diff --git a/locales/ar-SA.yml b/locales/ar-SA.yml
index 3bd8f1e506d754792dc35f0bb028ca78f979fa29..0d49d2292b2e4ff0e10224ba883d6ce459750c00 100644
--- a/locales/ar-SA.yml
+++ b/locales/ar-SA.yml
@@ -803,6 +803,7 @@ oneHour: "ساعة"
 oneDay: "يوم"
 oneWeek: "أسبوع"
 failedToFetchAccountInformation: "تعذر جلب معلومات الحساب"
+file: "الملفات"
   used: "هذا البريد الإلكتروني مستخدم"
   format: "صيغة البريد الإلكتروني غير صالحة"
diff --git a/locales/bn-BD.yml b/locales/bn-BD.yml
index d7753b6dcfa5ddece6cb498a0bcb3b945ab1490e..3c449591d22a571046a6e8527a0b8b85f098432b 100644
--- a/locales/bn-BD.yml
+++ b/locales/bn-BD.yml
@@ -843,6 +843,7 @@ oneWeek: "এক সপ্তাহ"
 reflectMayTakeTime: "এটির কাজ দেখা যেতে কিছুটা সময় লাগতে পারে।"
 failedToFetchAccountInformation: "অ্যাকাউন্টের তথ্য উদ্ধার করা যায়নি"
 rateLimitExceeded: "রেট লিমিট ছাড়িয়ে গেছে "
+file: "ফাইলগুলি"
   used: "এই ইমেইল ঠিকানাটি ইতোমধ্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে"
   format: "এই ইমেল ঠিকানাটি সঠিকভাবে লিখা হয়নি"
@@ -1638,8 +1639,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "সর্বদা মেইন কলাম দেখান"
   columnAlign: "কলাম সাজান"
-  columnMargin: "কলামের মধ্যবর্তী মার্জিন"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "কলামের হেডারের উচ্চতা"
   addColumn: "কলাম যুক্ত করুন"
   swapLeft: "বামে সরান"
   swapRight: "ডানে সরান"
diff --git a/locales/ca-ES.yml b/locales/ca-ES.yml
index 74eab3603ba67210d9e895378c1bed5cbe9da435..d6d83fefadfde1f44578aa43652f7879ac4705ca 100644
--- a/locales/ca-ES.yml
+++ b/locales/ca-ES.yml
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ smtpUser: "Nom d'usuari"
 smtpPass: "Contrasenya"
 user: "Usuaris"
 searchByGoogle: "Cercar"
+file: "Fitxers"
     title: "t'ha seguit"
diff --git a/locales/cs-CZ.yml b/locales/cs-CZ.yml
index 4b20340df184d52720605989cc4f4a15fc66bcb4..c2b5e38fb5d7bf41b0b4800c7b90e90ec30e27dc 100644
--- a/locales/cs-CZ.yml
+++ b/locales/cs-CZ.yml
@@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ info: "Informace"
 user: "Uživatelé"
 administration: "Administrace"
 searchByGoogle: "Vyhledávání"
+file: "Soubor(ů)"
     title: "Máte nového následovníka"
diff --git a/locales/de-DE.yml b/locales/de-DE.yml
index 5dfce28002e1e85ddb9609b86fd169912db48339..39c0f09a9cb8dfa78f9c405a7c2359ef39d99fe8 100644
--- a/locales/de-DE.yml
+++ b/locales/de-DE.yml
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ done: "Fertig"
 processing: "In Bearbeitung …"
 preview: "Vorschau"
 default: "Standard"
+defaultValueIs: "Standardwert: {value}"
 noCustomEmojis: "Keine benutzerdefinierten Emojis gefunden"
 noJobs: "Keine Jobs vorhanden"
 federating: "Wird föderiert"
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Zu ignorierende Schlüsselwörter"
 antennaKeywordsDescription: "Zum Nutzen einer \"UND\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit Leerzeichen trennen, zum Nutzen einer \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung Einträge mit einem Zeilenumbruch trennen"
 notifyAntenna: "Ãœber neue Notizen benachrichtigen"
 withFileAntenna: "Nur Notizen mit Dateien"
-enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker aktivieren"
+enableServiceworker: "Push-Benachrichtigungen im Browser aktivieren"
 antennaUsersDescription: "Benutzernamen getrennt durch Zeilenumbrüche angeben"
 caseSensitive: "Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterscheiden"
 withReplies: "Antworten beinhalten"
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ administrator: "Administrator"
 token: "Token"
 twoStepAuthentication: "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung"
 moderator: "Moderator"
+moderation: "Moderation"
 nUsersMentioned: "Von {n} Benutzern erwähnt"
 securityKey: "Sicherheitsschlüssel"
 securityKeyName: "Schlüsselname"
@@ -425,7 +427,7 @@ quoteQuestion: "Als Zitat anhängen?"
