparty: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
+### チャンネルから切断
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main');
+### メッセージの受信
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main');
+mainChannel.on('notification', notification => {
+	console.log('notification received', notification);
+### メッセージの送信
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+const messagingChannel = stream.useChannel('messaging', {
+	otherparty: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
+messagingChannel.send('read', {
+	id: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
+### コネクション確立イベント
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+stream.on('_connected_', () => {
+	console.log('connected');
+### コネクション切断イベント
+``` ts
+const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+stream.on('_disconnected_', () => {
+	console.log('disconnected');
+### コネクションの状態
+- `initializing`: 接続確立前
+- `connected`: 接続完了
+- `reconnecting`: 再接続中
+<div align="center">
+	<a href="https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/misskey-dev/assets/main/i-want-you.png" width="300"></a>
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/api-extractor.json b/packages/misskey-js/api-extractor.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a95281a6d559a8e54f617a45901be7a96e7e69fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/api-extractor.json
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * Config file for API Extractor.  For more info, please visit: https://api-extractor.com
+ */
+  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
+  /**
+   * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from.  This provides a way for
+   * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects.
+   *
+   * If the path starts with "./" or "../", the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains
+   * the "extends" field.  Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be
+   * resolved using NodeJS require().
+   *
+   */
+  // "extends": "./shared/api-extractor-base.json"
+  // "extends": "my-package/include/api-extractor-base.json"
+  /**
+   * Determines the "<projectFolder>" token that can be used with other config file settings.  The project folder
+   * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined.
+   *
+   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting.
+   *
+   * The default value for "projectFolder" is the token "<lookup>", which means the folder is determined by traversing
+   * parent folders, starting from the folder containing api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder
+   * that contains a tsconfig.json file.  If a tsconfig.json file cannot be found in this way, then an error
+   * will be reported.
+   *
+   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <lookup>
+   * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
+   */
+  // "projectFolder": "..",
+  /**
+   * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis.  API Extractor
+   * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.
+   *
+   * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts".
+   *
+   * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+   * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+   *
+   * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+   */
+  "mainEntryPointFilePath": "<projectFolder>/built/index.d.ts",
+  /**
+   * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.
+   *
+   * For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project "library1",
+   * and another NPM package "library2" is embedded in this bundle.  Some types from library2 may become part
+   * of the exported API for library1, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly
+   * imports library2.  To avoid this, we can specify:
+   *
+   *   "bundledPackages": [ "library2" ],
+   *
+   * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been
+   * local files for library1.
+   */
+  "bundledPackages": [],
+  /**
+   * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.
+   */
+  "compiler": {
+    /**
+     * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project.
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * Note: This setting will be ignored if "overrideTsconfig" is used.
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json"
+     */
+    // "tsconfigFilePath": "<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json",
+    /**
+     * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk.
+     * The object must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema:
+     *
+     * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig
+     *
+     * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will be read from the "projectFolder".
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: no overrideTsconfig section
+     */
+    // "overrideTsconfig": {
+    //   . . .
+    // }
+    /**
+     * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the --skipLibCheck option. This option is not recommended
+     * and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, but it may be required when
+     * dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine that API Extractor uses
+     * for its analysis.  Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than relying on skipLibCheck.
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
+     */
+    // "skipLibCheck": true,
+  },
+  /**
+   * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.
+   */
+  "apiReport": {
+    /**
+     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate an API report.
+     */
+    "enabled": true
+    /**
+     * The filename for the API report files.  It will be combined with "reportFolder" or "reportTempFolder" to produce
+     * a full file path.
+     *
+     * The file extension should be ".api.md", and the string should not contain a path separator such as "\" or "/".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md"
+     */
+    // "reportFileName": "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md",
+    /**
+     * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
+     * the "reportFileName" setting.
+     *
+     * The API report file is normally tracked by Git.  Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy,
+     * e.g. for an API review.
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/etc/"
+     */
+    // "reportFolder": "<projectFolder>/etc/",
+    /**
+     * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written.  The file name portion is determined by
+     * the "reportFileName" setting.
+     *
+     * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the "reportFolder".
+     * If they are different, a production build will fail.
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/"
+     */
+    // "reportTempFolder": "<projectFolder>/temp/"
+  },
+  /**
+   * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.
+   */
+  "docModel": {
+    /**
+     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate a doc model file.
+     */
+    "enabled": true
+    /**
+     * The output path for the doc model file.  The file extension should be ".api.json".
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
+     */
+    // "apiJsonFilePath": "<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
+  },
+  /**
+   * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.
+   */
+  "dtsRollup": {
+    /**
+     * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file.
+     */
+    "enabled": false
+    /**
+     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming.
+     * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point.
+     *
+     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts"
+     */
+    // "untrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts",
+    /**
+     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release.
+     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public" or "@beta".
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
+     */
+    // "betaTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-beta.d.ts",
+    /**
+     * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "public" release.
+     * This file will include only declarations that are marked as "@public".
+     *
+     * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: ""
+     */
+    // "publicTrimmedFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-public.d.ts",
+    /**
+     * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as
+     * "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember".  Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the
+     * declaration completely.
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: false
+     */
+    // "omitTrimmingComments": true
+  },
+  /**
+   * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.
+   */
+  "tsdocMetadata": {
+    /**
+     * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file.
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: true
+     */
+    // "enabled": true,
+    /**
+     * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written.
+     *
+     * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,
+     * prepend a folder token such as "<projectFolder>".
+     *
+     * The default value is "<lookup>", which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the "tsdocMetadata",
+     * "typings" or "main" fields of the project's package.json.  If none of these fields are set, the lookup
+     * falls back to "tsdoc-metadata.json" in the package folder.
+     *
+     * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: "<lookup>"
+     */
+    // "tsdocMetadataFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json"
+  },
+  /**
+   * Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files.  By default, the output files
+   * will be written with Windows-style newlines.  To use POSIX-style newlines, specify "lf" instead.
+   * To use the OS's default newline kind, specify "os".
+   *
+   * DEFAULT VALUE: "crlf"
+   */
+  // "newlineKind": "crlf",
+  /**
+   * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
+   *
+   * There are three sources of messages:  compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
+   */
+  "messages": {
+    /**
+     * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing
+     * the input .d.ts files.
+     *
+     * TypeScript message identifiers start with "TS" followed by an integer.  For example: "TS2551"
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
+     */
+    "compilerMessageReporting": {
+      /**
+       * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.
+       */
+      "default": {
+        /**
+         * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log.  Note that
+         * the "addToApiReportFile" property may supersede this option.
+         *
+         * Possible values: "error", "warning", "none"
+         *
+         * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code.  Warnings cause a production build fail
+         * and return a nonzero exit code.  For a non-production build (e.g. when "api-extractor run" includes
+         * the "--local" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.
+         *
+         * DEFAULT VALUE: "warning"
+         */
+        "logLevel": "warning"
+        /**
+         * When addToApiReportFile is true:  If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),
+         * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to
+         * the "logLevel" option.
+         *
+         * DEFAULT VALUE: false
+         */
+        // "addToApiReportFile": false
+      }
+      // "TS2551": {
+      //   "logLevel": "warning",
+      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
+      // },
+      //
+      // . . .
+    },
+    /**
+     * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.
+     *
+     * API Extractor message identifiers start with "ae-".  For example: "ae-extra-release-tag"
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings
+     */
+    "extractorMessageReporting": {
+      "default": {
+        "logLevel": "none"
+        // "addToApiReportFile": false
+      }
+      // "ae-extra-release-tag": {
+      //   "logLevel": "warning",
+      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
+      // },
+      //
+      // . . .
+    },
+    /**
+     * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.
+     *
+     * TSDoc message identifiers start with "tsdoc-".  For example: "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text"
+     *
+     * DEFAULT VALUE:  A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
+     */
+    "tsdocMessageReporting": {
+      "default": {
+        "logLevel": "warning"
+        // "addToApiReportFile": false
+      }
+      // "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text": {
+      //   "logLevel": "warning",
+      //   "addToApiReportFile": true
+      // },
+      //
+      // . . .
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/docs/CONTRIBUTING.en.md b/packages/misskey-js/docs/CONTRIBUTING.en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1db282e3565eba862aac2d93aa747cda7bab888d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/docs/CONTRIBUTING.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Contribution guide
+:v: Thanks for your contributions :v:
+**ℹ️ Important:** This project uses Japanese as its major language, **but you do not need to translate and write the Issues/PRs in Japanese.**
+Also, you might receive comments on your Issue/PR in Japanese, but you do not need to reply to them in Japanese as well.\
+The accuracy of translation into Japanese is not high, so it will be easier for us to understand if you write it in the original language.
+It will also allow the reader to use the translation tool of their preference if necessary.
+## Issues
+Before creating an issue, please check the following:
+- To avoid duplication, please search for similar issues before creating a new issue.
+- Do not use Issues as a question.
+	- Issues should only be used to feature requests, suggestions, and report problems.
+	- Please ask questions in the [Misskey Forum](https://forum.misskey.io/) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/Wp8gVStHW3).
+## Creating a PR
+Thank you for your PR! Before creating a PR, please check the following:
+- If possible, prefix the title with a keyword that identifies the type of this PR, as shown below.
+  - fix / refactor / feat / enhance / perf / chore etc.
+  - Also, make sure that the granularity of this PR is appropriate. Please do not include more than one type of change or interest in a single PR.
+- If there is an Issue which will be resolved by this PR, please include a reference to the Issue in the text.
+- Please add the summary of the changes to [`CHANGELOG.md`](/CHANGELOG.md). However, this is not necessary for changes that do not affect the users, such as refactoring.
+- Check if there are any documents that need to be created or updated due to this change.
+- If you have added a feature or fixed a bug, please add a test case if possible.
+- Please make sure that tests and Lint are passed in advance.
+  - You can run it with `npm run test` and `npm run lint`.
+- Run `npm run api` to update the API report and commit it if there are any diffs.
+Thanks for your cooperation 🤗
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/etc/misskey-js.api.md b/packages/misskey-js/etc/misskey-js.api.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e57484be6b806e1b1ae9aeb82bba63d7650ec55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/etc/misskey-js.api.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2722 @@
+## API Report File for "misskey-js"
+> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
+import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type Acct = {
+    username: string;
+    host: string | null;
+// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "TODO_2" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Ad = TODO_2;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Announcement = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    updatedAt: DateString | null;
+    text: string;
+    title: string;
+    imageUrl: string | null;
+    isRead?: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Antenna = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    name: string;
+    keywords: string[][];
+    excludeKeywords: string[][];
+    src: 'home' | 'all' | 'users' | 'list' | 'group';
+    userListId: ID | null;
+    userGroupId: ID | null;
+    users: string[];
+    caseSensitive: boolean;
+    notify: boolean;
+    withReplies: boolean;
+    withFile: boolean;
+    hasUnreadNote: boolean;
+declare namespace api {
+    export {
+        isAPIError,
+        APIError,
+        FetchLike,
+        APIClient
+    }
+export { api }
+// @public (undocumented)
+class APIClient {
+    constructor(opts: {
+        origin: APIClient['origin'];
+        credential?: APIClient['credential'];
+        fetch?: APIClient['fetch'] | null | undefined;
+    });
+    // (undocumented)
+    credential: string | null | undefined;
+    // (undocumented)
+    fetch: FetchLike;
+    // (undocumented)
+    origin: string;
+    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IsCaseMatched" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "GetCaseResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+    //
+    // (undocumented)
+    request<E extends keyof Endpoints, P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(endpoint: E, params?: P, credential?: string | null | undefined): Promise<Endpoints[E]['res'] extends {
+        $switch: {
+            $cases: [any, any][];
+            $default: any;
+        };
+    } ? IsCaseMatched<E, P, 0> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 0> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 1> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 1> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 2> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 2> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 3> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 3> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 4> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 4> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 5> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 5> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 6> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 6> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 7> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 7> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 8> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 8> : IsCaseMatched<E, P, 9> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 9> : Endpoints[E]['res']['$switch']['$default'] : Endpoints[E]['res']>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type APIError = {
+    id: string;
+    code: string;
+    message: string;
+    kind: 'client' | 'server';
+    info: Record<string, any>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type App = TODO_2;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type AuthSession = {
+    id: ID;
+    app: App;
+    token: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Blocking = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    blockeeId: User['id'];
+    blockee: UserDetailed;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Channel = {
+    id: ID;
+// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "AnyOf" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// @public (undocumented)
+export abstract class ChannelConnection<Channel extends AnyOf<Channels> = any> extends EventEmitter<Channel['events']> {
+    constructor(stream: Stream, channel: string, name?: string);
+    // (undocumented)
+    channel: string;
+    // (undocumented)
+    abstract dispose(): void;
+    // (undocumented)
+    abstract id: string;
+    // (undocumented)
+    inCount: number;
+    // (undocumented)
+    name?: string;
+    // (undocumented)
+    outCount: number;
+    // (undocumented)
+    send<T extends keyof Channel['receives']>(type: T, body: Channel['receives'][T]): void;
+    // (undocumented)
+    protected stream: Stream;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type Channels = {
+    main: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            notification: (payload: Notification_2) => void;
+            mention: (payload: Note) => void;
+            reply: (payload: Note) => void;
+            renote: (payload: Note) => void;
+            follow: (payload: User) => void;
+            followed: (payload: User) => void;
+            unfollow: (payload: User) => void;
+            meUpdated: (payload: MeDetailed) => void;
+            pageEvent: (payload: PageEvent) => void;
+            urlUploadFinished: (payload: {
+                marker: string;
+                file: DriveFile;
+            }) => void;
+            readAllNotifications: () => void;
+            unreadNotification: (payload: Notification_2) => void;
+            unreadMention: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
+            readAllUnreadMentions: () => void;
+            unreadSpecifiedNote: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
+            readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes: () => void;
+            readAllMessagingMessages: () => void;
+            messagingMessage: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
+            unreadMessagingMessage: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
+            readAllAntennas: () => void;
+            unreadAntenna: (payload: Antenna) => void;
+            readAllAnnouncements: () => void;
+            readAllChannels: () => void;
+            unreadChannel: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
+            myTokenRegenerated: () => void;
+            reversiNoInvites: () => void;
+            reversiInvited: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+            signin: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+            registryUpdated: (payload: {
+                scope?: string[];
+                key: string;
+                value: any | null;
+            }) => void;
+            driveFileCreated: (payload: DriveFile) => void;
+            readAntenna: (payload: Antenna) => void;
+        };
+        receives: null;
+    };
+    homeTimeline: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            note: (payload: Note) => void;
+        };
+        receives: null;
+    };
+    localTimeline: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            note: (payload: Note) => void;
+        };
+        receives: null;
+    };
+    hybridTimeline: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            note: (payload: Note) => void;
+        };
+        receives: null;
+    };
+    globalTimeline: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            note: (payload: Note) => void;
+        };
+        receives: null;
+    };
+    messaging: {
+        params: {
+            otherparty?: User['id'] | null;
+            group?: UserGroup['id'] | null;
+        };
+        events: {
+            message: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
+            deleted: (payload: MessagingMessage['id']) => void;
+            read: (payload: MessagingMessage['id'][]) => void;
+            typers: (payload: User[]) => void;
+        };
+        receives: {
+            read: {
+                id: MessagingMessage['id'];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    serverStats: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            stats: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+        };
+        receives: {
+            requestLog: {
+                id: string | number;
+                length: number;
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    queueStats: {
+        params: null;
+        events: {
+            stats: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+        };
+        receives: {
+            requestLog: {
+                id: string | number;
+                length: number;
+            };
+        };
+    };
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Clip = TODO_2;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type CustomEmoji = {
+    id: string;
+    name: string;
+    url: string;
+    category: string;
+    aliases: string[];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type DateString = string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type DetailedInstanceMetadata = LiteInstanceMetadata & {
+    pinnedPages: string[];
+    pinnedClipId: string | null;
+    cacheRemoteFiles: boolean;
+    requireSetup: boolean;
+    proxyAccountName: string | null;
+    features: Record<string, any>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type DriveFile = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    isSensitive: boolean;
+    name: string;
+    thumbnailUrl: string;
+    url: string;
+    type: string;
+    size: number;
+    md5: string;
+    blurhash: string;
+    comment: string | null;
+    properties: Record<string, any>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type DriveFolder = TODO_2;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export type Endpoints = {
+    'admin/abuse-user-reports': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/delete-all-files-of-a-user': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'admin/delete-logs': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'admin/get-index-stats': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/get-table-stats': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/invite': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/logs': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/reset-password': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/resolve-abuse-user-report': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/resync-chart': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/send-email': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/server-info': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/show-moderation-logs': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/show-user': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/show-users': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/silence-user': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/suspend-user': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/unsilence-user': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/unsuspend-user': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/update-meta': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/vacuum': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/accounts/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/ad/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/ad/delete': {
+        req: {
+            id: Ad['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'admin/ad/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/ad/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/announcements/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/announcements/delete': {
+        req: {
+            id: Announcement['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'admin/announcements/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/announcements/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/drive/clean-remote-files': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/drive/cleanup': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/drive/files': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/drive/show-file': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/emoji/add': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/emoji/copy': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/emoji/list-remote': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/emoji/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/emoji/remove': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/emoji/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/federation/delete-all-files': {
+        req: {
+            host: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'admin/federation/refresh-remote-instance-metadata': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/federation/remove-all-following': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/federation/update-instance': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/moderators/add': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/moderators/remove': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/promo/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/queue/clear': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/queue/deliver-delayed': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/queue/inbox-delayed': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/queue/jobs': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/queue/stats': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/relays/add': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/relays/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'admin/relays/remove': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'announcements': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            withUnreads?: boolean;
+            sinceId?: Announcement['id'];
+            untilId?: Announcement['id'];
+        };
+        res: Announcement[];
+    };
+    'antennas/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: Antenna;
+    };
+    'antennas/delete': {
+        req: {
+            antennaId: Antenna['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'antennas/list': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: Antenna[];
+    };
+    'antennas/notes': {
+        req: {
+            antennaId: Antenna['id'];
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'antennas/show': {
+        req: {
+            antennaId: Antenna['id'];
+        };
+        res: Antenna;
+    };
+    'antennas/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: Antenna;
+    };
+    'ap/get': {
+        req: {
+            uri: string;
+        };
+        res: Record<string, any>;
+    };
+    'ap/show': {
+        req: {
+            uri: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            type: 'Note';
+            object: Note;
+        } | {
+            type: 'User';
+            object: UserDetailed;
+        };
+    };
+    'app/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: App;
+    };
+    'app/show': {
+        req: {
+            appId: App['id'];
+        };
+        res: App;
+    };
+    'auth/accept': {
+        req: {
+            token: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'auth/session/generate': {
+        req: {
+            appSecret: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            token: string;
+            url: string;
+        };
+    };
+    'auth/session/show': {
+        req: {
+            token: string;
+        };
+        res: AuthSession;
+    };
+    'auth/session/userkey': {
+        req: {
+            appSecret: string;
+            token: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            accessToken: string;
+            user: User;
+        };
+    };
+    'blocking/create': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: UserDetailed;
+    };
+    'blocking/delete': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: UserDetailed;
+    };
+    'blocking/list': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Blocking['id'];
+            untilId?: Blocking['id'];
+        };
+        res: Blocking[];
+    };
+    'channels/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/featured': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/follow': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/followed': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/owned': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/pin-note': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/show': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/timeline': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/unfollow': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'channels/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'charts/active-users': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: {
+            local: {
+                users: number[];
+            };
+            remote: {
+                users: number[];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/drive': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: {
+            local: {
+                decCount: number[];
+                decSize: number[];
+                incCount: number[];
+                incSize: number[];
+                totalCount: number[];
+                totalSize: number[];
+            };
+            remote: {
+                decCount: number[];
+                decSize: number[];
+                incCount: number[];
+                incSize: number[];
+                totalCount: number[];
+                totalSize: number[];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/federation': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: {
+            instance: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/hashtag': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'charts/instance': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+            host: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            drive: {
+                decFiles: number[];
+                decUsage: number[];
+                incFiles: number[];
+                incUsage: number[];
+                totalFiles: number[];
+                totalUsage: number[];
+            };
+            followers: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+            };
+            following: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+            };
+            notes: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+                diffs: {
+                    normal: number[];
+                    renote: number[];
+                    reply: number[];
+                };
+            };
+            requests: {
+                failed: number[];
+                received: number[];
+                succeeded: number[];
+            };
+            users: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/network': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'charts/notes': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: {
+            local: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+                diffs: {
+                    normal: number[];
+                    renote: number[];
+                    reply: number[];
+                };
+            };
+            remote: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+                diffs: {
+                    normal: number[];
+                    renote: number[];
+                    reply: number[];
+                };
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/user/drive': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: {
+            decCount: number[];
+            decSize: number[];
+            incCount: number[];
+            incSize: number[];
+            totalCount: number[];
+            totalSize: number[];
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/user/following': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'charts/user/notes': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: {
+            dec: number[];
+            inc: number[];
+            total: number[];
+            diffs: {
+                normal: number[];
+                renote: number[];
+                reply: number[];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'charts/user/reactions': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'charts/users': {
+        req: {
+            span: 'day' | 'hour';
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number | null;
+        };
+        res: {
+            local: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+            };
+            remote: {
+                dec: number[];
+                inc: number[];
+                total: number[];
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'clips/add-note': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'clips/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'clips/delete': {
+        req: {
+            clipId: Clip['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'clips/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'clips/notes': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'clips/show': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'clips/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'drive': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: {
+            capacity: number;
+            usage: number;
+        };
+    };
+    'drive/files': {
+        req: {
+            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+            type?: DriveFile['type'] | null;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: DriveFile['id'];
+            untilId?: DriveFile['id'];
+        };
+        res: DriveFile[];
+    };
+    'drive/files/attached-notes': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'drive/files/check-existence': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'drive/files/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'drive/files/delete': {
+        req: {
+            fileId: DriveFile['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'drive/files/find-by-hash': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'drive/files/find': {
+        req: {
+            name: string;
+            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+        };
+        res: DriveFile[];
+    };
+    'drive/files/show': {
+        req: {
+            fileId?: DriveFile['id'];
+            url?: string;
+        };
+        res: DriveFile;
+    };
+    'drive/files/update': {
+        req: {
+            fileId: DriveFile['id'];
+            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+            name?: string;
+            isSensitive?: boolean;
+            comment?: string | null;
+        };
+        res: DriveFile;
+    };
+    'drive/files/upload-from-url': {
+        req: {
+            url: string;
+            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+            isSensitive?: boolean;
+            comment?: string | null;
+            marker?: string | null;
+            force?: boolean;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'drive/folders': {
+        req: {
+            folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: DriveFile['id'];
+            untilId?: DriveFile['id'];
+        };
+        res: DriveFolder[];
+    };
+    'drive/folders/create': {
+        req: {
+            name?: string;
+            parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+        };
+        res: DriveFolder;
+    };
+    'drive/folders/delete': {
+        req: {
+            folderId: DriveFolder['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'drive/folders/find': {
+        req: {
+            name: string;
+            parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+        };
+        res: DriveFolder[];
+    };
+    'drive/folders/show': {
+        req: {
+            folderId: DriveFolder['id'];
+        };
+        res: DriveFolder;
+    };
+    'drive/folders/update': {
+        req: {
+            folderId: DriveFolder['id'];
+            name?: string;
+            parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null;
+        };
+        res: DriveFolder;
+    };
+    'drive/stream': {
+        req: {
+            type?: DriveFile['type'] | null;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: DriveFile['id'];
+            untilId?: DriveFile['id'];
+        };
+        res: DriveFile[];
+    };
+    'endpoint': {
+        req: {
+            endpoint: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            params: {
+                name: string;
+                type: string;
+            }[];
+        };
+    };
+    'endpoints': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: string[];
+    };
+    'federation/dns': {
+        req: {
+            host: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            a: string[];
+            aaaa: string[];
+            cname: string[];
+            txt: string[];
+        };
+    };
+    'federation/followers': {
+        req: {
+            host: string;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Following['id'];
+            untilId?: Following['id'];
+        };
+        res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[];
+    };
+    'federation/following': {
+        req: {
+            host: string;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Following['id'];
+            untilId?: Following['id'];
+        };
+        res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[];
+    };
+    'federation/instances': {
+        req: {
+            host?: string | null;
+            blocked?: boolean | null;
+            notResponding?: boolean | null;
+            suspended?: boolean | null;
+            federating?: boolean | null;
+            subscribing?: boolean | null;
+            publishing?: boolean | null;
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number;
+            sort?: '+pubSub' | '-pubSub' | '+notes' | '-notes' | '+users' | '-users' | '+following' | '-following' | '+followers' | '-followers' | '+caughtAt' | '-caughtAt' | '+lastCommunicatedAt' | '-lastCommunicatedAt' | '+driveUsage' | '-driveUsage' | '+driveFiles' | '-driveFiles';
+        };
+        res: Instance[];
+    };
+    'federation/show-instance': {
+        req: {
+            host: string;
+        };
+        res: Instance;
+    };
+    'federation/update-remote-user': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'federation/users': {
+        req: {
+            host: string;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: User['id'];
+            untilId?: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: UserDetailed[];
+    };
+    'following/create': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: User;
+    };
+    'following/delete': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: User;
+    };
+    'following/requests/accept': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'following/requests/cancel': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: User;
+    };
+    'following/requests/list': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: FollowRequest[];
+    };
+    'following/requests/reject': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'gallery/featured': {
+        req: null;
+        res: GalleryPost[];
+    };
+    'gallery/popular': {
+        req: null;
+        res: GalleryPost[];
+    };
+    'gallery/posts': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: GalleryPost['id'];
+            untilId?: GalleryPost['id'];
+        };
+        res: GalleryPost[];
+    };
+    'gallery/posts/create': {
+        req: {
+            title: GalleryPost['title'];
+            description?: GalleryPost['description'];
+            fileIds: GalleryPost['fileIds'];
+            isSensitive?: GalleryPost['isSensitive'];
+        };
+        res: GalleryPost;
+    };
+    'gallery/posts/delete': {
+        req: {
+            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'gallery/posts/like': {
+        req: {
+            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'gallery/posts/show': {
+        req: {
+            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
+        };
+        res: GalleryPost;
+    };
+    'gallery/posts/unlike': {
+        req: {
+            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'gallery/posts/update': {
+        req: {
+            postId: GalleryPost['id'];
+            title: GalleryPost['title'];
+            description?: GalleryPost['description'];
+            fileIds: GalleryPost['fileIds'];
+            isSensitive?: GalleryPost['isSensitive'];
+        };
+        res: GalleryPost;
+    };
+    'games/reversi/games': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'games/reversi/games/show': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'games/reversi/games/surrender': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'games/reversi/invitations': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'games/reversi/match': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'games/reversi/match/cancel': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'get-online-users-count': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: {
+            count: number;
+        };
+    };
+    'hashtags/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'hashtags/search': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'hashtags/show': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'hashtags/trend': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'hashtags/users': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: User;
+    };
+    'i/apps': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/authorized-apps': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/change-password': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/delete-account': {
+        req: {
+            password: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'i/export-blocking': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/export-following': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/export-mute': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/export-notes': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/export-user-lists': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/favorites': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: NoteFavorite['id'];
+            untilId?: NoteFavorite['id'];
+        };
+        res: NoteFavorite[];
+    };
+    'i/gallery/likes': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/gallery/posts': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/get-word-muted-notes-count': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/import-following': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/import-user-lists': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/notifications': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Notification_2['id'];
+            untilId?: Notification_2['id'];
+            following?: boolean;
+            markAsRead?: boolean;
+            includeTypes?: Notification_2['type'][];
+            excludeTypes?: Notification_2['type'][];
+        };
+        res: Notification_2[];
+    };
+    'i/page-likes': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/pages': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/pin': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: MeDetailed;
+    };
+    'i/read-all-messaging-messages': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/read-all-unread-notes': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/read-announcement': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/regenerate-token': {
+        req: {
+            password: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'i/registry/get-all': {
+        req: {
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: Record<string, any>;
+    };
+    'i/registry/get-detail': {
+        req: {
+            key: string;
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: {
+            updatedAt: DateString;
+            value: any;
+        };
+    };
+    'i/registry/get': {
+        req: {
+            key: string;
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: any;
+    };
+    'i/registry/keys-with-type': {
+        req: {
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: Record<string, 'null' | 'array' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'object'>;
+    };
+    'i/registry/keys': {
+        req: {
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: string[];
+    };
+    'i/registry/remove': {
+        req: {
+            key: string;
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'i/registry/scopes': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: string[][];
+    };
+    'i/registry/set': {
+        req: {
+            key: string;
+            value: any;
+            scope?: string[];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'i/revoke-token': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/signin-history': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Signin['id'];
+            untilId?: Signin['id'];
+        };
+        res: Signin[];
+    };
+    'i/unpin': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: MeDetailed;
+    };
+    'i/update-email': {
+        req: {
+            password: string;
+            email?: string | null;
+        };
+        res: MeDetailed;
+    };
+    'i/update': {
+        req: {
+            name?: string | null;
+            description?: string | null;
+            lang?: string | null;
+            location?: string | null;
+            birthday?: string | null;
+            avatarId?: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+            bannerId?: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+            fields?: {
+                name: string;
+                value: string;
+            }[];
+            isLocked?: boolean;
+            isExplorable?: boolean;
+            hideOnlineStatus?: boolean;
+            carefulBot?: boolean;
+            autoAcceptFollowed?: boolean;
+            noCrawle?: boolean;
+            isBot?: boolean;
+            isCat?: boolean;
+            injectFeaturedNote?: boolean;
+            receiveAnnouncementEmail?: boolean;
+            alwaysMarkNsfw?: boolean;
+            mutedWords?: string[][];
+            mutingNotificationTypes?: Notification_2['type'][];
+            emailNotificationTypes?: string[];
+        };
+        res: MeDetailed;
+    };
+    'i/user-group-invites': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/done': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/key-done': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/password-less': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/register-key': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/register': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/remove-key': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'i/2fa/unregister': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'messaging/history': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            group?: boolean;
+        };
+        res: MessagingMessage[];
+    };
+    'messaging/messages': {
+        req: {
+            userId?: User['id'];
+            groupId?: UserGroup['id'];
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: MessagingMessage['id'];
+            untilId?: MessagingMessage['id'];
+            markAsRead?: boolean;
+        };
+        res: MessagingMessage[];
+    };
+    'messaging/messages/create': {
+        req: {
+            userId?: User['id'];
+            groupId?: UserGroup['id'];
+            text?: string;
+            fileId?: DriveFile['id'];
+        };
+        res: MessagingMessage;
+    };
+    'messaging/messages/delete': {
+        req: {
+            messageId: MessagingMessage['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'messaging/messages/read': {
+        req: {
+            messageId: MessagingMessage['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'meta': {
+        req: {
+            detail?: boolean;
+        };
+        res: {
+            $switch: {
+                $cases: [
+                [
+                    {
+                    detail: true;
+                },
+                DetailedInstanceMetadata
+                ],
+                [
+                    {
+                    detail: false;
+                },
+                LiteInstanceMetadata
+                ],
+                [
+                    {
+                    detail: boolean;
+                },
+                LiteInstanceMetadata | DetailedInstanceMetadata
+                ]
+                ];
+                $default: LiteInstanceMetadata;
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'miauth/gen-token': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'mute/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'mute/delete': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'mute/list': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'my/apps': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/children': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/clips': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/conversation': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/create': {
+        req: {
+            visibility?: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';
+            visibleUserIds?: User['id'][];
+            text?: null | string;
+            cw?: null | string;
+            viaMobile?: boolean;
+            localOnly?: boolean;
+            fileIds?: DriveFile['id'][];
+            replyId?: null | Note['id'];
+            renoteId?: null | Note['id'];
+            channelId?: null | Channel['id'];
+            poll?: null | {
+                choices: string[];
+                multiple?: boolean;
+                expiresAt?: null | number;
+                expiredAfter?: null | number;
+            };
+        };
+        res: {
+            createdNote: Note;
+        };
+    };
+    'notes/delete': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/favorites/create': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/favorites/delete': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/featured': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/global-timeline': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            sinceDate?: number;
+            untilDate?: number;
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/hybrid-timeline': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            sinceDate?: number;
+            untilDate?: number;
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/local-timeline': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            sinceDate?: number;
+            untilDate?: number;
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/mentions': {
+        req: {
+            following?: boolean;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/polls/recommendation': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/polls/vote': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+            choice: number;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/reactions': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+            type?: string | null;
+            limit?: number;
+        };
+        res: NoteReaction[];
+    };
+    'notes/reactions/create': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+            reaction: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/reactions/delete': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/renotes': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/replies': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/search-by-tag': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/search': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/show': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: Note;
+    };
+    'notes/state': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/timeline': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            sinceDate?: number;
+            untilDate?: number;
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/unrenote': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notes/user-list-timeline': {
+        req: {
+            listId: UserList['id'];
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            sinceDate?: number;
+            untilDate?: number;
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'notes/watching/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'notes/watching/delete': {
+        req: {
+            noteId: Note['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notifications/create': {
+        req: {
+            body: string;
+            header?: string | null;
+            icon?: string | null;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notifications/mark-all-as-read': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'notifications/read': {
+        req: {
+            notificationId: Notification_2['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'page-push': {
+        req: {
+            pageId: Page['id'];
+            event: string;
+            var?: any;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'pages/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: Page;
+    };
+    'pages/delete': {
+        req: {
+            pageId: Page['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'pages/featured': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: Page[];
+    };
+    'pages/like': {
+        req: {
+            pageId: Page['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'pages/show': {
+        req: {
+            pageId?: Page['id'];
+            name?: string;
+            username?: string;
+        };
+        res: Page;
+    };
+    'pages/unlike': {
+        req: {
+            pageId: Page['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'pages/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'ping': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: {
+            pong: number;
+        };
+    };
+    'pinned-users': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'promo/read': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'request-reset-password': {
+        req: {
+            username: string;
+            email: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'reset-password': {
+        req: {
+            token: string;
+            password: string;
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'room/show': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'room/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'stats': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: Stats;
+    };
+    'server-info': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: ServerInfo;
+    };
+    'sw/register': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'username/available': {
+        req: {
+            username: string;
+        };
+        res: {
+            available: boolean;
+        };
+    };
+    'users': {
+        req: {
+            limit?: number;
+            offset?: number;
+            sort?: UserSorting;
+            origin?: OriginType;
+        };
+        res: User[];
+    };
+    'users/clips': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/followers': {
+        req: {
+            userId?: User['id'];
+            username?: User['username'];
+            host?: User['host'] | null;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Following['id'];
+            untilId?: Following['id'];
+        };
+        res: FollowingFollowerPopulated[];
+    };
+    'users/following': {
+        req: {
+            userId?: User['id'];
+            username?: User['username'];
+            host?: User['host'] | null;
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Following['id'];
+            untilId?: Following['id'];
+        };
+        res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[];
+    };
+    'users/gallery/posts': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/get-frequently-replied-users': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/create': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/delete': {
+        req: {
+            groupId: UserGroup['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'users/groups/invitations/accept': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/invitations/reject': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/invite': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/joined': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/owned': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/pull': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/show': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/transfer': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/groups/update': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/lists/create': {
+        req: {
+            name: string;
+        };
+        res: UserList;
+    };
+    'users/lists/delete': {
+        req: {
+            listId: UserList['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'users/lists/list': {
+        req: NoParams;
+        res: UserList[];
+    };
+    'users/lists/pull': {
+        req: {
+            listId: UserList['id'];
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'users/lists/push': {
+        req: {
+            listId: UserList['id'];
+            userId: User['id'];
+        };
+        res: null;
+    };
+    'users/lists/show': {
+        req: {
+            listId: UserList['id'];
+        };
+        res: UserList;
+    };
+    'users/lists/update': {
+        req: {
+            listId: UserList['id'];
+            name: string;
+        };
+        res: UserList;
+    };
+    'users/notes': {
+        req: {
+            userId: User['id'];
+            limit?: number;
+            sinceId?: Note['id'];
+            untilId?: Note['id'];
+            sinceDate?: number;
+            untilDate?: number;
+        };
+        res: Note[];
+    };
+    'users/pages': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/recommendation': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/relation': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/report-abuse': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/search-by-username-and-host': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/search': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+    'users/show': {
+        req: ShowUserReq | {
+            userIds: User['id'][];
+        };
+        res: {
+            $switch: {
+                $cases: [
+                [
+                    {
+                    userIds: User['id'][];
+                },
+                UserDetailed[]
+                ]
+                ];
+                $default: UserDetailed;
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    'users/stats': {
+        req: TODO;
+        res: TODO;
+    };
+declare namespace entities {
+    export {
+        ID,
+        DateString,
+        User,
+        UserLite,
+        UserDetailed,
+        UserGroup,
+        UserList,
+        MeDetailed,
+        DriveFile,
+        DriveFolder,
+        GalleryPost,
+        Note,
+        NoteReaction,
+        Notification_2 as Notification,
+        MessagingMessage,
+        CustomEmoji,
+        LiteInstanceMetadata,
+        DetailedInstanceMetadata,
+        InstanceMetadata,
+        ServerInfo,
+        Stats,
+        Page,
+        PageEvent,
+        Announcement,
+        Antenna,
+        App,
+        AuthSession,
+        Ad,
+        Clip,
+        NoteFavorite,
+        FollowRequest,
+        Channel,
+        Following,
+        FollowingFolloweePopulated,
+        FollowingFollowerPopulated,
+        Blocking,
+        Instance,
+        Signin,
+        UserSorting,
+        OriginType
+    }
+export { entities }
+// @public (undocumented)
+type FetchLike = (input: string, init?: {
+    method?: string;
+    body?: string;
+    credentials?: RequestCredentials;
+    cache?: RequestCache;
+    headers: {
+        [key in string]: string;
+    };
+}) => Promise<{
+    status: number;
+    json(): Promise<any>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export const ffVisibility: readonly ["public", "followers", "private"];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Following = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    followerId: User['id'];
+    followeeId: User['id'];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type FollowingFolloweePopulated = Following & {
+    followee: UserDetailed;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type FollowingFollowerPopulated = Following & {
+    follower: UserDetailed;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type FollowRequest = {
+    id: ID;
+    follower: User;
+    followee: User;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type GalleryPost = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    updatedAt: DateString;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    user: User;
+    title: string;
+    description: string | null;
+    fileIds: DriveFile['id'][];
+    files: DriveFile[];
+    isSensitive: boolean;
+    likedCount: number;
+    isLiked?: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type ID = string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Instance = {
+    id: ID;
+    caughtAt: DateString;
+    host: string;
+    usersCount: number;
+    notesCount: number;
+    followingCount: number;
+    followersCount: number;
+    driveUsage: number;
+    driveFiles: number;
+    latestRequestSentAt: DateString | null;
+    latestStatus: number | null;
+    latestRequestReceivedAt: DateString | null;
+    lastCommunicatedAt: DateString;
+    isNotResponding: boolean;
+    isSuspended: boolean;
+    softwareName: string | null;
+    softwareVersion: string | null;
+    openRegistrations: boolean | null;
+    name: string | null;
+    description: string | null;
+    maintainerName: string | null;
+    maintainerEmail: string | null;
+    iconUrl: string | null;
+    faviconUrl: string | null;
+    themeColor: string | null;
+    infoUpdatedAt: DateString | null;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type InstanceMetadata = LiteInstanceMetadata | DetailedInstanceMetadata;
+// @public (undocumented)
+function isAPIError(reason: any): reason is APIError;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type LiteInstanceMetadata = {
+    maintainerName: string | null;
+    maintainerEmail: string | null;
+    version: string;
+    name: string | null;
+    uri: string;
+    description: string | null;
+    langs: string[];
+    tosUrl: string | null;
+    repositoryUrl: string;
+    feedbackUrl: string;
+    disableRegistration: boolean;
+    disableLocalTimeline: boolean;
+    disableGlobalTimeline: boolean;
+    driveCapacityPerLocalUserMb: number;
+    driveCapacityPerRemoteUserMb: number;
+    emailRequiredForSignup: boolean;
+    enableHcaptcha: boolean;
+    hcaptchaSiteKey: string | null;
+    enableRecaptcha: boolean;
+    recaptchaSiteKey: string | null;
+    enableTurnstile: boolean;
+    turnstileSiteKey: string | null;
+    swPublickey: string | null;
+    themeColor: string | null;
+    mascotImageUrl: string | null;
+    bannerUrl: string | null;
+    errorImageUrl: string | null;
+    iconUrl: string | null;
+    backgroundImageUrl: string | null;
+    logoImageUrl: string | null;
+    maxNoteTextLength: number;
+    enableEmail: boolean;
+    enableTwitterIntegration: boolean;
+    enableGithubIntegration: boolean;
+    enableDiscordIntegration: boolean;
+    enableServiceWorker: boolean;
+    emojis: CustomEmoji[];
+    defaultDarkTheme: string | null;
+    defaultLightTheme: string | null;
+    ads: {
+        id: ID;
+        ratio: number;
+        place: string;
+        url: string;
+        imageUrl: string;
+    }[];
+    translatorAvailable: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type MeDetailed = UserDetailed & {
+    avatarId: DriveFile['id'];
+    bannerId: DriveFile['id'];
+    autoAcceptFollowed: boolean;
+    alwaysMarkNsfw: boolean;
+    carefulBot: boolean;
+    emailNotificationTypes: string[];
+    hasPendingReceivedFollowRequest: boolean;
+    hasUnreadAnnouncement: boolean;
+    hasUnreadAntenna: boolean;
+    hasUnreadChannel: boolean;
+    hasUnreadMentions: boolean;
+    hasUnreadMessagingMessage: boolean;
+    hasUnreadNotification: boolean;
+    hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: boolean;
+    hideOnlineStatus: boolean;
+    injectFeaturedNote: boolean;
+    integrations: Record<string, any>;
+    isDeleted: boolean;
+    isExplorable: boolean;
+    mutedWords: string[][];
+    mutingNotificationTypes: string[];
+    noCrawle: boolean;
+    receiveAnnouncementEmail: boolean;
+    usePasswordLessLogin: boolean;
+    [other: string]: any;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type MessagingMessage = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    file: DriveFile | null;
+    fileId: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+    isRead: boolean;
+    reads: User['id'][];
+    text: string | null;
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    recipient?: User | null;
+    recipientId: User['id'] | null;
+    group?: UserGroup | null;
+    groupId: UserGroup['id'] | null;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export const mutedNoteReasons: readonly ["word", "manual", "spam", "other"];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Note = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    text: string | null;
+    cw: string | null;
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    reply?: Note;
+    replyId: Note['id'];
+    renote?: Note;
+    renoteId: Note['id'];
+    files: DriveFile[];
+    fileIds: DriveFile['id'][];
+    visibility: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';
+    visibleUserIds?: User['id'][];
+    localOnly?: boolean;
+    myReaction?: string;
+    reactions: Record<string, number>;
+    renoteCount: number;
+    repliesCount: number;
+    poll?: {
+        expiresAt: DateString | null;
+        multiple: boolean;
+        choices: {
+            isVoted: boolean;
+            text: string;
+            votes: number;
+        }[];
+    };
+    emojis: {
+        name: string;
+        url: string;
+    }[];
+    uri?: string;
+    url?: string;
+    isHidden?: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type NoteFavorite = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    noteId: Note['id'];
+    note: Note;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type NoteReaction = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    user: UserLite;
+    type: string;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export const noteVisibilities: readonly ["public", "home", "followers", "specified"];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Notification_2 = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    isRead: boolean;
+} & ({
+    type: 'reaction';
+    reaction: string;
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    note: Note;
+} | {
+    type: 'reply';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    note: Note;
+} | {
+    type: 'renote';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    note: Note;
+} | {
+    type: 'quote';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    note: Note;
+} | {
+    type: 'mention';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    note: Note;
+} | {
+    type: 'pollVote';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    note: Note;
+} | {
+    type: 'follow';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+    type: 'followRequestAccepted';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+    type: 'receiveFollowRequest';
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+    type: 'groupInvited';
+    invitation: UserGroup;
+    user: User;
+    userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+    type: 'app';
+    header?: string | null;
+    body: string;
+    icon?: string | null;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export const notificationTypes: readonly ["follow", "mention", "reply", "renote", "quote", "reaction", "pollVote", "pollEnded", "receiveFollowRequest", "followRequestAccepted", "groupInvited", "app"];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type OriginType = 'combined' | 'local' | 'remote';
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Page = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    updatedAt: DateString;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    user: User;
+    content: Record<string, any>[];
+    variables: Record<string, any>[];
+    title: string;
+    name: string;
+    summary: string | null;
+    hideTitleWhenPinned: boolean;
+    alignCenter: boolean;
+    font: string;
+    script: string;
+    eyeCatchingImageId: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+    eyeCatchingImage: DriveFile | null;
+    attachedFiles: any;
+    likedCount: number;
+    isLiked?: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type PageEvent = {
+    pageId: Page['id'];
+    event: string;
+    var: any;
+    userId: User['id'];
+    user: User;
+// @public (undocumented)
+export const permissions: string[];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type ServerInfo = {
+    machine: string;
+    cpu: {
+        model: string;
+        cores: number;
+    };
+    mem: {
+        total: number;
+    };
+    fs: {
+        total: number;
+        used: number;
+    };
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Signin = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    ip: string;
+    headers: Record<string, any>;
+    success: boolean;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type Stats = {
+    notesCount: number;
+    originalNotesCount: number;
+    usersCount: number;
+    originalUsersCount: number;
+    instances: number;
+    driveUsageLocal: number;
+    driveUsageRemote: number;
+// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "StreamEvents" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// @public (undocumented)
+export class Stream extends EventEmitter<StreamEvents> {
+    constructor(origin: string, user: {
+        token: string;
+    } | null, options?: {
+        WebSocket?: any;
+    });
+    // (undocumented)
+    close(): void;
+    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NonSharedConnection" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+    //
+    // (undocumented)
+    disconnectToChannel(connection: NonSharedConnection): void;
+    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SharedConnection" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+    //
+    // (undocumented)
+    removeSharedConnection(connection: SharedConnection): void;
+    // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Pool" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+    //
+    // (undocumented)
+    removeSharedConnectionPool(pool: Pool): void;
+    // (undocumented)
+    send(typeOrPayload: any, payload?: any): void;
+    // (undocumented)
+    state: 'initializing' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected';
+    // (undocumented)
+    useChannel<C extends keyof Channels>(channel: C, params?: Channels[C]['params'], name?: string): ChannelConnection<Channels[C]>;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type User = UserLite | UserDetailed;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type UserDetailed = UserLite & {
+    bannerBlurhash: string | null;
+    bannerColor: string | null;
+    bannerUrl: string | null;
+    birthday: string | null;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    description: string | null;
+    ffVisibility: 'public' | 'followers' | 'private';
+    fields: {
+        name: string;
+        value: string;
+    }[];
+    followersCount: number;
+    followingCount: number;
+    hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: boolean;
+    hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: boolean;
+    isAdmin: boolean;
+    isBlocked: boolean;
+    isBlocking: boolean;
+    isBot: boolean;
+    isCat: boolean;
+    isFollowed: boolean;
+    isFollowing: boolean;
+    isLocked: boolean;
+    isModerator: boolean;
+    isMuted: boolean;
+    isSilenced: boolean;
+    isSuspended: boolean;
+    lang: string | null;
+    lastFetchedAt?: DateString;
+    location: string | null;
+    notesCount: number;
+    pinnedNoteIds: ID[];
+    pinnedNotes: Note[];
+    pinnedPage: Page | null;
+    pinnedPageId: string | null;
+    publicReactions: boolean;
+    securityKeys: boolean;
+    twoFactorEnabled: boolean;
+    updatedAt: DateString | null;
+    uri: string | null;
+    url: string | null;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type UserGroup = TODO_2;
+// @public (undocumented)
+type UserList = {
+    id: ID;
+    createdAt: DateString;
+    name: string;
+    userIds: User['id'][];
+// @public (undocumented)
+type UserLite = {
+    id: ID;
+    username: string;
+    host: string | null;
+    name: string;
+    onlineStatus: 'online' | 'active' | 'offline' | 'unknown';
+    avatarUrl: string;
+    avatarBlurhash: string;
+    emojis: {
+        name: string;
+        url: string;
+    }[];
+    instance?: {
+        name: Instance['name'];
+        softwareName: Instance['softwareName'];
+        softwareVersion: Instance['softwareVersion'];
+        iconUrl: Instance['iconUrl'];
+        faviconUrl: Instance['faviconUrl'];
+        themeColor: Instance['themeColor'];
+    };
+// @public (undocumented)
+type UserSorting = '+follower' | '-follower' | '+createdAt' | '-createdAt' | '+updatedAt' | '-updatedAt';
+// Warnings were encountered during analysis:
+// src/api.types.ts:16:32 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "TODO" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// src/api.types.ts:18:25 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NoParams" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// src/api.types.ts:595:18 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ShowUserReq" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// src/streaming.types.ts:35:4 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "FIXME" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
+// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/jest.config.ts b/packages/misskey-js/jest.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d7eeddfeac33e00a2e9263e67202e2bfc337821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/jest.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+* For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property and type check, visit:
+* https://jestjs.io/docs/en/configuration.html
+export default {
+	// All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically
+	// automock: false,
+	// Stop running tests after `n` failures
+	// bail: 0,
+	// The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information
+	// cacheDirectory: "C:\\Users\\ai\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest",
+	// Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test
+	// clearMocks: false,
+	// Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test
+	// collectCoverage: false,
+	// An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected
+	// collectCoverageFrom: undefined,
+	// The directory where Jest should output its coverage files
+	coverageDirectory: "coverage",
+	// An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection
+	// coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
+	//   "\\\\node_modules\\\\"
+	// ],
+	// Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage
+	coverageProvider: "v8",
+	// A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports
+	// coverageReporters: [
+	//   "json",
+	//   "text",
+	//   "lcov",
+	//   "clover"
+	// ],
+	// An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results
+	// coverageThreshold: undefined,
+	// A path to a custom dependency extractor
+	// dependencyExtractor: undefined,
+	// Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages
+	// errorOnDeprecated: false,
+	// Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns
+	// forceCoverageMatch: [],
+	// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites
+	// globalSetup: undefined,
+	// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites
+	// globalTeardown: undefined,
+	// A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments
+	// globals: {},
+	// The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers.