 noMessagesYet: "Noch keine Nachrichten vorhanden"
 newMessageExists: "Du hast eine neue Nachricht"
 onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "Es kann pro Nachricht nur eine Datei angehängt werden"
-signinRequired: "Bitte melde dich an"
+signinRequired: "Bitte registriere oder melde dich an, um fortzufahren"
 invitations: "Einladungen"
 invitationCode: "Einladungscode"
 checking: "Wird überprüft …"
@@ -643,6 +645,8 @@ clip: "Clip erstellen"
 createNew: "Neu erstellen"
 optional: "Optional"
 createNewClip: "Neuen Clip erstellen"
+unclip: "Aus Clip entfernen"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "Diese Notiz ist bereits im \"{name}\" Clip enthalten. Möchtest du sie aus diesem Clip entfernen?"
 public: "Öffentlich"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey wird durch freiwillige Helfer in viele verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt. Auf {link} kannst du mithelfen."
 manageAccessTokens: "Zugriffstokens verwalten"
@@ -830,7 +834,7 @@ auto: "Automatisch"
 themeColor: "Farbe der Instanz-Information"
 size: "Größe"
 numberOfColumn: "Spaltenanzahl"
-searchByGoogle: "Googlen"
+searchByGoogle: "Suchen"
 instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Instanzweites Standardfarbschema (Hell)"
 instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Instanzweites Standardfarbschema (Dunkel)"
 instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Gib den Farbschemencode im Objektformat ein."
@@ -845,6 +849,26 @@ failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Benutzerkontoinformationen konnten nicht abgef
 rateLimitExceeded: "Versuchsanzahl überschritten"
 cropImage: "Bild zuschneiden"
 cropImageAsk: "Möchtest du das Bild zuschneiden?"
+file: "Datei"
+recentNHours: "Letzten {n} Stunden"
+recentNDays: "Letzten {n} Tage"
+noEmailServerWarning: "Es ist kein Email-Server konfiguriert."
+thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "Es liegen ungelöste Meldungen vor."
+recommended: "Empfehlung"
+check: "Check"
+driveCapOverrideLabel: "Die Drive-Kapazität dieses Nutzers verändern"
+driveCapOverrideCaption: "Gib einen Wert von 0 oder weniger ein, um die Kapazität auf den Standard zurückzusetzen."
+requireAdminForView: "Melde dich mit einem Administratorkonto an, um dies einzusehen."
+isSystemAccount: "Ein Benutzerkonto, dass durch das System erstellt und automatisch kontrolliert wird."
+typeToConfirm: "Bitte gib zur Bestätigung {x} ein"
+deleteAccount: "Benutzerkonto löschen"
+document: "Dokument"
+numberOfPageCache: "Seitencachegröße"
+numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Das Erhöhen dieses Caches führt zu einer angenehmerern Benutzererfahrung, erhöht aber Serverlast und Arbeitsspeicherauslastung."
+logoutConfirm: "Wirklich abmelden?"
+lastActiveDate: "Zuletzt verwendet am"
+statusbar: "Statusleiste"
+pleaseSelect: "Wähle eine Option"
   used: "Diese Email-Adresse wird bereits verwendet"
   format: "Das Format dieser Email-Adresse ist ungültig"
@@ -1199,10 +1223,12 @@ _widgets:
   trends: "Trends"
   clock: "Uhr"
   rss: "RSS-Reader"
+  rssTicker: "RSS-Ticker"
   activity: "Aktivität"
   photos: "Fotos"
   digitalClock: "Digitaluhr"
   federation: "Föderation"
+  instanceCloud: "Instanzwolke"
   postForm: "Notizfenster"
   slideshow: "Diashow"
   button: "Knopf"
@@ -1640,8 +1666,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Hauptspalte immer zeigen"
   columnAlign: "Spaltenausrichtung"
-  columnMargin: "Spaltenabstand"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Spaltenkopfhöhe"
   addColumn: "Spalte hinzufügen"
   swapLeft: "Mit linker Spalte tauschen"
   swapRight: "Mit rechter Spalte tauschen"
@@ -1650,6 +1674,9 @@ _deck:
   stackLeft: "Auf linke Spalte stapeln"
   popRight: "Nach rechts vom Stapel nehmen"
   profile: "Profil"
+  introduction: "Erstelle eine auf dich zugeschneiderte Benutzeroberfläche durch das Aneinanderreihen von Spalten!"