+	// maxWorkers: "50%",
+	// An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location
+	// moduleDirectories: [
+	//   "node_modules"
+	// ],
+	// An array of file extensions your modules use
+	// moduleFileExtensions: [
+	//   "js",
+	//   "json",
+	//   "jsx",
+	//   "ts",
+	//   "tsx",
+	//   "node"
+	// ],
+	// A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module
+	// moduleNameMapper: {},
+	// An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader
+	// modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
+	// Activates notifications for test results
+	// notify: false,
+	// An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true }
+	// notifyMode: "failure-change",
+	// A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration
+	// preset: undefined,
+	// Run tests from one or more projects
+	// projects: undefined,
+	// Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest
+	// reporters: undefined,
+	// Automatically reset mock state between every test
+	// resetMocks: false,
+	// Reset the module registry before running each individual test
+	// resetModules: false,
+	// A path to a custom resolver
+	// resolver: undefined,
+	// Automatically restore mock state between every test
+	// restoreMocks: false,
+	// The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within
+	// rootDir: undefined,
+	// A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in
+	roots: [
+		"<rootDir>"
+	],
+	// Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner
+	// runner: "jest-runner",
+	// The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test
+	// setupFiles: [],
+	// A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test
+	// setupFilesAfterEnv: [],
+	// The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results.
+	// slowTestThreshold: 5,
+	// A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing
+	// snapshotSerializers: [],
+	// The test environment that will be used for testing
+	testEnvironment: "node",
+	// Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment
+	// testEnvironmentOptions: {},
+	// Adds a location field to test results
+	// testLocationInResults: false,
+	// The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
+	testMatch: [
+		"**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)",
+		"**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)",
+		"<rootDir>/test/**/*"
+	],
+	// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped
+	// testPathIgnorePatterns: [
+	//   "\\\\node_modules\\\\"
+	// ],
+	// The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files
+	// testRegex: [],
+	// This option allows the use of a custom results processor
+	// testResultsProcessor: undefined,
+	// This option allows use of a custom test runner
+	// testRunner: "jasmine2",
+	// This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href
+	// testURL: "http://localhost",
+	// Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout"
+	// timers: "real",
+	// A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
+	transform: {
+		"^.+\\.(ts|tsx)$": "ts-jest"
+	},
+	// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation
+	// transformIgnorePatterns: [
+	//   "\\\\node_modules\\\\",
+	//   "\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$"
+	// ],
+	// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them
+	// unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
+	// Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run
+	// verbose: undefined,
+	// An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode
+	// watchPathIgnorePatterns: [],
+	// Whether to use watchman for file crawling
+	// watchman: true,
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/package.json b/packages/misskey-js/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..211874bd4fd12be9a26cfe4bdf5990794d5dc904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+	"name": "misskey-js",
+	"version": "0.0.15",
+	"description": "Misskey SDK for JavaScript",
+	"main": "./built/index.js",
+	"types": "./built/index.d.ts",
+	"scripts": {
+		"build": "tsc",
+		"tsc": "tsc",
+		"tsd": "tsd",
+		"api": "pnpm api-extractor run --local --verbose",
+		"api-prod": "pnpm api-extractor run --verbose",
+		"lint": "eslint . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx",
+		"jest": "jest --coverage --detectOpenHandles",
+		"test": "pnpm jest && pnpm tsd",
+		"eslint": "pnpm lint",
+		"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit"
+	},
+	"repository": {
+		"type": "git",
+		"url": "git+https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey.js.git"
+	},
+	"devDependencies": {
+		"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.19.3",
+		"@types/jest": "^29.5.0",
+		"@types/node": "18.15.0",
+		"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5.8.1",
+		"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.8.1",
+		"eslint": "8.6.0",
+		"jest": "^29.5.0",
+		"jest-fetch-mock": "^3.0.3",
+		"jest-websocket-mock": "^2.2.1",
+		"mock-socket": "^9.0.8",
+		"ts-jest": "^29.0.5",
+		"ts-node": "10.4.0",
+		"tsd": "^0.19.1",
+		"typescript": "4.5.4"
+	},
+	"files": [
+		"built"
+	],
+	"dependencies": {
+		"autobind-decorator": "^2.4.0",
+		"eventemitter3": "^4.0.7",
+		"reconnecting-websocket": "^4.4.0"
+	}
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/acct.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/acct.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c32cee86c971b70a6c5ba35ab710723f1cd7134e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/acct.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+export type Acct = {
+	username: string;
+	host: string | null;
+export function parse(acct: string): Acct {
+	if (acct.startsWith('@')) acct = acct.substr(1);
+	const split = acct.split('@', 2);
+	return { username: split[0], host: split[1] || null };
+export function toString(acct: Acct): string {
+	return acct.host == null ? acct.username : `${acct.username}@${acct.host}`;
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/api.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/api.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcc98844659c71cd549f9d5eaf5c55eb340cb16a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import type { Endpoints } from './api.types';
+const MK_API_ERROR = Symbol();
+export type APIError = {
+	id: string;
+	code: string;
+	message: string;
+	kind: 'client' | 'server';
+	info: Record<string, any>;
+export function isAPIError(reason: any): reason is APIError {
+	return reason[MK_API_ERROR] === true;
+export type FetchLike = (input: string, init?: {
+		method?: string;
+		body?: string;
+		credentials?: RequestCredentials;
+		cache?: RequestCache;
+		headers: {[key in string]: string}
+	}) => Promise<{
+		status: number;
+		json(): Promise<any>;
+	}>;
+type IsNeverType<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false;
+type StrictExtract<Union, Cond> = Cond extends Union ? Union : never;
+type IsCaseMatched<E extends keyof Endpoints, P extends Endpoints[E]['req'], C extends number> =
+	IsNeverType<StrictExtract<Endpoints[E]['res']['$switch']['$cases'][C], [P, any]>> extends false ? true : false;
+type GetCaseResult<E extends keyof Endpoints, P extends Endpoints[E]['req'], C extends number> =
+	StrictExtract<Endpoints[E]['res']['$switch']['$cases'][C], [P, any]>[1];
+export class APIClient {
+	public origin: string;
+	public credential: string | null | undefined;
+	public fetch: FetchLike;
+	constructor(opts: {
+		origin: APIClient['origin'];
+		credential?: APIClient['credential'];
+		fetch?: APIClient['fetch'] | null | undefined;
+	}) {
+		this.origin = opts.origin;
+		this.credential = opts.credential;
+		// ネイティブ関数をそのまま変数に代入して使おうとするとChromiumではIllegal invocationエラーが発生するため、
+		// 環境で実装されているfetchを使う場合は無名関数でラップして使用する
+		this.fetch = opts.fetch || ((...args) => fetch(...args));
+	}
+	public request<E extends keyof Endpoints, P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(
+		endpoint: E, params: P = {} as P, credential?: string | null | undefined,
+	): Promise<Endpoints[E]['res'] extends { $switch: { $cases: [any, any][]; $default: any; }; }
+		?
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 0> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 0> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 1> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 1> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 2> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 2> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 3> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 3> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 4> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 4> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 5> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 5> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 6> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 6> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 7> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 7> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 8> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 8> :
+			IsCaseMatched<E, P, 9> extends true ? GetCaseResult<E, P, 9> :
+			Endpoints[E]['res']['$switch']['$default']
+		: Endpoints[E]['res']>
+	{
+		const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+			this.fetch(`${this.origin}/api/${endpoint}`, {
+				method: 'POST',
+				body: JSON.stringify({
+					...params,
+					i: credential !== undefined ? credential : this.credential,
+				}),
+				headers: {
+					'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+				},
+				credentials: 'omit',
+				cache: 'no-cache',
+			}).then(async (res) => {
+				const body = res.status === 204 ? null : await res.json();
+				if (res.status === 200) {
+					resolve(body);
+				} else if (res.status === 204) {
+					resolve(null);
+				} else {
+					reject({
+						[MK_API_ERROR]: true,
+						...body.error,
+					});
+				}
+			}).catch(reject);
+		});
+		return promise as any;
+	}
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/api.types.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/api.types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63f0b77e8db7158957c239c1ffb10ae3963e53aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/api.types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+import type {
+	Ad, Announcement, Antenna, App, AuthSession, Blocking, Channel, Clip, DateString, DetailedInstanceMetadata, DriveFile, DriveFolder, Following, FollowingFolloweePopulated, FollowingFollowerPopulated, FollowRequest, GalleryPost, Instance,
+	LiteInstanceMetadata,
+	MeDetailed,
+	Note, NoteFavorite, OriginType, Page, ServerInfo, Stats, User, UserDetailed, UserGroup, UserList, UserSorting, Notification, NoteReaction, Signin, MessagingMessage,
+} from './entities';
+type TODO = Record<string, any> | null;
+type NoParams = Record<string, never>;
+type ShowUserReq = { username: string; host?: string; } | { userId: User['id']; };
+export type Endpoints = {
+	// admin
+	'admin/abuse-user-reports': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/delete-all-files-of-a-user': { req: { userId: User['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'admin/delete-logs': { req: NoParams; res: null; };
+	'admin/get-index-stats': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/get-table-stats': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/invite': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/logs': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/reset-password': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/resolve-abuse-user-report': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/resync-chart': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/send-email': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/server-info': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/show-moderation-logs': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/show-user': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/show-users': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/silence-user': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/suspend-user': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/unsilence-user': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/unsuspend-user': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/update-meta': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/vacuum': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/accounts/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/ad/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/ad/delete': { req: { id: Ad['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'admin/ad/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/ad/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/announcements/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/announcements/delete': { req: { id: Announcement['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'admin/announcements/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/announcements/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/drive/clean-remote-files': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/drive/cleanup': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/drive/files': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/drive/show-file': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/emoji/add': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/emoji/copy': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/emoji/list-remote': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/emoji/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/emoji/remove': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/emoji/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/federation/delete-all-files': { req: { host: string; }; res: null; };
+	'admin/federation/refresh-remote-instance-metadata': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/federation/remove-all-following': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/federation/update-instance': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/moderators/add': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/moderators/remove': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/promo/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/queue/clear': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/queue/deliver-delayed': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/queue/inbox-delayed': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/queue/jobs': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/queue/stats': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/relays/add': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/relays/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'admin/relays/remove': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// announcements
+	'announcements': { req: { limit?: number; withUnreads?: boolean; sinceId?: Announcement['id']; untilId?: Announcement['id']; }; res: Announcement[]; };
+	// antennas
+	'antennas/create': { req: TODO; res: Antenna; };
+	'antennas/delete': { req: { antennaId: Antenna['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'antennas/list': { req: NoParams; res: Antenna[]; };
+	'antennas/notes': { req: { antennaId: Antenna['id']; limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'antennas/show': { req: { antennaId: Antenna['id']; }; res: Antenna; };
+	'antennas/update': { req: TODO; res: Antenna; };
+	// ap
+	'ap/get': { req: { uri: string; }; res: Record<string, any>; };
+	'ap/show': { req: { uri: string; }; res: {
+		type: 'Note';
+		object: Note;
+	} | {
+		type: 'User';
+		object: UserDetailed;
+	}; };
+	// app
+	'app/create': { req: TODO; res: App; };
+	'app/show': { req: { appId: App['id']; }; res: App; };
+	// auth
+	'auth/accept': { req: { token: string; }; res: null; };
+	'auth/session/generate': { req: { appSecret: string; }; res: { token: string; url: string; }; };
+	'auth/session/show': { req: { token: string; }; res: AuthSession; };
+	'auth/session/userkey': { req: { appSecret: string; token: string; }; res: { accessToken: string; user: User }; };
+	// blocking
+	'blocking/create': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: UserDetailed; };
+	'blocking/delete': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: UserDetailed; };
+	'blocking/list': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Blocking['id']; untilId?: Blocking['id']; }; res: Blocking[]; };
+	// channels
+	'channels/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/featured': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/follow': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/followed': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/owned': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/pin-note': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/show': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/timeline': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/unfollow': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'channels/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// charts
+	'charts/active-users': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: {
+		local: {
+			users: number[];
+		};
+		remote: {
+			users: number[];
+		};
+	}; };
+	'charts/drive': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: {
+		local: {
+			decCount: number[];
+			decSize: number[];
+			incCount: number[];
+			incSize: number[];
+			totalCount: number[];
+			totalSize: number[];
+		};
+		remote: {
+			decCount: number[];
+			decSize: number[];
+			incCount: number[];
+			incSize: number[];
+			totalCount: number[];
+			totalSize: number[];
+		};
+	}; };
+	'charts/federation': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: {
+		instance: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+		};
+	}; };
+	'charts/hashtag': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: TODO; };
+	'charts/instance': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; host: string; }; res: {
+		drive: {
+			decFiles: number[];
+			decUsage: number[];
+			incFiles: number[];
+			incUsage: number[];
+			totalFiles: number[];
+			totalUsage: number[];
+		};
+		followers: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+		};
+		following: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+		};
+		notes: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+			diffs: {
+				normal: number[];
+				renote: number[];
+				reply: number[];
+			};
+		};
+		requests: {
+			failed: number[];
+			received: number[];
+			succeeded: number[];
+		};
+		users: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+		};
+	}; };
+	'charts/network': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: TODO; };
+	'charts/notes': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: {
+		local: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+			diffs: {
+				normal: number[];
+				renote: number[];
+				reply: number[];
+			};
+		};
+		remote: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+			diffs: {
+				normal: number[];
+				renote: number[];
+				reply: number[];
+			};
+		};
+	}; };
+	'charts/user/drive': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; userId: User['id']; }; res: {
+		decCount: number[];
+		decSize: number[];
+		incCount: number[];
+		incSize: number[];
+		totalCount: number[];
+		totalSize: number[];
+	}; };
+	'charts/user/following': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; userId: User['id']; }; res: TODO; };
+	'charts/user/notes': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; userId: User['id']; }; res: {
+		dec: number[];
+		inc: number[];
+		total: number[];
+		diffs: {
+			normal: number[];
+			renote: number[];
+			reply: number[];
+		};
+	}; };
+	'charts/user/reactions': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; userId: User['id']; }; res: TODO; };
+	'charts/users': { req: { span: 'day' | 'hour'; limit?: number; offset?: number | null; }; res: {
+		local: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+		};
+		remote: {
+			dec: number[];
+			inc: number[];
+			total: number[];
+		};
+	}; };
+	// clips
+	'clips/add-note': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'clips/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'clips/delete': { req: { clipId: Clip['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'clips/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'clips/notes': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'clips/show': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'clips/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// drive
+	'drive': { req: NoParams; res: { capacity: number; usage: number; }; };
+	'drive/files': { req: { folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; type?: DriveFile['type'] | null; limit?: number; sinceId?: DriveFile['id']; untilId?: DriveFile['id']; }; res: DriveFile[]; };
+	'drive/files/attached-notes': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'drive/files/check-existence': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'drive/files/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'drive/files/delete': { req: { fileId: DriveFile['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'drive/files/find-by-hash': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'drive/files/find': { req: { name: string; folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; }; res: DriveFile[]; };
+	'drive/files/show': { req: { fileId?: DriveFile['id']; url?: string; }; res: DriveFile; };
+	'drive/files/update': { req: { fileId: DriveFile['id']; folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; name?: string; isSensitive?: boolean; comment?: string | null; }; res: DriveFile; };
+	'drive/files/upload-from-url': { req: { url: string; folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; isSensitive?: boolean; comment?: string | null; marker?: string | null; force?: boolean; }; res: null; };
+	'drive/folders': { req: { folderId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; limit?: number; sinceId?: DriveFile['id']; untilId?: DriveFile['id']; }; res: DriveFolder[]; };
+	'drive/folders/create': { req: { name?: string; parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; }; res: DriveFolder; };
+	'drive/folders/delete': { req: { folderId: DriveFolder['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'drive/folders/find': { req: { name: string; parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; }; res: DriveFolder[]; };
+	'drive/folders/show': { req: { folderId: DriveFolder['id']; }; res: DriveFolder; };
+	'drive/folders/update': { req: { folderId: DriveFolder['id']; name?: string; parentId?: DriveFolder['id'] | null; }; res: DriveFolder; };
+	'drive/stream': { req: { type?: DriveFile['type'] | null; limit?: number; sinceId?: DriveFile['id']; untilId?: DriveFile['id']; }; res: DriveFile[]; };
+	// endpoint
+	'endpoint': { req: { endpoint: string; }; res: { params: { name: string; type: string; }[]; }; };
+	// endpoints
+	'endpoints': { req: NoParams; res: string[]; };
+	// federation
+	'federation/dns': { req: { host: string; }; res: {
+		a: string[];
+		aaaa: string[];
+		cname: string[];
+		txt: string[];
+	}; };
+	'federation/followers': { req: { host: string; limit?: number; sinceId?: Following['id']; untilId?: Following['id']; }; res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[]; };
+	'federation/following': { req: { host: string; limit?: number; sinceId?: Following['id']; untilId?: Following['id']; }; res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[]; };
+	'federation/instances': { req: {
+		host?: string | null;
+		blocked?: boolean | null;
+		notResponding?: boolean | null;
+		suspended?: boolean | null;
+		federating?: boolean | null;
+		subscribing?: boolean | null;
+		publishing?: boolean | null;
+		limit?: number;
+		offset?: number;
+		sort?: '+pubSub' | '-pubSub' | '+notes' | '-notes' | '+users' | '-users' | '+following' | '-following' | '+followers' | '-followers' | '+caughtAt' | '-caughtAt' | '+lastCommunicatedAt' | '-lastCommunicatedAt' | '+driveUsage' | '-driveUsage' | '+driveFiles' | '-driveFiles';
+	}; res: Instance[]; };
+	'federation/show-instance': { req: { host: string; }; res: Instance; };
+	'federation/update-remote-user': { req: { userId: User['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'federation/users': { req: { host: string; limit?: number; sinceId?: User['id']; untilId?: User['id']; }; res: UserDetailed[]; };
+	// following
+	'following/create': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: User; };
+	'following/delete': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: User; };
+	'following/requests/accept': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'following/requests/cancel': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: User; };
+	'following/requests/list': { req: NoParams; res: FollowRequest[]; };
+	'following/requests/reject': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: null; };
+	// gallery
+	'gallery/featured': { req: null; res: GalleryPost[]; };
+	'gallery/popular': { req: null; res: GalleryPost[]; };
+	'gallery/posts': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: GalleryPost['id']; untilId?: GalleryPost['id']; }; res: GalleryPost[]; };
+	'gallery/posts/create': { req: { title: GalleryPost['title']; description?: GalleryPost['description']; fileIds: GalleryPost['fileIds']; isSensitive?: GalleryPost['isSensitive'] }; res: GalleryPost; };
+	'gallery/posts/delete': { req: { postId: GalleryPost['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'gallery/posts/like': { req: { postId: GalleryPost['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'gallery/posts/show': { req: { postId: GalleryPost['id'] }; res: GalleryPost; };
+	'gallery/posts/unlike': { req: { postId: GalleryPost['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'gallery/posts/update': { req: { postId: GalleryPost['id']; title: GalleryPost['title']; description?: GalleryPost['description']; fileIds: GalleryPost['fileIds']; isSensitive?: GalleryPost['isSensitive'] }; res: GalleryPost; };
+	// games
+	'games/reversi/games': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'games/reversi/games/show': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'games/reversi/games/surrender': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'games/reversi/invitations': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'games/reversi/match': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'games/reversi/match/cancel': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// get-online-users-count
+	'get-online-users-count': { req: NoParams; res: { count: number; }; };
+	// hashtags
+	'hashtags/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'hashtags/search': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'hashtags/show': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'hashtags/trend': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'hashtags/users': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// i
+	'i': { req: NoParams; res: User; };
+	'i/apps': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/authorized-apps': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/change-password': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/delete-account': { req: { password: string; }; res: null; };
+	'i/export-blocking': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/export-following': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/export-mute': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/export-notes': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/export-user-lists': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/favorites': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: NoteFavorite['id']; untilId?: NoteFavorite['id']; }; res: NoteFavorite[]; };
+	'i/gallery/likes': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/gallery/posts': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/get-word-muted-notes-count': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/import-following': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/import-user-lists': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/notifications': { req: {
+		limit?: number;
+		sinceId?: Notification['id'];
+		untilId?: Notification['id'];
+		following?: boolean;
+		markAsRead?: boolean;
+		includeTypes?: Notification['type'][];
+		excludeTypes?: Notification['type'][];
+	}; res: Notification[]; };
+	'i/page-likes': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/pages': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/pin': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: MeDetailed; };
+	'i/read-all-messaging-messages': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/read-all-unread-notes': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/read-announcement': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/regenerate-token': { req: { password: string; }; res: null; };
+	'i/registry/get-all': { req: { scope?: string[]; }; res: Record<string, any>; };
+	'i/registry/get-detail': { req: { key: string; scope?: string[]; }; res: { updatedAt: DateString; value: any; }; };
+	'i/registry/get': { req: { key: string; scope?: string[]; }; res: any; };
+	'i/registry/keys-with-type': { req: { scope?: string[]; }; res: Record<string, 'null' | 'array' | 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'object'>; };
+	'i/registry/keys': { req: { scope?: string[]; }; res: string[]; };
+	'i/registry/remove': { req: { key: string; scope?: string[]; }; res: null; };
+	'i/registry/scopes': { req: NoParams; res: string[][]; };
+	'i/registry/set': { req: { key: string; value: any; scope?: string[]; }; res: null; };
+	'i/revoke-token': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/signin-history': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Signin['id']; untilId?: Signin['id']; }; res: Signin[]; };
+	'i/unpin': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: MeDetailed; };
+	'i/update-email': { req: {
+		password: string;
+		email?: string | null;
+	}; res: MeDetailed; };
+	'i/update': { req: {
+		name?: string | null;
+		description?: string | null;
+		lang?: string | null;
+		location?: string | null;
+		birthday?: string | null;
+		avatarId?: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+		bannerId?: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+		fields?: {
+			name: string;
+			value: string;
+		}[];
+		isLocked?: boolean;
+		isExplorable?: boolean;
+		hideOnlineStatus?: boolean;
+		carefulBot?: boolean;
+		autoAcceptFollowed?: boolean;
+		noCrawle?: boolean;
+		isBot?: boolean;
+		isCat?: boolean;
+		injectFeaturedNote?: boolean;
+		receiveAnnouncementEmail?: boolean;
+		alwaysMarkNsfw?: boolean;
+		mutedWords?: string[][];
+		mutingNotificationTypes?: Notification['type'][];
+		emailNotificationTypes?: string[];
+	}; res: MeDetailed; };
+	'i/user-group-invites': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/done': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/key-done': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/password-less': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/register-key': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/register': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/remove-key': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'i/2fa/unregister': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// messaging
+	'messaging/history': { req: { limit?: number; group?: boolean; }; res: MessagingMessage[]; };
+	'messaging/messages': { req: { userId?: User['id']; groupId?: UserGroup['id']; limit?: number; sinceId?: MessagingMessage['id']; untilId?: MessagingMessage['id']; markAsRead?: boolean; }; res: MessagingMessage[]; };
+	'messaging/messages/create': { req: { userId?: User['id']; groupId?: UserGroup['id']; text?: string; fileId?: DriveFile['id']; }; res: MessagingMessage; };
+	'messaging/messages/delete': { req: { messageId: MessagingMessage['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'messaging/messages/read': { req: { messageId: MessagingMessage['id']; }; res: null; };
+	// meta
+	'meta': { req: { detail?: boolean; }; res: {
+		$switch: {
+			$cases: [[
+				{ detail: true; },
+				DetailedInstanceMetadata,
+			], [
+				{ detail: false; },
+				LiteInstanceMetadata,
+			], [
+				{ detail: boolean; },
+				LiteInstanceMetadata | DetailedInstanceMetadata,
+			]];
+			$default: LiteInstanceMetadata;
+		};
+	}; };
+	// miauth
+	'miauth/gen-token': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// mute
+	'mute/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'mute/delete': { req: { userId: User['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'mute/list': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// my
+	'my/apps': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// notes
+	'notes': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/children': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/clips': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/conversation': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/create': { req: {
+		visibility?: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified',
+		visibleUserIds?: User['id'][];
+		text?: null | string;
+		cw?: null | string;
+		viaMobile?: boolean;
+		localOnly?: boolean;
+		fileIds?: DriveFile['id'][];
+		replyId?: null | Note['id'];
+		renoteId?: null | Note['id'];
+		channelId?: null | Channel['id'];
+		poll?: null | {
+			choices: string[];
+			multiple?: boolean;
+			expiresAt?: null | number;
+			expiredAfter?: null | number;
+		};
+	}; res: { createdNote: Note }; };
+	'notes/delete': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/favorites/create': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/favorites/delete': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/featured': { req: TODO; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/global-timeline': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; sinceDate?: number; untilDate?: number; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/hybrid-timeline': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; sinceDate?: number; untilDate?: number; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/local-timeline': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; sinceDate?: number; untilDate?: number; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/mentions': { req: { following?: boolean; limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/polls/recommendation': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/polls/vote': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; choice: number; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/reactions': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; type?: string | null; limit?: number; }; res: NoteReaction[]; };
+	'notes/reactions/create': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; reaction: string; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/reactions/delete': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/renotes': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; noteId: Note['id']; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/replies': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; noteId: Note['id']; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/search-by-tag': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/search': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/show': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: Note; };
+	'notes/state': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/timeline': { req: { limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; sinceDate?: number; untilDate?: number; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/unrenote': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'notes/user-list-timeline': { req: { listId: UserList['id']; limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; sinceDate?: number; untilDate?: number; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'notes/watching/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'notes/watching/delete': { req: { noteId: Note['id']; }; res: null; };
+	// notifications
+	'notifications/create': { req: { body: string; header?: string | null; icon?: string | null; }; res: null; };
+	'notifications/mark-all-as-read': { req: NoParams; res: null; };
+	'notifications/read': { req: { notificationId: Notification['id']; }; res: null; };
+	// page-push
+	'page-push': { req: { pageId: Page['id']; event: string; var?: any; }; res: null; };
+	// pages
+	'pages/create': { req: TODO; res: Page; };
+	'pages/delete': { req: { pageId: Page['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'pages/featured': { req: NoParams; res: Page[]; };
+	'pages/like': { req: { pageId: Page['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'pages/show': { req: { pageId?: Page['id']; name?: string; username?: string; }; res: Page; };
+	'pages/unlike': { req: { pageId: Page['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'pages/update': { req: TODO; res: null; };
+	// ping
+	'ping': { req: NoParams; res: { pong: number; }; };
+	// pinned-users
+	'pinned-users': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// promo
+	'promo/read': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// request-reset-password
+	'request-reset-password': { req: { username: string; email: string; }; res: null; };
+	// reset-password
+	'reset-password': { req: { token: string; password: string; }; res: null; };
+	// room
+	'room/show': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'room/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// stats
+	'stats': { req: NoParams; res: Stats; };
+	// server-info
+	'server-info': { req: NoParams; res: ServerInfo; };
+	// sw
+	'sw/register': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	// username
+	'username/available': { req: { username: string; }; res: { available: boolean; }; };
+	// users
+	'users': { req: { limit?: number; offset?: number; sort?: UserSorting; origin?: OriginType; }; res: User[]; };
+	'users/clips': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/followers': { req: { userId?: User['id']; username?: User['username']; host?: User['host'] | null; limit?: number; sinceId?: Following['id']; untilId?: Following['id']; }; res: FollowingFollowerPopulated[]; };
+	'users/following': { req: { userId?: User['id']; username?: User['username']; host?: User['host'] | null; limit?: number; sinceId?: Following['id']; untilId?: Following['id']; }; res: FollowingFolloweePopulated[]; };
+	'users/gallery/posts': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/get-frequently-replied-users': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/create': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/delete': { req: { groupId: UserGroup['id'] }; res: null; };
+	'users/groups/invitations/accept': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/invitations/reject': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/invite': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/joined': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/owned': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/pull': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/show': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/transfer': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/groups/update': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/lists/create': { req: { name: string; }; res: UserList; };
+	'users/lists/delete': { req: { listId: UserList['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'users/lists/list': { req: NoParams; res: UserList[]; };
+	'users/lists/pull': { req: { listId: UserList['id']; userId: User['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'users/lists/push': { req: { listId: UserList['id']; userId: User['id']; }; res: null; };
+	'users/lists/show': { req: { listId: UserList['id']; }; res: UserList; };
+	'users/lists/update': { req: { listId: UserList['id']; name: string; }; res: UserList; };
+	'users/notes': { req: { userId: User['id']; limit?: number; sinceId?: Note['id']; untilId?: Note['id']; sinceDate?: number; untilDate?: number; }; res: Note[]; };
+	'users/pages': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/recommendation': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/relation': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/report-abuse': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/search-by-username-and-host': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/search': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
+	'users/show': { req: ShowUserReq | { userIds: User['id'][]; }; res: {
+		$switch: {
+			$cases: [[
+				{ userIds: User['id'][]; },
+				UserDetailed[],
+			]];
+			$default: UserDetailed;
+		};
+	}; };
+	'users/stats': { req: TODO; res: TODO; };
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/consts.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/consts.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..261ecd33f46e761fdc76c136a563a2bfbf1d6bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/consts.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+export const notificationTypes = ['follow', 'mention', 'reply', 'renote', 'quote', 'reaction', 'pollVote', 'pollEnded', 'receiveFollowRequest', 'followRequestAccepted', 'groupInvited', 'app'] as const;
+export const noteVisibilities = ['public', 'home', 'followers', 'specified'] as const;
+export const mutedNoteReasons = ['word', 'manual', 'spam', 'other'] as const;
+export const ffVisibility = ['public', 'followers', 'private'] as const;
+export const permissions = [
+	'read:account',
+	'write:account',
+	'read:blocks',
+	'write:blocks',
+	'read:drive',
+	'write:drive',
+	'read:favorites',
+	'write:favorites',
+	'read:following',
+	'write:following',
+	'read:messaging',
+	'write:messaging',
+	'read:mutes',
+	'write:mutes',
+	'write:notes',
+	'read:notifications',
+	'write:notifications',
+	'read:reactions',
+	'write:reactions',
+	'write:votes',
+	'read:pages',
+	'write:pages',
+	'write:page-likes',
+	'read:page-likes',
+	'read:user-groups',
+	'write:user-groups',
+	'read:channels',
+	'write:channels',
+	'read:gallery',
+	'write:gallery',
+	'read:gallery-likes',
+	'write:gallery-likes',
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/entities.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/entities.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37a8bc6184a9091470ce8ac7866ee71c3a9390d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/entities.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+export type ID = string;
+export type DateString = string;
+type TODO = Record<string, any>;
+// NOTE: 極力この型を使うのは避け、UserLite か UserDetailed か明示するように
+export type User = UserLite | UserDetailed;
+export type UserLite = {
+	id: ID;
+	username: string;
+	host: string | null;
+	name: string;
+	onlineStatus: 'online' | 'active' | 'offline' | 'unknown';
+	avatarUrl: string;
+	avatarBlurhash: string;
+	emojis: {
+		name: string;
+		url: string;
+	}[];
+	instance?: {
+		name: Instance['name'];
+		softwareName: Instance['softwareName'];
+		softwareVersion: Instance['softwareVersion'];
+		iconUrl: Instance['iconUrl'];
+		faviconUrl: Instance['faviconUrl'];
+		themeColor: Instance['themeColor'];
+	};
+export type UserDetailed = UserLite & {
+	bannerBlurhash: string | null;
+	bannerColor: string | null;
+	bannerUrl: string | null;
+	birthday: string | null;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	description: string | null;
+	ffVisibility: 'public' | 'followers' | 'private';
+	fields: {name: string; value: string}[];
+	followersCount: number;
+	followingCount: number;
+	hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: boolean;
+	hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: boolean;
+	isAdmin: boolean;
+	isBlocked: boolean;
+	isBlocking: boolean;
+	isBot: boolean;
+	isCat: boolean;
+	isFollowed: boolean;
+	isFollowing: boolean;
+	isLocked: boolean;
+	isModerator: boolean;
+	isMuted: boolean;
+	isSilenced: boolean;
+	isSuspended: boolean;
+	lang: string | null;
+	lastFetchedAt?: DateString;
+	location: string | null;
+	notesCount: number;
+	pinnedNoteIds: ID[];
+	pinnedNotes: Note[];
+	pinnedPage: Page | null;
+	pinnedPageId: string | null;
+	publicReactions: boolean;
+	securityKeys: boolean;
+	twoFactorEnabled: boolean;
+	updatedAt: DateString | null;
+	uri: string | null;
+	url: string | null;