+  introduction2: "Klicke auf das + rechts um wann immer du möchtest neue Spalten hinzuzufügen."
+  widgetsIntroduction: "Drücke bitte \"Widgets bearbeiten\" im Spaltenmenü und füge ein Widget hinzu."
     main: "Hauptspalte"
     widgets: "Widgets"
diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index 8bfea26b0fe4c5941069a2c2abcc9329a7e9c967..363209e16690c885f655b6b060b082612db0942e 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ done: "Done"
 processing: "Processing..."
 preview: "Preview"
 default: "Default"
+defaultValueIs: "Default: {value}"
 noCustomEmojis: "There are no emoji"
 noJobs: "There are no jobs"
 federating: "Federating"
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Keywords to exclude"
 antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition."
 notifyAntenna: "Notify about new notes"
 withFileAntenna: "Only notes with files"
-enableServiceworker: "Enable ServiceWorker"
+enableServiceworker: "Enable Push-Notifications for your Browser"
 antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line"
 caseSensitive: "Case sensitive"
 withReplies: "Include replies"
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ administrator: "Administrator"
 token: "Token"
 twoStepAuthentication: "Two-factor authentication"
 moderator: "Moderator"
+moderation: "Moderation"
 nUsersMentioned: "Mentioned by {n} users"
 securityKey: "Security key"
 securityKeyName: "Key name"
@@ -425,7 +427,7 @@ quoteQuestion: "Append as quote?"
 noMessagesYet: "No messages yet"
 newMessageExists: "There are new messages"
 onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "You can only attach one file to a message"
-signinRequired: "Please sign in"
+signinRequired: "Please register or sign in before continuing"
 invitations: "Invites"
 invitationCode: "Invitation code"
 checking: "Checking..."
@@ -643,6 +645,8 @@ clip: "Clip"
 createNew: "Create new"
 optional: "Optional"
 createNewClip: "Create new clip"
+unclip: "Unclip"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "This note is already part of the \"{name}\" clip. Do you want to remove it from this clip instead?"
 public: "Public"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey is being translated into various languages by volunteers. You can help at {link}."
 manageAccessTokens: "Manage access tokens"
@@ -830,7 +834,7 @@ auto: "Auto"
 themeColor: "Instance Ticker Color"
 size: "Size"
 numberOfColumn: "Number of columns"
-searchByGoogle: "Google"
+searchByGoogle: "Search"
 instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Instance-wide default light theme"
 instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Instance-wide default dark theme"
 instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Enter the theme code in object format."
@@ -845,6 +849,26 @@ failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Could not fetch account information"
 rateLimitExceeded: "Rate limit exceeded"
 cropImage: "Crop image"
 cropImageAsk: "Do you want to crop this image?"
+file: "File"
+recentNHours: "Last {n} hours"
+recentNDays: "Last {n} days"
+noEmailServerWarning: "Email server not configured."
+thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "There are unsolved reports."
+recommended: "Recommended"
+check: "Check"
+driveCapOverrideLabel: "Change the drive capacity for this user"
+driveCapOverrideCaption: "Reset the capacity to default by inputting a value of 0 or lower."
+requireAdminForView: "You must log in with an administrator account to view this."
+isSystemAccount: "An account created and automatically operated by the system."
+typeToConfirm: "Please enter {x} to confirm"
+deleteAccount: "Delete account"
+document: "Document"
+numberOfPageCache: "Number of cached pages"
+numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Increasing this number will improve convenience for users but cause more server load as well as more memory to be used."
+logoutConfirm: "Really log out?"
+lastActiveDate: "Last used at"
+statusbar: "Status bar"
+pleaseSelect: "Select an option"
   used: "This email address is already being used"
   format: "The format of this email address is invalid"
@@ -1199,10 +1223,12 @@ _widgets:
   trends: "Trending"
   clock: "Clock"
   rss: "RSS reader"
+  rssTicker: "RSS-Ticker"
   activity: "Activity"
   photos: "Photos"
   digitalClock: "Digital clock"
   federation: "Federation"
+  instanceCloud: "Instance cloud"
   postForm: "Posting form"
   slideshow: "Slideshow"
   button: "Button"
@@ -1640,8 +1666,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Always show main column"
   columnAlign: "Align columns"
-  columnMargin: "Margin between columns"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Column header height"
   addColumn: "Add column"
   swapLeft: "Swap with the left column"
   swapRight: "Swap with the right column"
@@ -1650,6 +1674,9 @@ _deck:
   stackLeft: "Stack with the left column"
   popRight: "Pop column to the right"
   profile: "Profile"
+  introduction: "Create the perfect interface for you by arranging columns freely!"