+export type UserGroup = TODO;
+export type UserList = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	name: string;
+	userIds: User['id'][];
+export type MeDetailed = UserDetailed & {
+	avatarId: DriveFile['id'];
+	bannerId: DriveFile['id'];
+	autoAcceptFollowed: boolean;
+	alwaysMarkNsfw: boolean;
+	carefulBot: boolean;
+	emailNotificationTypes: string[];
+	hasPendingReceivedFollowRequest: boolean;
+	hasUnreadAnnouncement: boolean;
+	hasUnreadAntenna: boolean;
+	hasUnreadChannel: boolean;
+	hasUnreadMentions: boolean;
+	hasUnreadMessagingMessage: boolean;
+	hasUnreadNotification: boolean;
+	hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: boolean;
+	hideOnlineStatus: boolean;
+	injectFeaturedNote: boolean;
+	integrations: Record<string, any>;
+	isDeleted: boolean;
+	isExplorable: boolean;
+	mutedWords: string[][];
+	mutingNotificationTypes: string[];
+	noCrawle: boolean;
+	receiveAnnouncementEmail: boolean;
+	usePasswordLessLogin: boolean;
+	[other: string]: any;
+export type DriveFile = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	isSensitive: boolean;
+	name: string;
+	thumbnailUrl: string;
+	url: string;
+	type: string;
+	size: number;
+	md5: string;
+	blurhash: string;
+	comment: string | null;
+	properties: Record<string, any>;
+export type DriveFolder = TODO;
+export type GalleryPost = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	updatedAt: DateString;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	user: User;
+	title: string;
+	description: string | null;
+	fileIds: DriveFile['id'][];
+	files: DriveFile[];
+	isSensitive: boolean;
+	likedCount: number;
+	isLiked?: boolean;
+export type Note = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	text: string | null;
+	cw: string | null;
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	reply?: Note;
+	replyId: Note['id'];
+	renote?: Note;
+	renoteId: Note['id'];
+	files: DriveFile[];
+	fileIds: DriveFile['id'][];
+	visibility: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';
+	visibleUserIds?: User['id'][];
+	localOnly?: boolean;
+	myReaction?: string;
+	reactions: Record<string, number>;
+	renoteCount: number;
+	repliesCount: number;
+	poll?: {
+		expiresAt: DateString | null;
+		multiple: boolean;
+		choices: {
+			isVoted: boolean;
+			text: string;
+			votes: number;
+		}[];
+	};
+	emojis: {
+		name: string;
+		url: string;
+	}[];
+	uri?: string;
+	url?: string;
+	isHidden?: boolean;
+export type NoteReaction = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	user: UserLite;
+	type: string;
+export type Notification = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	isRead: boolean;
+} & ({
+	type: 'reaction';
+	reaction: string;
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	note: Note;
+} | {
+	type: 'reply';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	note: Note;
+} | {
+	type: 'renote';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	note: Note;
+} | {
+	type: 'quote';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	note: Note;
+} | {
+	type: 'mention';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	note: Note;
+} | {
+	type: 'pollVote';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	note: Note;
+} | {
+	type: 'follow';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+	type: 'followRequestAccepted';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+	type: 'receiveFollowRequest';
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+	type: 'groupInvited';
+	invitation: UserGroup;
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+} | {
+	type: 'app';
+	header?: string | null;
+	body: string;
+	icon?: string | null;
+export type MessagingMessage = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	file: DriveFile | null;
+	fileId: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+	isRead: boolean;
+	reads: User['id'][];
+	text: string | null;
+	user: User;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	recipient?: User | null;
+	recipientId: User['id'] | null;
+	group?: UserGroup | null;
+	groupId: UserGroup['id'] | null;
+export type CustomEmoji = {
+	id: string;
+	name: string;
+	url: string;
+	category: string;
+	aliases: string[];
+export type LiteInstanceMetadata = {
+	maintainerName: string | null;
+	maintainerEmail: string | null;
+	version: string;
+	name: string | null;
+	uri: string;
+	description: string | null;
+	langs: string[];
+	tosUrl: string | null;
+	repositoryUrl: string;
+	feedbackUrl: string;
+	disableRegistration: boolean;
+	disableLocalTimeline: boolean;
+	disableGlobalTimeline: boolean;
+	driveCapacityPerLocalUserMb: number;
+	driveCapacityPerRemoteUserMb: number;
+	emailRequiredForSignup: boolean;
+	enableHcaptcha: boolean;
+	hcaptchaSiteKey: string | null;
+	enableRecaptcha: boolean;
+	recaptchaSiteKey: string | null;
+	enableTurnstile: boolean;
+	turnstileSiteKey: string | null;
+	swPublickey: string | null;
+	themeColor: string | null;
+	mascotImageUrl: string | null;
+	bannerUrl: string | null;
+	errorImageUrl: string | null;
+	iconUrl: string | null;
+	backgroundImageUrl: string | null;
+	logoImageUrl: string | null;
+	maxNoteTextLength: number;
+	enableEmail: boolean;
+	enableTwitterIntegration: boolean;
+	enableGithubIntegration: boolean;
+	enableDiscordIntegration: boolean;
+	enableServiceWorker: boolean;
+	emojis: CustomEmoji[];
+	defaultDarkTheme: string | null;
+	defaultLightTheme: string | null;
+	ads: {
+		id: ID;
+		ratio: number;
+		place: string;
+		url: string;
+		imageUrl: string;
+	}[];
+	translatorAvailable: boolean;
+export type DetailedInstanceMetadata = LiteInstanceMetadata & {
+	pinnedPages: string[];
+	pinnedClipId: string | null;
+	cacheRemoteFiles: boolean;
+	requireSetup: boolean;
+	proxyAccountName: string | null;
+	features: Record<string, any>;
+export type InstanceMetadata = LiteInstanceMetadata | DetailedInstanceMetadata;
+export type ServerInfo = {
+	machine: string;
+	cpu: {
+		model: string;
+		cores: number;
+	};
+	mem: {
+		total: number;
+	};
+	fs: {
+		total: number;
+		used: number;
+	};
+export type Stats = {
+	notesCount: number;
+	originalNotesCount: number;
+	usersCount: number;
+	originalUsersCount: number;
+	instances: number;
+	driveUsageLocal: number;
+	driveUsageRemote: number;
+export type Page = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	updatedAt: DateString;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	user: User;
+	content: Record<string, any>[];
+	variables: Record<string, any>[];
+	title: string;
+	name: string;
+	summary: string | null;
+	hideTitleWhenPinned: boolean;
+	alignCenter: boolean;
+	font: string;
+	script: string;
+	eyeCatchingImageId: DriveFile['id'] | null;
+	eyeCatchingImage: DriveFile | null;
+	attachedFiles: any;
+	likedCount: number;
+	isLiked?: boolean;
+export type PageEvent = {
+	pageId: Page['id'];
+	event: string;
+	var: any;
+	userId: User['id'];
+	user: User;
+export type Announcement = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	updatedAt: DateString | null;
+	text: string;
+	title: string;
+	imageUrl: string | null;
+	isRead?: boolean;
+export type Antenna = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	name: string;
+	keywords: string[][]; // TODO
+	excludeKeywords: string[][]; // TODO
+	src: 'home' | 'all' | 'users' | 'list' | 'group';
+	userListId: ID | null; // TODO
+	userGroupId: ID | null; // TODO
+	users: string[]; // TODO
+	caseSensitive: boolean;
+	notify: boolean;
+	withReplies: boolean;
+	withFile: boolean;
+	hasUnreadNote: boolean;
+export type App = TODO;
+export type AuthSession = {
+	id: ID;
+	app: App;
+	token: string;
+export type Ad = TODO;
+export type Clip = TODO;
+export type NoteFavorite = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	noteId: Note['id'];
+	note: Note;
+export type FollowRequest = {
+	id: ID;
+	follower: User;
+	followee: User;
+export type Channel = {
+	id: ID;
+	// TODO
+export type Following = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	followerId: User['id'];
+	followeeId: User['id'];
+export type FollowingFolloweePopulated = Following & {
+	followee: UserDetailed;
+export type FollowingFollowerPopulated = Following & {
+	follower: UserDetailed;
+export type Blocking = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	blockeeId: User['id'];
+	blockee: UserDetailed;
+export type Instance = {
+	id: ID;
+	caughtAt: DateString;
+	host: string;
+	usersCount: number;
+	notesCount: number;
+	followingCount: number;
+	followersCount: number;
+	driveUsage: number;
+	driveFiles: number;
+	latestRequestSentAt: DateString | null;
+	latestStatus: number | null;
+	latestRequestReceivedAt: DateString | null;
+	lastCommunicatedAt: DateString;
+	isNotResponding: boolean;
+	isSuspended: boolean;
+	softwareName: string | null;
+	softwareVersion: string | null;
+	openRegistrations: boolean | null;
+	name: string | null;
+	description: string | null;
+	maintainerName: string | null;
+	maintainerEmail: string | null;
+	iconUrl: string | null;
+	faviconUrl: string | null;
+	themeColor: string | null;
+	infoUpdatedAt: DateString | null;
+export type Signin = {
+	id: ID;
+	createdAt: DateString;
+	ip: string;
+	headers: Record<string, any>;
+	success: boolean;
+export type UserSorting =
+	| '+follower'
+	| '-follower'
+	| '+createdAt'
+	| '-createdAt'
+	| '+updatedAt'
+	| '-updatedAt';
+export type OriginType = 'combined' | 'local' | 'remote';
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/index.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f431d65cc7e16ede1ee9c10f4c27c459af4817c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { Endpoints } from './api.types';
+import Stream, { Connection } from './streaming';
+import { Channels } from './streaming.types';
+import { Acct } from './acct';
+import * as consts from './consts';
+export {
+	Endpoints,
+	Stream,
+	Connection as ChannelConnection,
+	Channels,
+	Acct,
+export const permissions = consts.permissions;
+export const notificationTypes = consts.notificationTypes;
+export const noteVisibilities = consts.noteVisibilities;
+export const mutedNoteReasons = consts.mutedNoteReasons;
+export const ffVisibility = consts.ffVisibility;
+// api extractor not supported yet
+//export * as api from './api';
+//export * as entities from './entities';
+import * as api from './api';
+import * as entities from './entities';
+export { api, entities };
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/streaming.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/streaming.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63888286894eaddabad74f45e45cc15adf0703a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/streaming.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+import autobind from 'autobind-decorator';
+import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';
+import ReconnectingWebsocket from 'reconnecting-websocket';
+import type { BroadcastEvents, Channels } from './streaming.types';
+export function urlQuery(obj: Record<string, string | number | boolean | undefined>): string {
+	const params = Object.entries(obj)
+		.filter(([, v]) => Array.isArray(v) ? v.length : v !== undefined)
+		// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
+		.reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[k] = v!, a), {} as Record<string, string | number | boolean>);
+	return Object.entries(params)
+		.map((e) => `${e[0]}=${encodeURIComponent(e[1])}`)
+		.join('&');
+type AnyOf<T extends Record<any, any>> = T[keyof T];
+type StreamEvents = {
+	_connected_: void;
+	_disconnected_: void;
+} & BroadcastEvents;
+ * Misskey stream connection
+ */
+export default class Stream extends EventEmitter<StreamEvents> {
+	private stream: ReconnectingWebsocket;
+	public state: 'initializing' | 'reconnecting' | 'connected' = 'initializing';
+	private sharedConnectionPools: Pool[] = [];
+	private sharedConnections: SharedConnection[] = [];
+	private nonSharedConnections: NonSharedConnection[] = [];
+	private idCounter = 0;
+	constructor(origin: string, user: { token: string; } | null, options?: {
+		WebSocket?: any;
+	}) {
+		super();
+		options = options || { };
+		const query = urlQuery({
+			i: user?.token,
+			// To prevent cache of an HTML such as error screen
+			_t: Date.now(),
+		});
+		const wsOrigin = origin.replace('http://', 'ws://').replace('https://', 'wss://');
+		this.stream = new ReconnectingWebsocket(`${wsOrigin}/streaming?${query}`, '', {
+			minReconnectionDelay: 1, // https://github.com/pladaria/reconnecting-websocket/issues/91
+			WebSocket: options.WebSocket,
+		});
+		this.stream.addEventListener('open', this.onOpen);
+		this.stream.addEventListener('close', this.onClose);
+		this.stream.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage);
+	}
+	@autobind
+	private genId(): string {
+		return (++this.idCounter).toString();
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public useChannel<C extends keyof Channels>(channel: C, params?: Channels[C]['params'], name?: string): Connection<Channels[C]> {
+		if (params) {
+			return this.connectToChannel(channel, params);
+		} else {
+			return this.useSharedConnection(channel, name);
+		}
+	}
+	@autobind
+	private useSharedConnection<C extends keyof Channels>(channel: C, name?: string): SharedConnection<Channels[C]> {
+		let pool = this.sharedConnectionPools.find(p => p.channel === channel);
+		if (pool == null) {
+			pool = new Pool(this, channel, this.genId());
+			this.sharedConnectionPools.push(pool);
+		}
+		const connection = new SharedConnection(this, channel, pool, name);
+		this.sharedConnections.push(connection);
+		return connection;
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public removeSharedConnection(connection: SharedConnection): void {
+		this.sharedConnections = this.sharedConnections.filter(c => c !== connection);
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public removeSharedConnectionPool(pool: Pool): void {
+		this.sharedConnectionPools = this.sharedConnectionPools.filter(p => p !== pool);
+	}
+	@autobind
+	private connectToChannel<C extends keyof Channels>(channel: C, params: Channels[C]['params']): NonSharedConnection<Channels[C]> {
+		const connection = new NonSharedConnection(this, channel, this.genId(), params);
+		this.nonSharedConnections.push(connection);
+		return connection;
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public disconnectToChannel(connection: NonSharedConnection): void {
+		this.nonSharedConnections = this.nonSharedConnections.filter(c => c !== connection);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Callback of when open connection
+	 */
+	@autobind
+	private onOpen(): void {
+		const isReconnect = this.state === 'reconnecting';
+		this.state = 'connected';
+		this.emit('_connected_');
+		// チャンネル再接続
+		if (isReconnect) {
+			for (const p of this.sharedConnectionPools) p.connect();
+			for (const c of this.nonSharedConnections) c.connect();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Callback of when close connection
+	 */
+	@autobind
+	private onClose(): void {
+		if (this.state === 'connected') {
+			this.state = 'reconnecting';
+			this.emit('_disconnected_');
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Callback of when received a message from connection
+	 */
+	@autobind
+	private onMessage(message: { data: string; }): void {
+		const { type, body } = JSON.parse(message.data);
+		if (type === 'channel') {
+			const id = body.id;
+			let connections: Connection[];
+			connections = this.sharedConnections.filter(c => c.id === id);
+			if (connections.length === 0) {
+				const found = this.nonSharedConnections.find(c => c.id === id);
+				if (found) {
+					connections = [found];
+				}
+			}
+			for (const c of connections) {
+				c.emit(body.type, body.body);
+				c.inCount++;
+			}
+		} else {
+			this.emit(type, body);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Send a message to connection
+	 */
+	@autobind
+	public send(typeOrPayload: any, payload?: any): void {
+		const data = payload === undefined ? typeOrPayload : {
+			type: typeOrPayload,
+			body: payload,
+		};
+		this.stream.send(JSON.stringify(data));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Close this connection
+	 */
+	@autobind
+	public close(): void {
+		this.stream.close();
+	}
+// TODO: これらのクラスを Stream クラスの内部クラスにすれば余計なメンバをpublicにしないで済むかも?
+// もしくは @internal を使う? https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#stripInternal
+class Pool {
+	public channel: string;
+	public id: string;
+	protected stream: Stream;
+	public users = 0;
+	private disposeTimerId: any;
+	private isConnected = false;
+	constructor(stream: Stream, channel: string, id: string) {
+		this.channel = channel;
+		this.stream = stream;
+		this.id = id;
+		this.stream.on('_disconnected_', this.onStreamDisconnected);
+	}
+	@autobind
+	private onStreamDisconnected(): void {
+		this.isConnected = false;
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public inc(): void {
+		if (this.users === 0 && !this.isConnected) {
+			this.connect();
+		}
+		this.users++;
+		// タイマー解除
+		if (this.disposeTimerId) {
+			clearTimeout(this.disposeTimerId);
+			this.disposeTimerId = null;
+		}
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public dec(): void {
+		this.users--;
+		// そのコネクションの利用者が誰もいなくなったら
+		if (this.users === 0) {
+			// また直ぐに再利用される可能性があるので、一定時間待ち、
+			// 新たな利用者が現れなければコネクションを切断する
+			this.disposeTimerId = setTimeout(() => {
+				this.disconnect();
+			}, 3000);
+		}
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public connect(): void {
+		if (this.isConnected) return;
+		this.isConnected = true;
+		this.stream.send('connect', {
+			channel: this.channel,
+			id: this.id,
+		});
+	}
+	@autobind
+	private disconnect(): void {
+		this.stream.off('_disconnected_', this.onStreamDisconnected);
+		this.stream.send('disconnect', { id: this.id });
+		this.stream.removeSharedConnectionPool(this);
+	}
+export abstract class Connection<Channel extends AnyOf<Channels> = any> extends EventEmitter<Channel['events']> {
+	public channel: string;
+	protected stream: Stream;
+	public abstract id: string;
+	public name?: string; // for debug
+	public inCount = 0; // for debug
+	public outCount = 0; // for debug
+	constructor(stream: Stream, channel: string, name?: string) {
+		super();
+		this.stream = stream;
+		this.channel = channel;
+		this.name = name;
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public send<T extends keyof Channel['receives']>(type: T, body: Channel['receives'][T]): void {
+		this.stream.send('ch', {
+			id: this.id,
+			type: type,
+			body: body,
+		});
+		this.outCount++;
+	}
+	public abstract dispose(): void;
+class SharedConnection<Channel extends AnyOf<Channels> = any> extends Connection<Channel> {
+	private pool: Pool;
+	public get id(): string {
+		return this.pool.id;
+	}
+	constructor(stream: Stream, channel: string, pool: Pool, name?: string) {
+		super(stream, channel, name);
+		this.pool = pool;
+		this.pool.inc();
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public dispose(): void {
+		this.pool.dec();
+		this.removeAllListeners();
+		this.stream.removeSharedConnection(this);
+	}
+class NonSharedConnection<Channel extends AnyOf<Channels> = any> extends Connection<Channel> {
+	public id: string;
+	protected params: Channel['params'];
+	constructor(stream: Stream, channel: string, id: string, params: Channel['params']) {
+		super(stream, channel);
+		this.params = params;
+		this.id = id;
+		this.connect();
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public connect(): void {
+		this.stream.send('connect', {
+			channel: this.channel,
+			id: this.id,
+			params: this.params,
+		});
+	}
+	@autobind
+	public dispose(): void {
+		this.removeAllListeners();
+		this.stream.send('disconnect', { id: this.id });
+		this.stream.disconnectToChannel(this);
+	}
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/src/streaming.types.ts b/packages/misskey-js/src/streaming.types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d58b90530e11ab901dba58bdf273807fb5f441ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/src/streaming.types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import type { Antenna, CustomEmoji, DriveFile, MeDetailed, MessagingMessage, Note, Notification, PageEvent, User, UserGroup } from './entities';
+type FIXME = any;
+export type Channels = {
+	main: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			notification: (payload: Notification) => void;
+			mention: (payload: Note) => void;
+			reply: (payload: Note) => void;
+			renote: (payload: Note) => void;
+			follow: (payload: User) => void; // 自分が他人をフォローしたとき
+			followed: (payload: User) => void; // 他人が自分をフォローしたとき
+			unfollow: (payload: User) => void; // 自分が他人をフォロー解除したとき
+			meUpdated: (payload: MeDetailed) => void;
+			pageEvent: (payload: PageEvent) => void;
+			urlUploadFinished: (payload: { marker: string; file: DriveFile; }) => void;
+			readAllNotifications: () => void;
+			unreadNotification: (payload: Notification) => void;
+			unreadMention: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
+			readAllUnreadMentions: () => void;
+			unreadSpecifiedNote: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
+			readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes: () => void;
+			readAllMessagingMessages: () => void;
+			messagingMessage: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
+			unreadMessagingMessage: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
+			readAllAntennas: () => void;
+			unreadAntenna: (payload: Antenna) => void;
+			readAllAnnouncements: () => void;
+			readAllChannels: () => void;
+			unreadChannel: (payload: Note['id']) => void;
+			myTokenRegenerated: () => void;
+			reversiNoInvites: () => void;
+			reversiInvited: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+			signin: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+			registryUpdated: (payload: {
+				scope?: string[];
+				key: string;
+				value: any | null;
+			}) => void;
+			driveFileCreated: (payload: DriveFile) => void;
+			readAntenna: (payload: Antenna) => void;
+		};
+		receives: null;
+	};
+	homeTimeline: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			note: (payload: Note) => void;
+		};
+		receives: null;
+	};
+	localTimeline: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			note: (payload: Note) => void;
+		};
+		receives: null;
+	};