+  introduction2: "Click on the + on the right of the screen to add new colums whenever you want."
+  widgetsIntroduction: "Please select \"Edit widgets\" in the column menu and add a widget."
     main: "Main"
     widgets: "Widgets"
diff --git a/locales/es-ES.yml b/locales/es-ES.yml
index 6c10942b4884aba6a63483f125ec32aa06598778..13dd3f67b7e980f6ff3008b52d19279718460127 100644
--- a/locales/es-ES.yml
+++ b/locales/es-ES.yml
@@ -592,6 +592,8 @@ smtpSecure: "Usar SSL/TLS implícito en la conexión SMTP"
 smtpSecureInfo: "Apagar cuando se use STARTTLS"
 testEmail: "Prueba de envío"
 wordMute: "Silenciar palabras"
+regexpError: "Error de la expresión regular"
+regexpErrorDescription: "Ocurrió un error en la expresión regular en la linea {line} de las palabras muteadas {tab}"
 instanceMute: "Instancias silenciadas"
 userSaysSomething: "{name} dijo algo"
 makeActive: "Activar"
@@ -620,8 +622,9 @@ reportAbuse: "Reportar"
 reportAbuseOf: "Reportar a {name}"
 fillAbuseReportDescription: "Ingrese los detalles del reporte. Si hay una nota en particular, ingrese la URL de esta."
 abuseReported: "Se ha enviado el reporte. Muchas gracias."
-reporteeOrigin: "Informar a"
-reporterOrigin: "Origen del informe"
+reporter: "Reportador"
+reporteeOrigin: "Reportar a"
+reporterOrigin: "Origen del reporte"
 forwardReport: "Transferir un informe a una instancia remota"
 forwardReportIsAnonymous: "No puede ver su información de la instancia remota y aparecerá como una cuenta anónima del sistema"
 send: "Enviar"
@@ -640,6 +643,8 @@ clip: "Clip"
 createNew: "Crear"
 optional: "Opcional"
 createNewClip: "Crear clip nuevo"
+unclip: "Quitar clip"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "Esta nota ya está incluida en el clip \"{name}\". ¿Quiere quitar la nota del clip?"
 public: "Público"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey está siendo traducido a varios idiomas gracias a voluntarios. Se puede colaborar traduciendo en {link}"
 manageAccessTokens: "Administrar tokens de acceso"
@@ -727,6 +732,7 @@ showingPastTimeline: "Mostrar líneas de tiempo antiguas"
 clear: "Limpiar"
 markAllAsRead: "Marcar todo como leído"
 goBack: "Deseleccionar"
+unlikeConfirm: "¿Quitar como favorito?"
 fullView: "Vista completa"
 quitFullView: "quitar vista completa"
 addDescription: "Agregar descripción"
@@ -794,6 +800,7 @@ pubSub: "Cuentas Pub/Sub"
 lastCommunication: "Última comunicación"
 resolved: "Resuelto"
 unresolved: "Sin resolver"
+breakFollow: "Dejar de seguir"
 itsOn: "¡Está encendido!"
 itsOff: "¡Está apagado!"
 emailRequiredForSignup: "Se requere una dirección de correo electrónico para el registro de la cuenta"
@@ -807,16 +814,80 @@ classic: "Clásico"
 muteThread: "Ocultar hilo"
 unmuteThread: "Mostrar hilo"
 ffVisibility: "Visibilidad de seguidores y seguidos"
+ffVisibilityDescription: "Puedes configurar quien puede ver a quienes sigues y quienes te siguen"
+continueThread: "Ver la continuación del hilo"
+deleteAccountConfirm: "La cuenta será borrada. ¿Está seguro?"
+incorrectPassword: "La contraseña es incorrecta"
+voteConfirm: "¿Confirma su voto a {choice}?"
 hide: "Ocultar"
+leaveGroup: "Dejar el grupo"
+leaveGroupConfirm: "¿Desea salir de {name}?"
+useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Mostrar panel de reacciones en móviles"
+welcomeBackWithName: "Bienvenido otra vez, {name}"
+clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Cliquée {ok} y verifique su correo"
+overridedDeviceKind: "Tipo de dispositivo"
+smartphone: "Teléfono smartphone"
+tablet: "Tablet"
+auto: "Automático"
+themeColor: "Color del tema"
+size: "Tamaño"
+numberOfColumn: "Cantidad de columnas"
 searchByGoogle: "Buscar"
+instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Tema claro por defecto de la instancia"
+instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Tema oscuro por defecto de la instancia"
+instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Ingrese el código del tema en formato objeto"
+mutePeriod: "Período de silenciamiento"
 indefinitely: "Sin límite de tiempo"
+tenMinutes: "10 minutos"
+oneHour: "1 hora"
+oneDay: "1 día"
+oneWeek: "1 semana"
+reflectMayTakeTime: "Puede pasar un tiempo hasta que se reflejen los cambios"
+failedToFetchAccountInformation: "No se pudo obtener información de la cuenta"
+rateLimitExceeded: "Se excedió el límite de peticiones"
+cropImage: "Recortar imágen"
+cropImageAsk: "¿Desea recortar la imagen?"
+file: "Archivos"
+recentNHours: "Últimas {n} horas"
+recentNDays: "Últimos {n} días"
+noEmailServerWarning: "No se ha configurado un servidor de correo electrónico."
+thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "Hay reportes sin resolver"
+recommended: "Recomendado"
+check: "Verificar"
+isSystemAccount: "Cuenta creada y operada automáticamente por el sistema"
+typeToConfirm: "Ingrese {x} para confirmar"
+deleteAccount: "Borrar cuenta"
+document: "Documento"
+numberOfPageCache: "Cantidad de páginas cacheadas"
+numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Al aumentar el número mejora la conveniencia pero tambien puede aumentar la carga y la memoria a usarse"
+logoutConfirm: "¿Cerrar sesión?"
+  used: "Ya fue usado"
+  format: "Formato no válido."
+  disposable: "No es un correo reutilizable"
+  mx: "Servidor de correo inválido"
+  smtp: "Servidor de correo no disponible"
   public: "Publicar"
+  followers: "Visible solo para seguidores"
+  private: "Privado"
+  almostThere: "Ya falta poco"
+  emailAddressInfo: "Ingrese el correo electrónico que usa. Este no se hará público."
+  emailSent: "Se envió un correo de verificación a la dirección {email}. Acceda al link enviado en el correo para completar el ingreso."
   accountDelete: "Eliminar Cuenta"
+  mayTakeTime: "La eliminación de la cuenta es un proceso que precisa de carga. Puede pasar un tiempo hasta que se complete si es mucho el contenido creado y los archivos subidos."
+  sendEmail: "Cuando se termine de borrar la cuenta, se enviará un correo a la dirección usada para el registro."
+  requestAccountDelete: "Pedir la eliminación de la cuenta."
+  started: "El proceso de eliminación ha comenzado."
+  inProgress: "La eliminación está en proceso."
   back: "Deseleccionar"
+  reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Mostrar menos este anuncio."
+  enterEmail: "Ingrese el correo usado para registrar la cuenta. Se enviará un link para resetear la contraseña."
+  ifNoEmail: "Si no utilizó un correo para crear la cuenta, contáctese con el administrador."
   contactAdmin: "Esta instancia no admite el uso de direcciones de correo electrónico, póngase en contacto con el administrador de la instancia para restablecer su contraseña"
   my: "Mi galería"
@@ -858,20 +929,63 @@ _mfm:
   mention: "Menciones"
   mentionDescription: "El signo @ seguido de un nombre de usuario se puede utilizar para notificar a un usuario en particular."
   hashtag: "Hashtag"
+  hashtagDescription: "Puede especificar un hashtag con un numeral y el texto."
   url: "URL"
   urlDescription: "Se pueden mostrar las URL"
   link: "Vínculo"
+  linkDescription: "Se pueden asociar partes de texto a la URL"
   bold: "Negrita"
+  boldDescription: "Muestra el texto con las letras más gruesas"
+  small: "Pequeño"
+  smallDescription: "Muestra el texto más pequeño y delgado"
   center: "Centrar"
+  centerDescription: "Muestra el texto centrado"
+  inlineCode: "Código (insertado)"
+  inlineCodeDescription: "Muestra el código de un programa resaltando su sintaxis"
   blockCode: "Código (bloque)"
   blockCodeDescription: "Código de resaltado de sintaxis, como programas de varias líneas con bloques."