+	hybridTimeline: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			note: (payload: Note) => void;
+		};
+		receives: null;
+	};
+	globalTimeline: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			note: (payload: Note) => void;
+		};
+		receives: null;
+	};
+	messaging: {
+		params: {
+			otherparty?: User['id'] | null;
+			group?: UserGroup['id'] | null;
+		};
+		events: {
+			message: (payload: MessagingMessage) => void;
+			deleted: (payload: MessagingMessage['id']) => void;
+			read: (payload: MessagingMessage['id'][]) => void;
+			typers: (payload: User[]) => void;
+		};
+		receives: {
+			read: {
+				id: MessagingMessage['id'];
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	serverStats: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			stats: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+		};
+		receives: {
+			requestLog: {
+				id: string | number;
+				length: number;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	queueStats: {
+		params: null;
+		events: {
+			stats: (payload: FIXME) => void;
+		};
+		receives: {
+			requestLog: {
+				id: string | number;
+				length: number;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+export type NoteUpdatedEvent = {
+	id: Note['id'];
+	type: 'reacted';
+	body: {
+		reaction: string;
+		userId: User['id'];
+	};
+} | {
+	id: Note['id'];
+	type: 'unreacted';
+	body: {
+		reaction: string;
+		userId: User['id'];
+	};
+} | {
+	id: Note['id'];
+	type: 'deleted';
+	body: {
+		deletedAt: string;
+	};
+} | {
+	id: Note['id'];
+	type: 'pollVoted';
+	body: {
+		choice: number;
+		userId: User['id'];
+	};
+export type BroadcastEvents = {
+	noteUpdated: (payload: NoteUpdatedEvent) => void;
+	emojiAdded: (payload: {
+		emoji: CustomEmoji;
+	}) => void;
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/test-d/api.ts b/packages/misskey-js/test-d/api.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce793f6fd1710eef400c7c442c6c8324af4ce29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/test-d/api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import { expectType } from 'tsd';
+import * as Misskey from '../src';
+describe('API', () => {
+	test('success', async () => {
+		const cli = new Misskey.api.APIClient({
+			origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+			credential: 'TOKEN'
+		});
+		const res = await cli.request('meta', { detail: true });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.DetailedInstanceMetadata>(res);
+	});
+	test('conditional respose type (meta)', async () => {
+		const cli = new Misskey.api.APIClient({
+			origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+			credential: 'TOKEN'
+		});
+		const res = await cli.request('meta', { detail: true });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.DetailedInstanceMetadata>(res);
+		const res2 = await cli.request('meta', { detail: false });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.LiteInstanceMetadata>(res2);
+		const res3 = await cli.request('meta', { });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.LiteInstanceMetadata>(res3);
+		const res4 = await cli.request('meta', { detail: true as boolean });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.LiteInstanceMetadata | Misskey.entities.DetailedInstanceMetadata>(res4);
+	});
+	test('conditional respose type (users/show)', async () => {
+		const cli = new Misskey.api.APIClient({
+			origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+			credential: 'TOKEN'
+		});
+		const res = await cli.request('users/show', { userId: 'xxxxxxxx' });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.UserDetailed>(res);
+		const res2 = await cli.request('users/show', { userIds: ['xxxxxxxx'] });
+		expectType<Misskey.entities.UserDetailed[]>(res2);
+	});
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/test-d/streaming.ts b/packages/misskey-js/test-d/streaming.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ff7f95999d5dc64f06c641fa6608b9ef0a7af90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/test-d/streaming.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { expectType } from 'tsd';
+import * as Misskey from '../src';
+describe('Streaming', () => {
+	test('emit type', async () => {
+		const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		const mainChannel = stream.useChannel('main');
+		mainChannel.on('notification', notification => {
+			expectType<Misskey.entities.Notification>(notification);
+		});
+	});
+	test('params type', async () => {
+		const stream = new Misskey.Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		// TODO: 「stream.useChannel の第二引数として受け入れる型が
+		// {
+		//   otherparty?: User['id'] | null;
+		//   group?: UserGroup['id'] | null;
+		// } 
+		// になっている」というテストを行いたいけどtsdでの書き方がわからない
+		const messagingChannel = stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'aaa' });
+		messagingChannel.on('message', message => {
+			expectType<Misskey.entities.MessagingMessage>(message);
+		});
+	});
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/test/api.ts b/packages/misskey-js/test/api.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47c8378014f26cbb75d55b226ae7a07bca54e1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/test/api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+import { APIClient, isAPIError } from '../src/api';
+import { enableFetchMocks } from 'jest-fetch-mock';
+function getFetchCall(call: any[]) {
+	const { body, method } = call[1];
+	if (body != null && typeof body != 'string') {
+		throw new Error('invalid body');
+	}
+	return {
+		url: call[0],
+		method: method,
+		body: JSON.parse(body as any)
+	};
+describe('API', () => {
+	test('success', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockResponse(async (req) => {
+			const body = await req.json();
+			if (req.method == 'POST' && req.url == 'https://misskey.test/api/i') {
+				if (body.i === 'TOKEN') {
+					return JSON.stringify({ id: 'foo' });
+				} else {
+					return { status: 400 };
+				}
+			} else {
+				return { status: 404 };
+			}
+		});
+		const cli = new APIClient({
+			origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+			credential: 'TOKEN',
+		});
+		const res = await cli.request('i');
+		expect(res).toEqual({
+			id: 'foo'
+		});
+		expect(getFetchCall(fetchMock.mock.calls[0])).toEqual({
+			url: 'https://misskey.test/api/i',
+			method: 'POST',
+			body: { i: 'TOKEN' }
+		});
+	});
+	test('with params', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockResponse(async (req) => {
+			const body = await req.json();
+			if (req.method == 'POST' && req.url == 'https://misskey.test/api/notes/show') {
+				if (body.i === 'TOKEN' && body.noteId === 'aaaaa') {
+					return JSON.stringify({ id: 'foo' });
+				} else {
+					return { status: 400 };
+				}
+			} else {
+				return { status: 404 };
+			}
+		});
+		const cli = new APIClient({
+			origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+			credential: 'TOKEN',
+		});
+		const res = await cli.request('notes/show', { noteId: 'aaaaa' });
+		expect(res).toEqual({
+			id: 'foo'
+		});
+		expect(getFetchCall(fetchMock.mock.calls[0])).toEqual({
+			url: 'https://misskey.test/api/notes/show',
+			method: 'POST',
+			body: { i: 'TOKEN', noteId: 'aaaaa' }
+		});
+	});
+	test('204 No Content で null が返る', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockResponse(async (req) => {
+			if (req.method == 'POST' && req.url == 'https://misskey.test/api/reset-password') {
+				return { status: 204 };
+			} else {
+				return { status: 404 };
+			}
+		});
+		const cli = new APIClient({
+			origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+			credential: 'TOKEN',
+		});
+		const res = await cli.request('reset-password', { token: 'aaa', password: 'aaa' });
+		expect(res).toEqual(null);
+		expect(getFetchCall(fetchMock.mock.calls[0])).toEqual({
+			url: 'https://misskey.test/api/reset-password',
+			method: 'POST',
+			body: { i: 'TOKEN', token: 'aaa', password: 'aaa' }
+		});
+	});
+	test('インスタンスの credential が指定されていても引数で credential が null ならば null としてリクエストされる', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockResponse(async (req) => {
+			const body = await req.json();
+			if (req.method == 'POST' && req.url == 'https://misskey.test/api/i') {
+				if (typeof body.i === 'string') {
+					return JSON.stringify({ id: 'foo' });
+				} else {
+					return {
+						status: 401,
+						body: JSON.stringify({
+							error: {
+								message: 'Credential required.',
+								code: 'CREDENTIAL_REQUIRED',
+								id: '1384574d-a912-4b81-8601-c7b1c4085df1',
+							}
+						})
+					};
+				}
+			} else {
+				return { status: 404 };
+			}
+		});
+		try {
+			const cli = new APIClient({
+				origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+				credential: 'TOKEN',
+			});
+			await cli.request('i', {}, null);
+		} catch (e) {
+			expect(isAPIError(e)).toEqual(true);
+		}
+	});
+	test('api error', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockResponse(async (req) => {
+			return {
+				status: 500,
+				body: JSON.stringify({
+					error: {
+						message: 'Internal error occurred. Please contact us if the error persists.',
+						code: 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
+						id: '5d37dbcb-891e-41ca-a3d6-e690c97775ac',
+						kind: 'server',
+					},
+				})
+			};
+		});
+		try {
+			const cli = new APIClient({
+				origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+				credential: 'TOKEN',
+			});
+			await cli.request('i');
+		} catch (e: any) {
+			expect(isAPIError(e)).toEqual(true);
+			expect(e.id).toEqual('5d37dbcb-891e-41ca-a3d6-e690c97775ac');
+		}
+	});
+	test('network error', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockAbort();
+		try {
+			const cli = new APIClient({
+				origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+				credential: 'TOKEN',
+			});
+			await cli.request('i');
+		} catch (e) {
+			expect(isAPIError(e)).toEqual(false);
+		}
+	});
+	test('json parse error', async () => {
+		fetchMock.resetMocks();
+		fetchMock.mockResponse(async (req) => {
+			return {
+				status: 500,
+				body: '<html>I AM NOT JSON</html>'
+			};
+		});
+		try {
+			const cli = new APIClient({
+				origin: 'https://misskey.test',
+				credential: 'TOKEN',
+			});
+			await cli.request('i');
+		} catch (e) {
+			expect(isAPIError(e)).toEqual(false);
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/test/streaming.ts b/packages/misskey-js/test/streaming.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..913db8b28765da032ff434238ff11f489a0ce3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/misskey-js/test/streaming.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import WS from 'jest-websocket-mock';
+import Stream from '../src/streaming';
+describe('Streaming', () => {
+	test('useChannel', async () => {
+		const server = new WS('wss://misskey.test/streaming');
+		const stream = new Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		const mainChannelReceived: any[] = [];
+		const main = stream.useChannel('main');
+		main.on('meUpdated', payload => {
+			mainChannelReceived.push(payload);
+		});
+		const ws = await server.connected;
+		expect(new URLSearchParams(new URL(ws.url).search).get('i')).toEqual('TOKEN');
+		const msg = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		const mainChannelId = msg.body.id;
+		expect(msg.type).toEqual('connect');
+		expect(msg.body.channel).toEqual('main');
+		expect(mainChannelId != null).toEqual(true);
+		server.send(JSON.stringify({
+			type: 'channel',
+			body: {
+				id: mainChannelId,
+				type: 'meUpdated',
+				body: {
+					id: 'foo'
+				}
+			}
+		}));
+		expect(mainChannelReceived[0]).toEqual({
+			id: 'foo'
+		});
+		stream.close();
+		server.close();
+	});
+	test('useChannel with parameters', async () => {
+		const server = new WS('wss://misskey.test/streaming');
+		const stream = new Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		const messagingChannelReceived: any[] = [];
+		const messaging = stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'aaa' });
+		messaging.on('message', payload => {
+			messagingChannelReceived.push(payload);
+		});
+		const ws = await server.connected;
+		expect(new URLSearchParams(new URL(ws.url).search).get('i')).toEqual('TOKEN');
+		const msg = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		const messagingChannelId = msg.body.id;
+		expect(msg.type).toEqual('connect');
+		expect(msg.body.channel).toEqual('messaging');
+		expect(msg.body.params).toEqual({ otherparty: 'aaa' });
+		expect(messagingChannelId != null).toEqual(true);
+		server.send(JSON.stringify({
+			type: 'channel',
+			body: {
+				id: messagingChannelId,
+				type: 'message',
+				body: {
+					id: 'foo'
+				}
+			}
+		}));
+		expect(messagingChannelReceived[0]).toEqual({
+			id: 'foo'
+		});
+		stream.close();
+		server.close();
+	});
+	test('ちゃんとチャンネルごとにidが異なる', async () => {
+		const server = new WS('wss://misskey.test/streaming');
+		const stream = new Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'aaa' });
+		stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'bbb' });
+		const ws = await server.connected;
+		expect(new URLSearchParams(new URL(ws.url).search).get('i')).toEqual('TOKEN');
+		const msg = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		const messagingChannelId = msg.body.id;
+		const msg2 = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		const messagingChannelId2 = msg2.body.id;
+		expect(messagingChannelId != null).toEqual(true);
+		expect(messagingChannelId2 != null).toEqual(true);
+		expect(messagingChannelId).not.toEqual(messagingChannelId2);
+		stream.close();
+		server.close();
+	});
+	test('Connection#send', async () => {
+		const server = new WS('wss://misskey.test/streaming');
+		const stream = new Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		const messaging = stream.useChannel('messaging', { otherparty: 'aaa' });
+		messaging.send('read', { id: 'aaa' });
+		const ws = await server.connected;
+		expect(new URLSearchParams(new URL(ws.url).search).get('i')).toEqual('TOKEN');
+		const connectMsg = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		const channelId = connectMsg.body.id;
+		const msg = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		expect(msg.type).toEqual('ch');
+		expect(msg.body.id).toEqual(channelId);
+		expect(msg.body.type).toEqual('read');
+		expect(msg.body.body).toEqual({ id: 'aaa' });
+		stream.close();
+		server.close();
+	});
+	test('Connection#dispose', async () => {
+		const server = new WS('wss://misskey.test/streaming');
+		const stream = new Stream('https://misskey.test', { token: 'TOKEN' });
+		const mainChannelReceived: any[] = [];
+		const main = stream.useChannel('main');
+		main.on('meUpdated', payload => {
+			mainChannelReceived.push(payload);
+		});
+		const ws = await server.connected;
+		expect(new URLSearchParams(new URL(ws.url).search).get('i')).toEqual('TOKEN');
+		const msg = JSON.parse(await server.nextMessage as string);
+		const mainChannelId = msg.body.id;
+		expect(msg.type).toEqual('connect');
+		expect(msg.body.channel).toEqual('main');
+		expect(mainChannelId != null).toEqual(true);
+		main.dispose();
+		server.send(JSON.stringify({
+			type: 'channel',
+			body: {
+				id: mainChannelId,
+				type: 'meUpdated',
+				body: {
+					id: 'foo'
+				}
+			}
+		}));
+		expect(mainChannelReceived.length).toEqual(0);
+		stream.close();
+		server.close();
+	});
+	// TODO: SharedConnection#dispose して一定時間経ったら disconnect メッセージがサーバーに送られてくるかのテスト
+	// TODO: チャンネル接続が使いまわされるかのテスト
diff --git a/packages/misskey-js/tsconfig.json b/packages/misskey-js/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
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+		"esModuleInterop": true
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+		"src/**/*"
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+++ b/packages/sw/package.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
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@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ importers:
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+      import-lazy: 4.0.0
+      jju: 1.4.0
+      resolve: 1.22.1
+      semver: 7.3.8
+      z-schema: 5.0.5
+    dev: true
+  /@rushstack/rig-package/0.3.18:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-SGEwNTwNq9bI3pkdd01yCaH+gAsHqs0uxfGvtw9b0LJXH52qooWXnrFTRRLG1aL9pf+M2CARdrA9HLHJys3jiQ==}
+    dependencies:
+      resolve: 1.22.1
+      strip-json-comments: 3.1.1
+    dev: true
+  /@rushstack/ts-command-line/4.13.2:
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+      '@types/argparse': 1.0.38
+      argparse: 1.0.10
+      colors: 1.2.5
+      string-argv: 0.3.1
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     resolution: {integrity: sha512-7vwq+rOHVWjyXxVlR76Agnvhy8I9rpzjosTESvmhNeXOXdZZB15Fl+TI9x1SiHZH5Jv2wTGduSxFDIaq0m3DUw==}
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     dev: true
+  /@sinclair/typebox/0.24.51:
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     engines: {node: '>= 10'}
     dev: false
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+    dev: true
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+    dev: true
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+    dev: true
+  /@tsd/typescript/4.5.5:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-TxQ9QiUT94ZjKu++ta/iwTMVHsix4ApohnaHPTSd58WQuTjPIELP0tUYcW7lT6psz7yZiU4eRw+X4v/XV830Sw==}
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@@ -3502,6 +3701,10 @@ packages:
       '@types/glob': 8.0.0
     dev: true
+  /@types/argparse/1.0.38:
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@@ -3594,9 +3797,15 @@ packages:
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     dev: true
+  /@types/eslint/7.29.0:
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+      '@types/estree': 1.0.0
+      '@types/json-schema': 7.0.11
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-      '@types/node': 18.11.18
+      '@types/node': 17.0.5
       '@types/vinyl': 2.0.7
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@@ -3677,8 +3886,15 @@ packages:
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-      expect: 29.3.1
-      pretty-format: 29.3.1
+      expect: 29.5.0
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+  /@types/jest/29.5.0:
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+    dependencies:
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     dev: true
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     dev: true
+  /@types/minimist/1.2.2:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-jhuKLIRrhvCPLqwPcx6INqmKeiA5EWrsCOPhrlFSrbrmU4ZMPjj5Ul/oLCMDO98XRUIwVm78xICz4EPCektzeQ==}
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@@ -3748,8 +3968,8 @@ packages:
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-  /@types/node/18.11.18:
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+  /@types/node/17.0.5:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-w3mrvNXLeDYV1GKTZorGJQivK6XLCoGwpnyJFbJVK/aTBQUxOCaa/GlFAAN3OTDFcb7h5tiFG+YXCO2By+riZw==}
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@@ -3760,6 +3980,10 @@ packages:
       '@types/node': 18.15.0
     dev: true
+  /@types/normalize-package-data/2.4.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gj7cI7z+98M282Tqmp2K5EIsoouUEzbBJhQQzDE3jSIRk6r9gsz0oUokqIUR4u1R3dMHo0pDHM7sNOHyhulypw==}
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@@ -4006,6 +4230,50 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
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+      eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0
+      typescript: '*'
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+      typescript:
+        optional: true
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+      eslint: 8.6.0
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+      ignore: 5.2.4
+      regexpp: 3.2.0
+      semver: 7.3.8
+      tsutils: 3.21.0_typescript@4.5.4
+      typescript: 4.5.4
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+      - supports-color
+    dev: true
+  /@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils/5.8.1_z3gsmzc3xu6w45afpmnsgzwvm4:
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+    dependencies:
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+      eslint-utils: 3.0.0_eslint@8.6.0
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - supports-color
+      - typescript
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-e2KiLQOZRo4Y0D/b+3y08i3jsekoSkOYStROYmPUnGMEoA0h+k2qOH5H6tcjIc68WDvGwH+PaOrP1XRzLJ6QlA==}
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@@ -4046,6 +4314,26 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
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+    peerDependencies:
+      eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0
+      typescript: '*'
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+      typescript:
+        optional: true
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+      '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager': 5.8.1
+      '@typescript-eslint/types': 5.8.1
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+      debug: 4.3.4
+      eslint: 8.6.0
+      typescript: 4.5.4
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - supports-color
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-AR7sxxfBKiNV0FWBSARxM8DmNxrwgnYMPwmpkC1Pl1n+eT8/I2NAUPuwDy/FmDcC6F8pBfmOcaxcxRHspgOBMw==}
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@@ -4062,6 +4350,14 @@ packages:
       '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 5.54.1
     dev: true
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+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-DGxJkNyYruFH3NIZc3PwrzwOQAg7vvgsHsHCILOLvUpupgkwDZdNq/cXU3BjF4LNrCsVg0qxEyWasys5AiJ85Q==}
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+    dependencies:
+      '@typescript-eslint/types': 5.8.1
+      '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 5.8.1
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@@ -4092,6 +4388,11 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
     dev: true
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+    engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+    dev: true
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     engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
@@ -4134,6 +4435,27 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
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+    engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+    peerDependencies:
+      typescript: '*'
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+      typescript:
+        optional: true
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+      '@typescript-eslint/types': 5.8.1
+      '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 5.8.1
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+      semver: 7.3.8
+      tsutils: 3.21.0_typescript@4.5.4
+      typescript: 4.5.4
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - supports-color
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-IY5dyQM8XD1zfDe5X8jegX6r2EVU5o/WJnLu/znLPWCBF7KNGC+adacXnt5jEYS9JixDcoccI6CvE4RCjHMzCQ==}
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       eslint-visitor-keys: 3.3.0
     dev: true
+  /@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys/5.8.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-SWgiWIwocK6NralrJarPZlWdr0hZnj5GXHIgfdm8hNkyKvpeQuFyLP6YjSIe9kf3YBIfU6OHSZLYkQ+smZwtNg==}
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+      '@typescript-eslint/types': 5.8.1
+      eslint-visitor-keys: 3.3.0
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     resolution: {integrity: sha512-e0X4jErIxAB5oLtDqbHvHpJe/uWNkdpYV83AOG2xo2tEVSzCzewgJMtREZM30wXnM5ls90hxiOtAuVU6H5JgbA==}
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-      acorn: 8.8.1
+      acorn: 8.8.2
       acorn-walk: 8.2.0
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@@ -4656,6 +4986,10 @@ packages:
       readable-stream: 3.6.0
     dev: false
+  /arg/4.1.3:
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+    dev: true
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       es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.0
     dev: true
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+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-3CYzex9M9FGQjCGMGyi6/31c8GJbgb0qGyrx5HWxPd0aCwh4cB2YjMb2Xf9UuoogrMrlO9cTqnB5rI5GHZTcUA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
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     resolution: {integrity: sha512-BSHWgDSAiKs50o2Re8ppvp3seVHXSRM44cdSsT9FfNEUUZLOGWVCsiWaRPWM1Znn+mqZ1OfVZ3z3DWEzSp7hRA==}
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@@ -4912,7 +5251,7 @@ packages:
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-      follow-redirects: 1.15.2_debug@4.3.4
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       - debug
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     dev: true
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+    engines: {node: '>= 6'}
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+      fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0
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     engines: {node: '>=6'}
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+      camelcase: 5.3.1
+      map-obj: 4.3.0
+      quick-lru: 4.0.1
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+    engines: {node: '>=0.1.90'}
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@@ -5890,7 +6250,7 @@ packages:
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       readable-stream: 3.6.0
     dev: false
+  /create-require/1.1.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-dcKFX3jn0MpIaXjisoRvexIJVEKzaq7z2rZKxf+MSr9TkdmHmsU4m2lcLojrj/FHl8mk5VxMmYA+ftRkP/3oKQ==}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-WguFaoQ0hQ61SgsCZLHUcNbAvlK0lypKXu62ARguefYmjzaOXIVRNrAmyXzabTwUn4sQvQLkk6bjH+ipGfw8bA==}
     engines: {node: '>=12.0.0'}
@@ -6305,10 +6669,17 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-syBZ+rnAK3EgMsH2aYEOLUW7mZSY9Gb+0wUMCFsZvcmiz+HigA0LOcq/HoQqVuGG+EKykunc7QG2bzrponfaSw==}
+  /decamelize-keys/1.1.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-WiPxgEirIV0/eIOMcnFBA3/IJZAZqKnwAwWyvvdi4lsr1WCN22nhdf/3db3DoZcUjTV2SqfzIwNyp6y2xs3nmg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+    dependencies:
+      decamelize: 1.2.0
+      map-obj: 1.0.1
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-z2S+W9X73hAUUki+N+9Za2lBlun89zigOyGrsax+KUQ6wKW4ZoWpEYBkGhQjwAjjDCkWxhY0VKEhk8wzY7F5cA==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
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@@ -6489,11 +6860,21 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=8'}
     dev: true
+  /diff-sequences/28.1.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-FU0iFaH/E23a+a718l8Qa/19bF9p06kgE0KipMOMadwa3SjnaElKzPaUC0vnibs6/B/9ni97s61mcejk8W1fQw==}
+    engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=17.0.0}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-ofrBgwpPhCD85kMKtE9RYFFq6OC1A89oW2vvgWZNCwxrUpRUILopY7lsYyMDSjc8g6U6aiO0Qubg6r4Wgt5ZnA==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
     dev: true
+  /diff/4.0.2:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-58lmxKSA4BNyLz+HHMUzlOEpg09FV+ev6ZMe3vJihgdxzgcwZ8VoEEPmALCZG9LmqfVoNMMKpttIYTVG6uDY7A==}
+    engines: {node: '>=0.3.1'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-D+mk+qE8VC/PAUrlAU34N+VfXev0ghe5ywmpqrawphmVZc1bEfn56uo9qpyGp1p4xpzOHkSW4ztBd6L7Xx4ACw==}
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@@ -7064,6 +7445,7 @@ packages:
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     engines: {node: '>=6.0'}
+    hasBin: true
       esprima: 4.0.1
       estraverse: 5.3.0
@@ -7073,12 +7455,26 @@ packages:
       source-map: 0.6.1
     dev: false
-  /eslint-import-resolver-node/0.3.7:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gozW2blMLJCeFpBwugLTGyvVjNoeo1knonXAcatC6bjPBZitotxdWf7Gimr25N4c0AAOo4eOUfaG82IJPDpqCA==}
+  /eslint-formatter-pretty/4.1.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-IsUTtGxF1hrH6lMWiSl1WbGaiP01eT6kzywdY1U+zLc0MP+nwEnUiS9UI8IaOTUhTeQJLlCEWIbXINBH4YJbBQ==}
+    engines: {node: '>=10'}
-      debug: 3.2.7
-      is-core-module: 2.11.0
-      resolve: 1.22.1
+      '@types/eslint': 7.29.0
+      ansi-escapes: 4.3.2
+      chalk: 4.1.2
+      eslint-rule-docs: 1.1.235
+      log-symbols: 4.1.0
+      plur: 4.0.0
+      string-width: 4.2.3
+      supports-hyperlinks: 2.3.0
+    dev: true
+  /eslint-import-resolver-node/0.3.7:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gozW2blMLJCeFpBwugLTGyvVjNoeo1knonXAcatC6bjPBZitotxdWf7Gimr25N4c0AAOo4eOUfaG82IJPDpqCA==}
+    dependencies:
+      debug: 3.2.7
+      is-core-module: 2.11.0
+      resolve: 1.22.1
       - supports-color
     dev: true
@@ -7225,6 +7621,10 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
+  /eslint-rule-docs/1.1.235:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-+TQ+x4JdTnDoFEXXb3fDvfGOwnyNV7duH8fXWTPD1ieaBmB8omj7Gw/pMBBu4uI2uJCCU8APDaQJzWuXnTsH4A==}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-2NxwbF/hZ0KpepYN0cNbo+FN6XoK7GaHlQhgx/hIZl6Va0bF45RQOOwhLIy8lQDbuCiadSLCBnH2CFYquit5bw==}
     engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'}
@@ -7261,6 +7661,16 @@ packages:
       eslint-visitor-keys: 2.1.0
     dev: true
+  /eslint-utils/3.0.0_eslint@8.6.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-uuQC43IGctw68pJA1RgbQS8/NP7rch6Cwd4j3ZBtgo4/8Flj4eGE7ZYSZRN3iq5pVUv6GPdW5Z1RFleo84uLDA==}
+    engines: {node: ^10.0.0 || ^12.0.0 || >= 14.0.0}
+    peerDependencies:
+      eslint: '>=5'
+    dependencies:
+      eslint: 8.6.0
+      eslint-visitor-keys: 2.1.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-0rSmRBzXgDzIsD6mGdJgevzgezI534Cer5L/vyMX0kHzT/jiB43jRhd9YUlMGYLQy2zprNmoT8qasCGtY+QaKw==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
@@ -7367,6 +7777,53 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
+  /eslint/8.6.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-UvxdOJ7mXFlw7iuHZA4jmzPaUqIw54mZrv+XPYKNbKdLR0et4rf60lIZUU9kiNtnzzMzGWxMV+tQ7uG7JG8DPw==}
+    engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0}
+    hasBin: true
+    dependencies:
+      '@eslint/eslintrc': 1.4.1
+      '@humanwhocodes/config-array': 0.9.5
+      ajv: 6.12.6
+      chalk: 4.1.2
+      cross-spawn: 7.0.3
+      debug: 4.3.4
+      doctrine: 3.0.0
+      enquirer: 2.3.6
+      escape-string-regexp: 4.0.0
+      eslint-scope: 7.1.1
+      eslint-utils: 3.0.0_eslint@8.6.0
+      eslint-visitor-keys: 3.3.0
+      espree: 9.4.1
+      esquery: 1.4.2
+      esutils: 2.0.3
+      fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3
+      file-entry-cache: 6.0.1
+      functional-red-black-tree: 1.0.1
+      glob-parent: 6.0.2
+      globals: 13.19.0
+      ignore: 4.0.6
+      import-fresh: 3.3.0
+      imurmurhash: 0.1.4
+      is-glob: 4.0.3
+      js-yaml: 4.1.0
+      json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1
+      levn: 0.4.1
+      lodash.merge: 4.6.2
+      minimatch: 3.1.2
+      natural-compare: 1.4.0
+      optionator: 0.9.1
+      progress: 2.0.3
+      regexpp: 3.2.0
+      semver: 7.3.8
+      strip-ansi: 6.0.1
+      strip-json-comments: 3.1.1
+      text-table: 0.2.0
+      v8-compile-cache: 2.3.0
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - supports-color
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-XwctdmTO6SIvCzd9810yyNzIrOrqNYV9Koizx4C/mRhf9uq0o4yHoCEU/670pOxOL/MSraektvSAji79kX90Vg==}
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@@ -7553,17 +8010,6 @@ packages:
       homedir-polyfill: 1.0.3
     dev: false
-  /expect/29.3.1:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gGb1yTgU30Q0O/tQq+z30KBWv24ApkMgFUpvKBkyLUBL68Wv8dHdJxTBZFl/iT8K/bqDHvUYRH6IIN3rToopPA==}
-    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
-    dependencies:
-      '@jest/expect-utils': 29.3.1
-      jest-get-type: 29.2.0
-      jest-matcher-utils: 29.3.1
-      jest-message-util: 29.3.1
-      jest-util: 29.5.0
-    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-yM7xqUrCO2JdpFo4XpM82t+PJBFybdqoQuJLDGeDX2ij8NZzqRHyu3Hp188/JX7SWqud+7t4MUdvcgGBICMHZg==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -7967,6 +8413,16 @@ packages:
       readable-stream: 2.3.7
     dev: false
+  /follow-redirects/1.15.2:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-VQLG33o04KaQ8uYi2tVNbdrWp1QWxNNea+nmIB4EVM28v0hmP17z7aG1+wAkNzVq4KeXTq3221ye5qTJP91JwA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
+    peerDependencies:
+      debug: '*'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      debug:
+        optional: true
+    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-VQLG33o04KaQ8uYi2tVNbdrWp1QWxNNea+nmIB4EVM28v0hmP17z7aG1+wAkNzVq4KeXTq3221ye5qTJP91JwA==}
     engines: {node: '>=4.0'}
@@ -7977,6 +8433,7 @@ packages:
         optional: true
       debug: 4.3.4
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-jqYfLp7mo9vIyQf8ykW2v7A+2N4QjeCeI5+Dz9XraiO1ign81wjiH7Fb9vSOWvQfNtmSa4H2RoQTrrXivdUZmw==}
@@ -8062,6 +8519,15 @@ packages:
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     dev: false
+  /fs-extra/7.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-YJDaCJZEnBmcbw13fvdAM9AwNOJwOzrE4pqMqBq5nFiEqXUqHwlK4B+3pUw6JNvfSPtX05xFHtYy/1ni01eGCw==}
+    engines: {node: '>=6 <7 || >=8'}
+    dependencies:
+      graceful-fs: 4.2.10
+      jsonfile: 4.0.0
+      universalify: 0.1.2
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-yhlQgA6mnOJUKOsRUFsgJdQCvkKhcz8tlZG5HBQfReYZy46OwLcY+Zia0mtdHsOo9y/hP+CxMN0TU9QxoOtG4g==}
     engines: {node: '>=6 <7 || >=8'}
@@ -8136,6 +8602,10 @@ packages:
       functions-have-names: 1.2.3
     dev: true
+  /functional-red-black-tree/1.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-dsKNQNdj6xA3T+QlADDA7mOSlX0qiMINjn0cgr+eGHGsbSHzTabcIogz2+p/iqP1Xs6EP/sS2SbqH+brGTbq0g==}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-xckBUXyTIqT97tq2x2AMb+g163b5JFysYk0x4qxNFwbfQkmNZoiRHb6sPzI9/QV33WeuvVYBUIiD4NzNIyqaRQ==}
     dev: true
@@ -8509,7 +8979,7 @@ packages:
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     engines: {node: '>=10'}
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       istextorbinary: 3.3.0
       replacestream: 4.0.3
@@ -8576,6 +9046,11 @@ packages:
       har-schema: 2.0.0
     dev: false
+  /hard-rejection/2.1.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-VIZB+ibDhx7ObhAe7OVtoEbuP4h/MuOTHJ+J8h/eBXotJYl0fBgR72xDFCKgIh22OJZIOVNxBMWuhAr10r8HdA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=6'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-C8vBJ8DwUCx19vhm7urhTuUsr4/IyP6l4VzNQDv+ryHQObW3TTTp9yB68WpYgRe2bbaGuZ/se74IqFeVnMnLZg==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
@@ -8683,7 +9158,13 @@ packages:
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-    dev: false
+  /hosted-git-info/4.1.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-kyCuEOWjJqZuDbRHzL8V93NzQhwIB71oFWSyzVo+KPZI+pnQPPxucdkrOZvkLRnrf5URsQM+IJ09Dw29cRALIA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=10'}
+    dependencies:
+      lru-cache: 6.0.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-A91dYTeIB6NoXG+PxTQpCCDDnfHsW9kc06Lvpu1TEe9gnd6ZFeiBoRO9JvzEv6xK7EX97/dUE8g/vBMTqTS3CA==}
@@ -8844,6 +9325,11 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-dcyqhDvX1C46lXZcVqCpK+FtMRQVdIMN6/Df5js2zouUsqG7I6sFxitIC+7KYK29KdXOLHdu9zL4sFnoVQnqaA==}
+  /ignore/4.0.6:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-cyFDKrqc/YdcWFniJhzI42+AzS+gNwmUzOSFcRCQYwySuBBBy/KjuxWLZ/FHEH6Moq1NizMOBWyTcv8O4OZIMg==}
+    engines: {node: '>= 4'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-MAb38BcSbH0eHNBxn7ql2NH/kX33OkB3lZ1BNdh7ENeRChHTYsTvWrMubiIAMNS2llXEEgZ1MUOBtXChP3kaFQ==}
     engines: {node: '>= 4'}
@@ -8859,6 +9345,11 @@ packages:
       resolve-from: 4.0.0
     dev: true
+  /import-lazy/4.0.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-rKtvo6a868b5Hu3heneU+L4yEQ4jYKLtjpnPeUdK7h0yzXGmyBTypknlkCvHFBqfX9YlorEiMM6Dnq/5atfHkw==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-ASB07uLtnDs1o6EHjKpX34BKYDSqnFerfTOJL2HvMqF70LnxpjkzDB8J44oT9pu4AMPkQwf8jl6szgvNd2tRIg==}
     engines: {node: '>=8'}
@@ -9005,6 +9496,11 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-1qTgH9NG+IIJ4yfKs2e6Pp1bZg8wbDbKHT21HrLIeYBTRLgMYKnMTPAuI3Lcs61nfx5h1xlXnbJtH1kX5/d/ng==}
     engines: {node: '>= 10'}
+  /irregular-plurals/3.5.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-1ANGLZ+Nkv1ptFb2pa8oG8Lem4krflKuX/gINiHJHjJUKaJHk/SXk5x6K3J+39/p0h1RQ2saROclJJ+QLvETCQ==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-vOx7VprsKyllwjSkLV79NIhpyLfr3jAp7VaTCMXOJHu4m0Ew1CZ2fcjASwmV1jI3BWuWHB013M48eyeldk9gYg==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
@@ -9259,7 +9755,6 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-yvkRyxmFKEOQ4pNXCmJG5AEQNlXJS5LaONXo5/cLdTZdWvsZ1ioJEonLGAosKlMWE8lwUy/bJzMjcw8az73+Fg==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-h5PpgXkWitc38BBMYawTYMWJHFZJVnBquFE57xFpjB8pJFiF6gZ+bU+WyI/yqXiFR5mdLsgYNaPe8uao6Uv9Og==}
@@ -9539,6 +10034,34 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
+  /jest-cli/29.5.0_7swdrqvdnw6wwhtlpyouq3qjzm:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-L1KcP1l4HtfwdxXNFCL5bmUbLQiKrakMUriBEcc1Vfz6gx31ORKdreuWvmQVBit+1ss9NNR3yxjwfwzZNdQXJw==}
+    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
+    hasBin: true
+    peerDependencies:
+      node-notifier: ^8.0.1 || ^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      node-notifier:
+        optional: true
+    dependencies:
+      '@jest/core': 29.5.0_ts-node@10.4.0
+      '@jest/test-result': 29.5.0
+      '@jest/types': 29.5.0
+      chalk: 4.1.2
+      exit: 0.1.2
+      graceful-fs: 4.2.10
+      import-local: 3.1.0
+      jest-config: 29.5.0_7swdrqvdnw6wwhtlpyouq3qjzm
+      jest-util: 29.5.0
+      jest-validate: 29.5.0
+      prompts: 2.4.2
+      yargs: 17.6.2
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - '@types/node'
+      - supports-color
+      - ts-node
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-L1KcP1l4HtfwdxXNFCL5bmUbLQiKrakMUriBEcc1Vfz6gx31ORKdreuWvmQVBit+1ss9NNR3yxjwfwzZNdQXJw==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9567,6 +10090,46 @@ packages:
       - ts-node
     dev: true
+  /jest-config/29.5.0_7swdrqvdnw6wwhtlpyouq3qjzm:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-kvDUKBnNJPNBmFFOhDbm59iu1Fii1Q6SxyhXfvylq3UTHbg6o7j/g8k2dZyXWLvfdKB1vAPxNZnMgtKJcmu3kA==}
+    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/node': '*'
+      ts-node: '>=9.0.0'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/node':
+        optional: true
+      ts-node:
+        optional: true
+    dependencies:
+      '@babel/core': 7.20.12
+      '@jest/test-sequencer': 29.5.0
+      '@jest/types': 29.5.0
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+      babel-jest: 29.5.0_@babel+core@7.20.12
+      chalk: 4.1.2
+      ci-info: 3.7.1
+      deepmerge: 4.2.2
+      glob: 7.2.3
+      graceful-fs: 4.2.10
+      jest-circus: 29.5.0
+      jest-environment-node: 29.5.0
+      jest-get-type: 29.4.3
+      jest-regex-util: 29.4.3
+      jest-resolve: 29.5.0
+      jest-runner: 29.5.0
+      jest-util: 29.5.0
+      jest-validate: 29.5.0
+      micromatch: 4.0.5
+      parse-json: 5.2.0
+      pretty-format: 29.5.0
+      slash: 3.0.0
+      strip-json-comments: 3.1.1
+      ts-node: 10.4.0_v45nlugqqc4lshly576cwka7tm
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - supports-color
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-kvDUKBnNJPNBmFFOhDbm59iu1Fii1Q6SxyhXfvylq3UTHbg6o7j/g8k2dZyXWLvfdKB1vAPxNZnMgtKJcmu3kA==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9606,6 +10169,16 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: true
+  /jest-diff/28.1.3:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-8RqP1B/OXzjjTWkqMX67iqgwBVJRgCyKD3L9nq+6ZqJMdvjE8RgHktqZ6jNrkdMT+dJuYNI3rhQpxaz7drJHfw==}
+    engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=17.0.0}
+    dependencies:
+      chalk: 4.1.2
+      diff-sequences: 28.1.1
+      jest-get-type: 28.0.2
+      pretty-format: 28.1.3
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-LtxijLLZBduXnHSniy0WMdaHjmQnt3g5sa16W4p0HqukYTTsyTW3GD1q41TyGl5YFXj/5B2U6dlh5FM1LIMgxw==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9646,9 +10219,18 @@ packages:
       jest-util: 29.5.0
     dev: true
-  /jest-get-type/29.2.0:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-uXNJlg8hKFEnDgFsrCjznB+sTxdkuqiCL6zMgA75qEbAJjJYTs9XPrvDctrEig2GDow22T/LvHgO57iJhXB/UA==}
-    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
+  /jest-fetch-mock/3.0.3:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ux1nWprtLrdrH4XwE7O7InRY6psIi3GOsqNESJgMJ+M5cv4A8Lh7SN9d2V2kKRZ8ebAfcd1LNyZguAOb6JiDqw==}
+    dependencies:
+      cross-fetch: 3.1.5
+      promise-polyfill: 8.3.0
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - encoding
+    dev: true
+  /jest-get-type/28.0.2:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-ioj2w9/DxSYHfOm5lJKCdcAmPJzQXmbM/Url3rhlghrPvT3tt+7a/+oXc9azkKmLvoiXjtV83bEWqi+vs5nlPA==}
+    engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=17.0.0}
     dev: true
@@ -9683,16 +10265,6 @@ packages:
       pretty-format: 29.5.0
     dev: true
-  /jest-matcher-utils/29.3.1:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-fkRMZUAScup3txIKfMe3AIZZmPEjWEdsPJFK3AIy5qRohWqQFg1qrmKfYXR9qEkNc7OdAu2N4KPHibEmy4HPeQ==}
-    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
-    dependencies:
-      chalk: 4.1.2
-      jest-diff: 29.5.0
-      jest-get-type: 29.4.3
-      pretty-format: 29.5.0
-    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-lecRtgm/rjIK0CQ7LPQwzCs2VwW6WAahA55YBuI+xqmhm7LAaxokSB8C97yJeYyT+HvQkH741StzpU41wohhWw==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9703,21 +10275,6 @@ packages:
       pretty-format: 29.5.0
     dev: true
-  /jest-message-util/29.3.1:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-lMJTbgNcDm5z+6KDxWtqOFWlGQxD6XaYwBqHR8kmpkP+WWWG90I35kdtQHY67Ay5CSuydkTBbJG+tH9JShFCyA==}
-    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
-    dependencies:
-      '@babel/code-frame': 7.18.6
-      '@jest/types': 29.5.0
-      '@types/stack-utils': 2.0.1
-      chalk: 4.1.2
-      graceful-fs: 4.2.10
-      micromatch: 4.0.5
-      pretty-format: 29.5.0
-      slash: 3.0.0
-      stack-utils: 2.0.6
-    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-Kijeg9Dag6CKtIDA7O21zNTACqD5MD/8HfIV8pdD94vFyFuer52SigdC3IQMhab3vACxXMiFk+yMHNdbqtyTGA==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9738,7 +10295,7 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
       '@jest/types': 29.5.0
-      '@types/node': 18.15.0
+      '@types/node': 17.0.5
       jest-util: 29.5.0
     dev: true
@@ -9912,6 +10469,13 @@ packages:
       string-length: 4.0.2
     dev: true
+  /jest-websocket-mock/2.4.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-AOwyuRw6fgROXHxMOiTDl1/T4dh3fV4jDquha5N0csS/PNp742HeTZWPAuKppVRSQ8s3fUGgJHoyZT9JDO0hMA==}
+    dependencies:
+      jest-diff: 28.1.3
+      mock-socket: 9.2.1
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-NcrQnevGoSp4b5kg+akIpthoAFHxPBcb5P6mYPY0fUNT+sSvmtu6jlkEle3anczUKIKEbMxFimk9oTP/tpIPgA==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9922,6 +10486,26 @@ packages:
       supports-color: 8.1.1
     dev: true
+  /jest/29.5.0_7swdrqvdnw6wwhtlpyouq3qjzm:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-juMg3he2uru1QoXX078zTa7pO85QyB9xajZc6bU+d9yEGwrKX6+vGmJQ3UdVZsvTEUARIdObzH68QItim6OSSQ==}
+    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
+    hasBin: true
+    peerDependencies:
+      node-notifier: ^8.0.1 || ^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      node-notifier:
+        optional: true
+    dependencies:
+      '@jest/core': 29.5.0_ts-node@10.4.0
+      '@jest/types': 29.5.0
+      import-local: 3.1.0
+      jest-cli: 29.5.0_7swdrqvdnw6wwhtlpyouq3qjzm
+    transitivePeerDependencies:
+      - '@types/node'
+      - supports-color
+      - ts-node
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-juMg3he2uru1QoXX078zTa7pO85QyB9xajZc6bU+d9yEGwrKX6+vGmJQ3UdVZsvTEUARIdObzH68QItim6OSSQ==}
     engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
@@ -9942,6 +10526,10 @@ packages:
       - ts-node
     dev: true
+  /jju/1.4.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-8wb9Yw966OSxApiCt0K3yNJL8pnNeIv+OEq2YMidz4FKP6nonSRoOXc80iXY4JaN2FC11B9qsNmDsm+ZOfMROA==}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-1/ugc8djfn93rTE3WRKdCzGGt/EtiYKxITMO4Wiv6q5JL1gl9ePt4kBsl1S499nbosspfctIQTpYIhSmHA3WAg==}
@@ -10091,6 +10679,7 @@ packages:
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+    hasBin: true
       minimist: 1.2.7
     dev: true
@@ -10098,6 +10687,7 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-XmOWe7eyHYH14cLdVPoyg+GOH3rYX++KpzrylJwSW98t3Nk+U8XOl8FWKOgwtzdb8lXGf6zYwDUzeHMWfxasyg==}
     engines: {node: '>=6'}
+    hasBin: true
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@@ -10107,7 +10697,6 @@ packages:
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       graceful-fs: 4.2.10
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     resolution: {integrity: sha512-NQRZ5CRo74MhMMC3/3r5g2k4fjodJ/wh8MxjFbCViWKFjxrnudWSY5vomh+23ZaXzAS7J3fBZIR2dV6WbmfM0w==}
@@ -10222,7 +10811,6 @@ packages:
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     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
-    dev: false
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@@ -10407,13 +10995,16 @@ packages:
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+  /lodash.isequal/4.5.0:
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+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-oSXzaWypCMHkPC3NvBEaPHf0KsA5mvPrOPgQWDsbg8n7orZ290M0BmC/jgRZ4vcJ6DTAhjrsSYgdsW/F+MFOBA==}
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     resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KpjqXRVvrYyCsX1swR/XTK0va6VQkQM6MNo7PqW77ByjAhoARA8EfrP1N4+KlKj8YS0ZUCtRT/YUuhyYDujIQ==}
@@ -10517,6 +11108,10 @@ packages:
       semver: 6.3.0
+  /make-error/1.3.6:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-s8UhlNe7vPKomQhC1qFelMokr/Sc3AgNbso3n74mVPA5LTZwkB9NlXf4XPamLxJE8h0gh73rM94xvwRT2CVInw==}
+    dev: true
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     engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=16.0.0}
@@ -10560,6 +11155,16 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
     dev: false
+  /map-obj/1.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-7N/q3lyZ+LVCp7PzuxrJr4KMbBE2hW7BT7YNia330OFxIf4d3r5zVpicP2650l7CPN6RM9zOJRl3NGpqSiw3Eg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
+    dev: true
+  /map-obj/4.3.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-hdN1wVrZbb29eBGiGjJbeP8JbKjq1urkHJ/LIP/NY48MZ1QVXUsQBV1G1zvYFHn1XE06cwjBsOI2K3Ulnj1YXQ==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-CkYQrPYZfWnu/DAmVCpTSX/xHpKZ80eKh2lAkyA6AJTef6bW+6JpbQZN5rofum7da+SyN1bi5ctTm+lTfcCW3g==}
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@@ -10591,6 +11196,24 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-v2huwvQGOHTGOkMqtHd2hercCG3f6QAObTisPPHg8TZqq2lz7eIY/5i/5YUV8Ibf3mEioFEmwibcPUF2/fnKKQ==}
     dev: false
+  /meow/9.0.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-+obSblOQmRhcyBt62furQqRAQpNyWXo8BuQ5bN7dG8wmwQ+vwHKp/rCFD4CrTP8CsDQD1sjoZ94K417XEUk8IQ==}
+    engines: {node: '>=10'}
+    dependencies:
+      '@types/minimist': 1.2.2
+      camelcase-keys: 6.2.2
+      decamelize: 1.2.0
+      decamelize-keys: 1.1.1
+      hard-rejection: 2.1.0
+      minimist-options: 4.1.0
+      normalize-package-data: 3.0.3
+      read-pkg-up: 7.0.1
+      redent: 3.0.0
+      trim-newlines: 3.0.1
+      type-fest: 0.18.1
+      yargs-parser: 20.2.9
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-abv/qOcuPfk3URPfDzmZU1LKmuw8kT+0nIHvKrKgFrwifol/doWcdA4ZqsWQ8ENrFKkd67Mfpo/LovbIUsbt3w==}
@@ -10669,6 +11292,11 @@ packages:
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     engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0}
+  /min-indent/1.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-I9jwMn07Sy/IwOj3zVkVik2JTvgpaykDZEigL6Rx6N9LbMywwUSMtxET+7lVoDLLd3O3IXwJwvuuns8UB/HeAg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=4'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-UtJcAD4yEaGtjPezWuO9wC4nwUnVH/8/Im3yEHQP4b67cXlD/Qr9hdITCU1xDbSEXg2XKNaP8jsReV7vQd00/A==}
     dev: false
@@ -10691,6 +11319,15 @@ packages:
       brace-expansion: 2.0.1
     dev: true
+  /minimist-options/4.1.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q4r8ghd80yhO/0j1O3B2BjweX3fiHg9cdOwjJd2J76Q135c+NDxGCqdYKQ1SKBuFfgWbAUzBfvYjPUEeNgqN1A==}
+    engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+    dependencies:
+      arrify: 1.0.1
+      is-plain-obj: 1.1.0
+      kind-of: 6.0.3
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzfL1YUZsP41gmu/qjrEk0Q6i2ix/cVeAhbCbqH9u3zYutS1cLg00qhrD0M2MVdCcx4Sc0UpP2eBWo9rotpq6g==}
@@ -10770,14 +11407,6 @@ packages:
       yallist: 4.0.0
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-  /misskey-js/0.0.15:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-sCfQcPooD5Tfe/5pDr5JojAthhGot+hlidw67tj+7+AtZO5He3kBhsjJydY0vru6w3RFM5mzYR6SYISSBR/1WQ==}
-    dependencies:
-      autobind-decorator: 2.4.0
-      eventemitter3: 4.0.7
-      reconnecting-websocket: 4.4.0
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-WRoDn//mXBiJ1H40rqa3vH0toePwSsGb45iInWlTySa+Uu4k3tYUSxa2v1KqAiLtvlrSzaExqS1gtk96A9zvEA==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
@@ -10816,6 +11445,11 @@ packages:
       obliterator: 2.0.4
     dev: false
+  /mock-socket/9.2.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-aw9F9T9G2zpGipLLhSNh6ZpgUyUl4frcVmRN08uE1NWPWg43Wx6+sGPDbQ7E5iFZZDJW5b5bypMeAEHqTbIFag==}
+    engines: {node: '>= 8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-Tpp60P6IUJDTuOq/5Z8cdskzJujfwqfOTkrwIwj7IRISpnkJnT6SyJ4PCPnGMoFjC9ddhal5KVIYtAt97ix05A==}
     dev: false
@@ -11086,7 +11720,16 @@ packages:
       resolve: 1.22.1
       semver: 5.7.1
       validate-npm-package-license: 3.0.4
-    dev: false
+  /normalize-package-data/3.0.3:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-p2W1sgqij3zMMyRC067Dg16bfzVH+w7hyegmpIvZ4JNjqtGOVAIvLmjBx3yP7YTe9vKJgkoNOPjwQGogDoMXFA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=10'}
+    dependencies:
+      hosted-git-info: 4.1.0
+      is-core-module: 2.11.0
+      semver: 7.3.8
+      validate-npm-package-license: 3.0.4
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-3pKJwH184Xo/lnH6oyP1q2pMd7HcypqqmRs91/6/i2CGtWwIKGCkOOMTm/zXbgTEWHw1uNpNi/igc3ePOYHb6w==}
@@ -11803,6 +12446,13 @@ packages:
       extend-shallow: 3.0.2
     dev: false
+  /plur/4.0.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-4UGewrYgqDFw9vV6zNV+ADmPAUAfJPKtGvb/VdpQAx25X5f3xXdGdyOEVFwkl8Hl/tl7+xbeHqSEM+D5/TirUg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=10'}
+    dependencies:
+      irregular-plurals: 3.5.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-N1PggqLp9xDqwAoKvGohmZ3m4/N9xpY0nDZivFqQLcpLHmliHnCp9BuNCsOeqHWMuEEgFjpEaq9dZq6RZyy0fA==}
     engines: {iojs: '>= 1.0.0', node: '>=0.10.0'}
@@ -12115,11 +12765,12 @@ packages:
       react-is: 17.0.2
     dev: true
-  /pretty-format/29.3.1:
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-FyLnmb1cYJV8biEIiRyzRFvs2lry7PPIvOqKVe1GCUEYg4YGmlx1qG9EJNMxArYm7piII4qb8UV1Pncq5dxmcg==}
-    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
+  /pretty-format/28.1.3:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-8gFb/To0OmxHR9+ZTb14Df2vNxdGCX8g1xWGUTqUw5TiZvcQf5sHKObd5UcPyLLyowNwDAMTF3XWOG1B6mxl1Q==}
+    engines: {node: ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=17.0.0}
-      '@jest/schemas': 29.4.2
+      '@jest/schemas': 28.1.3
+      ansi-regex: 5.0.1
       ansi-styles: 5.2.0
       react-is: 18.2.0
     dev: true
@@ -12186,8 +12837,6 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-7PiHtLll5LdnKIMw100I+8xJXR5gW2QwWYkT6iJva0bXitZKa/XMrSbdmg3r2Xnaidz9Qumd0VPaMrZlF9V9sA==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'}
-    dev: false
-    optional: true
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@@ -12202,6 +12851,10 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-7nJ6v5lnJsXwGprnGXga4wx6d1POjvi5Qmf1ivTRxTjH4Z/9Czja/UCMLVmB9N93GeWOU93XaFaEt6jbuoagNw==}
     dev: false
+  /promise-polyfill/8.3.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-H5oELycFml5yto/atYqmjyigJoAo3+OXwolYiH7OfQuYlAqhxNvTfiNMbV9hsC6Yp83yE5r2KTVmtrG6R9i6Pg==}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-y+WKFlBR8BGXnsNlIHFGPZmyDf3DFMoLhaflAnyZgV6rG6xu+JwesTo2Q9R6XwYmtmwAFCkAk3e35jEdoeh/3g==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
@@ -12438,6 +13091,11 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-tYC1Q1hgyRuHgloV/YXs2w15unPVh8qfu/qCTfhTYamaw7fyhumKa2yGpdSo87vY32rIclj+4fWYQXUMs9EHvg==}
     dev: false
+  /quick-lru/4.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-ARhCpm70fzdcvNQfPoy49IaanKkTlRWF2JMzqhcJbhSFRZv7nPTvZJdcY7301IPmvW+/p0RgIWnQDLJxifsQ7g==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-WuyALRjWPDGtt/wzJiadO5AXY+8hZ80hVpe6MyivgraREW751X3SbhRvG3eLKOYN+8VEvqLcf3wdnt44Z4S4SA==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
@@ -12505,6 +13163,15 @@ packages:
       read-pkg: 1.1.0
     dev: false
+  /read-pkg-up/7.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-zK0TB7Xd6JpCLmlLmufqykGE+/TlOePD6qKClNW7hHDKFh/J7/7gCWGR7joEQEW1bKq3a3yUZSObOoWLFQ4ohg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dependencies:
+      find-up: 4.1.0
+      read-pkg: 5.2.0
+      type-fest: 0.8.1
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-7BGwRHqt4s/uVbuyoeejRn4YmFnYZiFl4AuaeXHlgZf3sONF0SOGlxs2Pw8g6hCKupo08RafIO5YXFNOKTfwsQ==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
@@ -12514,6 +13181,16 @@ packages:
       path-type: 1.1.0
     dev: false
+  /read-pkg/5.2.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ug69mNOpfvKDAc2Q8DRpMjjzdtrnv9HcSMX+4VsZxD1aZ6ZzrIE7rlzXBtWTyhULSMKg076AW6WR5iZpD0JiOg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dependencies:
+      '@types/normalize-package-data': 2.4.1
+      normalize-package-data: 2.5.0
+      parse-json: 5.2.0
+      type-fest: 0.6.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-+MeVjFf4L44XUkhM1eYbD8fyEsxcV81pqMSR5gblfcLCHfZvbrqy4/qYHE+/R5HoBUT11WV5O08Cr1n3YXkWVQ==}
@@ -12589,6 +13266,14 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-D2E33ceRPga0NvTDhJmphEgJ7FUYF0v4lr1ki0csq06OdlxKfugGzN0dSkxM/NfqCxYELK4KcaTOUOjTV6Dcng==}
     dev: false
+  /redent/3.0.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-6tDA8g98We0zd0GvVeMT9arEOnTw9qM03L9cJXaCjrip1OO764RDBLBfrB4cwzNGDj5OA5ioymC9GkizgWJDUg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dependencies:
+      indent-string: 4.0.0
+      strip-indent: 3.0.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-nJWqw3bTFy21hX/CPKHth6sfhZbdiHP6bTawSgQBlKOVRG7EZkfHbbHwQJnrE4vsQf0CMNE+3gJ4Fmm16vdVlQ==}
     dev: false
@@ -12826,8 +13511,16 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
     dev: true
+  /resolve/1.19.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-rArEXAgsBG4UgRGcynxWIWKFvh/XZCcS8UJdHhwy91zwAvCZIbcs+vAbflgBnNjYMs/i/i+/Ux6IZhML1yPvxg==}
+    dependencies:
+      is-core-module: 2.11.0
+      path-parse: 1.0.7
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-nBpuuYuY5jFsli/JIs1oldw6fOQCBioohqWZg/2hiaOybXOft4lonv85uDOKXdf8rhyK159cxU5cDcK/NKk8zw==}
+    hasBin: true
       is-core-module: 2.11.0
       path-parse: 1.0.7
@@ -12877,6 +13570,7 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-uWjbaKIK3T1OSVptzX7Nl6PvQ3qAGtKEtVRjRuazjfL3Bx5eI409VZSqgND+4UNnmzLVdPj9FqFJNPqBZFve4w==}
+    hasBin: true
       glob: 7.2.3
     dev: false
@@ -13033,6 +13727,7 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-NB1ctGL5rlHrPJtFDVIVzTyQylMLu9N9VICA6HSFJo8MCGVTMW6gfpicwKmmK/dAjTOrqu5l63JJOpDSrAis3A==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
+    hasBin: true
       lru-cache: 6.0.0
@@ -13332,22 +14027,18 @@ packages:
       spdx-expression-parse: 3.0.1
       spdx-license-ids: 3.0.12
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-/tTrYOC7PPI1nUAgx34hUpqXuyJG+DTHJTnIULG4rDygi4xu/tfgmq1e1cIRwRzwZgo4NLySi+ricLkZkw4i5A==}
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-cbqHunsQWnJNE6KhVSMsMeH5H/L9EpymbzqTQ3uLwNCLZ1Q481oWaofqH7nO6V07xlXwY6PhQdQ2IedWx/ZK4Q==}
       spdx-exceptions: 2.3.0
       spdx-license-ids: 3.0.12
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-rr+VVSXtRhO4OHbXUiAF7xW3Bo9DuuF6C5jH+q/x15j2jniycgKbxU09Hr0WqlSLUs4i4ltHGXqTe7VHclYWyA==}
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-NzNVhJDYpwceVVii8/Hu6DKfD2G+NrQHlS/V/qgv763EYudVwEcMQNxd2lh+0VrUByXN/oJkl5grOhYWvQUYiw==}
@@ -13501,6 +14192,11 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
     dev: false
+  /string-argv/0.3.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-a1uQGz7IyVy9YwhqjZIZu1c8JO8dNIe20xBmSS6qu9kv++k3JGzCVmprbNN5Kn+BgzD5E7YYwg1CcjuJMRNsvg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=0.6.19'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-+l6rNN5fYHNhZZy41RXsYptCjA2Igmq4EG7kZAYFQI1E1VTXarr6ZPXBg6eq7Y6eK4FEhY6AJlyuFIb/v/S0VQ==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
@@ -13623,6 +14319,13 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=12'}
     dev: true
+  /strip-indent/3.0.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-laJTa3Jb+VQpaC6DseHhF7dXVqHTfJPCRDaEbid/drOhgitgYku/letMUqOXFoWV0zIIUbjpdH2t+tYj4bQMRQ==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dependencies:
+      min-indent: 1.0.1
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-4gB8na07fecVVkOI6Rs4e7T6NOTki5EmL7TUduTs6bu3EdnSycntVJ4re8kgZA+wx9IueI2Y11bfbgwtzuE0KQ==}
     engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}
@@ -13688,6 +14391,14 @@ packages:
       has-flag: 4.0.0
     dev: true
+  /supports-hyperlinks/2.3.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-RpsAZlpWcDwOPQA22aCH4J0t7L8JmAvsCxfOSEwm7cQs3LshN36QaTkwd70DnBOXDWGssw2eUoc8CaRWT0XunA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dependencies:
+      has-flag: 4.0.0
+      supports-color: 7.2.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==}
     engines: {node: '>= 0.4'}
@@ -14011,6 +14722,11 @@ packages:
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     dev: false
+  /trim-newlines/3.0.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-c1PTsA3tYrIsLGkJkzHF+w9F2EyxfXGo4UyJc4pFL++FMjnq0HJS69T3M7d//gKrFKwy429bouPescbjecU+Zw==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-QUHBFTJGdOwmp0tbOG505xAgOp/YliZP/6UgafFXYZ26WT1bvQmSMJUvkeVSASuJJHbqsFbynTvkd5W8RBTipg==}
     engines: {node: '>=12'}
@@ -14018,6 +14734,69 @@ packages:
       escape-string-regexp: 5.0.0
     dev: false
+  /ts-jest/29.0.5_vyydkn55kgjx5edvlekygqgicu:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-PL3UciSgIpQ7f6XjVOmbi96vmDHUqAyqDr8YxzopDqX3kfgYtX1cuNeBjP+L9sFXi6nzsGGA6R3fP3DDDJyrxA==}
+    engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
+    hasBin: true
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@babel/core': '>=7.0.0-beta.0 <8'
+      '@jest/types': ^29.0.0
+      babel-jest: ^29.0.0
+      esbuild: '*'
+      jest: ^29.0.0
+      typescript: '>=4.3'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@babel/core':
+        optional: true
+      '@jest/types':
+        optional: true
+      babel-jest:
+        optional: true
+      esbuild:
+        optional: true
+    dependencies:
+      bs-logger: 0.2.6
+      fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0
+      jest: 29.5.0_7swdrqvdnw6wwhtlpyouq3qjzm
+      jest-util: 29.5.0
+      json5: 2.2.3
+      lodash.memoize: 4.1.2
+      make-error: 1.3.6
+      semver: 7.3.8
+      typescript: 4.5.4
+      yargs-parser: 21.1.1
+    dev: true
+  /ts-node/10.4.0_v45nlugqqc4lshly576cwka7tm:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-g0FlPvvCXSIO1JDF6S232P5jPYqBkRL9qly81ZgAOSU7rwI0stphCgd2kLiCrU9DjQCrJMWEqcNSjQL02s6d8A==}
+    hasBin: true
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@swc/core': '>=1.2.50'
+      '@swc/wasm': '>=1.2.50'
+      '@types/node': '*'
+      typescript: '>=2.7'
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@swc/core':
+        optional: true
+      '@swc/wasm':
+        optional: true
+    dependencies:
+      '@cspotcode/source-map-support': 0.7.0
+      '@tsconfig/node10': 1.0.9
+      '@tsconfig/node12': 1.0.11
+      '@tsconfig/node14': 1.0.3
+      '@tsconfig/node16': 1.0.3
+      '@types/node': 18.15.0
+      acorn: 8.8.2
+      acorn-walk: 8.2.0
+      arg: 4.1.3
+      create-require: 1.1.1
+      diff: 4.0.2
+      make-error: 1.3.6
+      typescript: 4.5.4
+      yn: 3.1.1
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-/9JARcmXBrEqSuLjdSOqxY7/xI/AnvmBi4CU9/Ba2oX6Oq8vnd0OGSQTk+PIwqWJ5ZxskV0X/x15yzxCNTHU+g==}
     hasBin: true
@@ -14048,6 +14827,19 @@ packages:
       strip-bom: 3.0.0
     dev: false
+  /tsd/0.19.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-pSwchclr+ADdxlahRUQXUrdAIOjXx1T1PQV+fLfVLuo/S4z+T00YU84fH8iPlZxyA2pWgJjo42BG1p9SDb4NOw==}
+    engines: {node: '>=12'}
+    hasBin: true
+    dependencies:
+      '@tsd/typescript': 4.5.5
+      eslint-formatter-pretty: 4.1.0
+      globby: 11.1.0
+      meow: 9.0.0
+      path-exists: 4.0.0
+      read-pkg-up: 7.0.1
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-Xni35NKzjgMrwevysHTCArtLDpPvye8zV/0E4EyYn43P7/7qvQwPh9BGkHewbMulVntbigmcT7rdX3BNo9wRJg==}
@@ -14057,6 +14849,16 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-336iVw3rtn2BUK7ORdIAHTyxHGRIHVReokCR3XjbckJMK7ms8FysBfhLR8IXnAgy7T0PTPNBWKiH514FOW/WSg==}
+  /tsutils/3.21.0_typescript@4.5.4:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-mHKK3iUXL+3UF6xL5k0PEhKRUBKPBCv/+RkEOpjRWxxx27KKRBmmA60A9pgOUvMi8GKhRMPEmjBRPzs2W7O1OA==}
+    engines: {node: '>= 6'}
+    peerDependencies:
+      typescript: '>=2.8.0 || >= 3.2.0-dev || >= 3.3.0-dev || >= 3.4.0-dev || >= 3.5.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-beta || >= 3.7.0-dev || >= 3.7.0-beta'
+    dependencies:
+      tslib: 1.14.1
+      typescript: 4.5.4
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-mHKK3iUXL+3UF6xL5k0PEhKRUBKPBCv/+RkEOpjRWxxx27KKRBmmA60A9pgOUvMi8GKhRMPEmjBRPzs2W7O1OA==}
     engines: {node: '>= 6'}
@@ -14097,6 +14899,11 @@ packages:
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     engines: {node: '>=4'}
+  /type-fest/0.18.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-OIAYXk8+ISY+qTOwkHtKqzAuxchoMiD9Udx+FSGQDuiRR+PJKJHc2NJAXlbhkGwTt/4/nKZxELY1w3ReWOL8mw==}
+    engines: {node: '>=10'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ne+eE4r0/iWnpAxD852z3A+N0Bt5RN//NjJwRd2VFHEmrywxf5vsZlh4R6lixl6B+wz/8d+maTSAkN1FIkI3LQ==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
@@ -14107,6 +14914,16 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
     dev: true
+  /type-fest/0.6.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-q+MB8nYR1KDLrgr4G5yemftpMC7/QLqVndBmEEdqzmNj5dcFOO4Oo8qlwZE3ULT3+Zim1F8Kq4cBnikNhlCMlg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
+  /type-fest/0.8.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-4dbzIzqvjtgiM5rw1k5rEHtBANKmdudhGyBEajN01fEyhaAIhsoKNy6y7+IN93IfpFtwY9iqi7kD+xwKhQsNJA==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-+5nt5AAniqsCnu2cEQQdpzCAh33kVx8n0VoFidKpB1dVVLAN/F+bgVOqOJqOnEnrhp222clB5p3vUlD+1QAnfg==}
     dev: false
@@ -14206,6 +15023,18 @@ packages:
       - supports-color
     dev: false
+  /typescript/4.5.4:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-VgYs2A2QIRuGphtzFV7aQJduJ2gyfTljngLzjpfW9FoYZF6xuw1W0vW9ghCKLfcWrCFxK81CSGRAvS1pn4fIUg==}
+    engines: {node: '>=4.2.0'}
+    hasBin: true
+    dev: true
+  /typescript/4.8.4:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-QCh+85mCy+h0IGff8r5XWzOVSbBO+KfeYrMQh7NJ58QujwcE22u+NUSmUxqF+un70P9GXKxa2HCNiTTMJknyjQ==}
+    engines: {node: '>=4.2.0'}
+    hasBin: true
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-1FXk9E2Hm+QzZQ7z+McJiHL4NW1F2EzMu9Nq9i3zAaGqibafqYwCVU6WyWAuyQRRzOlxou8xZSyXLEN8oKj24g==}
     engines: {node: '>=4.2.0'}
@@ -14309,7 +15138,6 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-rBJeI5CXAlmy1pV+617WB9J63U6XcazHHF2f2dbJix4XzpUF0RS3Zbj0FGIOCAva5P/d/GBOYaACQ1w+0azUkg==}
     engines: {node: '>= 4.0.0'}
-    dev: false
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-CJ1QgKmNg3CwvAv/kOFmtnEN05f0D/cn9QntgNOQlQF9dgvVTHj3t+8JPdjqawCHk7V/KA+fbUqzZ9XWhcqPUg==}
@@ -14418,6 +15246,10 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-MXcSTerfPa4uqyzStbRoTgt5XIe3x5+42+q1sDuy3R5MDk66URdLMOZe5aPX/SQd+kuYAh0FdP/pO28IkQyTeg==}
     dev: false
+  /v8-compile-cache/2.3.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-l8lCEmLcLYZh4nbunNZvQCJc5pv7+RCwa8q/LdUx8u7lsWvPDKmpodJAJNwkAhJC//dFY48KuIEmjtd4RViDrA==}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-74Y4LqY74kLE6IFyIjPtkSTWzUZmj8tdHT9Ii/26dvQ6K9Dl2NbEfj0XgU2sHCtKgt5VupqhlO/5aWuqS+IY1w==}
     engines: {node: '>=10.12.0'}
@@ -14439,7 +15271,11 @@ packages:
       spdx-correct: 3.1.1
       spdx-expression-parse: 3.0.1
-    dev: false
+  /validator/13.9.0:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-B+dGG8U3fdtM0/aNK4/X8CXq/EcxU2WPrPEkJGslb47qyHsxmbggTWK0yEA4qnYVNF+nxNlN88o14hIcPmSIEA==}
+    engines: {node: '>= 0.10'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-jdBB2FrWvQC/pnPtIqcLsMaQgjhdb6B7tk1MMyTKapox+tQZbdRP4uLxu/JY0t7fbfDCUMnuelzEYv5GsxHhdg==}
@@ -15101,6 +15937,11 @@ packages:
       fd-slicer: 1.1.0
     dev: true
+  /yn/3.1.1:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ux4ygGWsu2c7isFWe8Yu1YluJmqVhxqK2cLXNQA5AcC3QfbGNpM7fu0Y8b/z16pXLnFxZYvWhd3fhBY9DLmC6Q==}
+    engines: {node: '>=6'}
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q==}
     engines: {node: '>=10'}
@@ -15110,6 +15951,18 @@ packages:
     engines: {node: '>=12.20'}
     dev: true
+  /z-schema/5.0.5:
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-D7eujBWkLa3p2sIpJA0d1pr7es+a7m0vFAnZLlCEKq/Ij2k0MLi9Br2UPxoxdYystm5K1yeBGzub0FlYUEWj2Q==}
+    engines: {node: '>=8.0.0'}
+    hasBin: true
+    dependencies:
+      lodash.get: 4.4.2
+      lodash.isequal: 4.5.0
+      validator: 13.9.0
+    optionalDependencies:
+      commander: 9.5.0
+    dev: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-zshzwQW7gG7hjpBlgeQP9RuyPGNxvJdzR8SUM3QhxCnLjWN2E7j3dOvpeDcQoETfHx0urRS7EtmVToql7YpU4A==}
     engines: {node: '>= 10'}
diff --git a/pnpm-workspace.yaml b/pnpm-workspace.yaml
index 334ff382e5db827aa37a408303dd1a2d5a8a7e25..ead1764a56ca779d92ce55257ea2e5fdbe0f5c49 100644
--- a/pnpm-workspace.yaml
+++ b/pnpm-workspace.yaml
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ packages:
  - 'packages/backend'
  - 'packages/frontend'
  - 'packages/sw'
+ - 'packages/misskey-js'