+  inlineMath: "Fórmula (insertado)"
+  inlineMathDescription: "Muestra fórmulas (KaTeX) insertadas"
+  blockMath: "Fórmula (bloque)"
+  blockMathDescription: "Muestra fórmulas (KaTeX) de varias líneas en un bloque"
   quote: "Citar"
+  quoteDescription: "Muestra el contenido como una cita"
   emoji: "Emojis personalizados"
+  emojiDescription: "Muestra los emojis personalizados encerrados entre dos puntos."
   search: "Buscar"
+  searchDescription: "Muestra una caja de búsqueda con texto pre-escrito"
   flip: "Echar de un capirotazo"
   flipDescription: "Voltea el contenido hacia arriba / abajo o hacia la izquierda / derecha."
+  jelly: "Animación (gelatina)"
+  jellyDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación tipo gelatina"
+  tada: "Animación (tadá)"
+  tadaDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación al estilo \"Tadá\""
+  jump: "Animación (saltar)"
+  jumpDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación tipo salto"
+  bounce: "Animación (rebotar)"
+  bounceDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación tipo rebote"
+  shake: "Animación (temblor)"
+  shakeDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación tipo temblor"
+  twitch: "Animación (sacudida)"
+  twitchDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación tipo sacudida"
+  spin: "Animación (giro)"
+  spinDescription: "Aplica un efecto de animación tipo rotación"
+  x2: "Grande"
+  x2Description: "Muestra el contenido más grande"
+  x3: "Muy grande"
+  x3Description: "Muestra el contenido mucho más grande"
+  x4: "Totalmente grande"
+  x4Description: "Muestra el contenido totalmente grande"
+  blur: "Desenfoque"
+  blurDescription: "Para desenfocar el contenido. Se muestra claramente al colocar el puntero encima."
   font: "Fuente"
+  fontDescription: "Elegir la fuente del contenido"
+  rainbow: "Arcoíris"
+  rainbowDescription: "Muestra el contenido con los colores del arcoíris"
+  sparkle: "Parpadeante"
+  sparkleDescription: "Aplica un efecto de partículas parpadeantes"
   rotate: "Rotar"
+  rotateDescription: "Rota el contenido a un ángulo especificado."
   none: "No mostrar"
   remote: "Mostrar a usuarios remotos"
@@ -893,6 +1007,7 @@ _channel:
   sideFull: "Horizontal"
   sideIcon: "Horizontal (ícono)"
+  top: "Arriba"
   hide: "Ocultar"
   muteWords: "Palabras que silenciar"
@@ -915,6 +1030,8 @@ _theme:
   code: "Código del tema"
   description: "Descripción"
   installed: "{name} ha sido instalado"
+  installedThemes: "Temas instalados"
+  builtinThemes: "Temas integrados"
   alreadyInstalled: "Este tema ya está instalado"
   invalid: "El formato del tema no es válido"
   make: "Crear tema"
@@ -1032,6 +1149,7 @@ _2fa:
   registerKey: "Registrar clave"
   step1: "Primero, instale en su dispositivo la aplicación de autenticación {a} o {b} u otra."
   step2: "Luego, escanee con la aplicación el código QR mostrado en pantalla."
+  step2Url: "En una aplicación de escritorio se puede ingresar la siguiente URL:"
   step3: "Para terminar, ingrese el token mostrado en la aplicación."
   step4: "Ahora cuando inicie sesión, ingrese el mismo token"
   securityKeyInfo: "Se puede configurar el inicio de sesión usando una clave de seguridad de hardware que soporte FIDO2 o con un certificado de huella digital o con un PIN"
@@ -1064,6 +1182,10 @@ _permissions:
   "write:user-groups": "Administrar grupos de usuarios"
   "read:channels": "Ver canal"
   "write:channels": "Modificar canal"
+  "read:gallery": "Ver galería"
+  "write:gallery": "Editar galería"
+  "read:gallery-likes": "Ver favoritos de la galería"
+  "write:gallery-likes": "Editar favoritos de la galería"
   shareAccess: "¿Desea permitir el acceso a la cuenta \"{name}\"?"
   shareAccessAsk: "¿Está seguro de que desea autorizar esta aplicación para acceder a su cuenta?"
@@ -1097,9 +1219,15 @@ _widgets:
   photos: "Fotos"
   digitalClock: "Reloj digital"
   federation: "Federación"
+  instanceCloud: "Nube de palabras de la instancia"
   postForm: "Formulario"
+  slideshow: "Diapositivas"
   button: "Botón"
+  onlineUsers: "Usuarios en linea"
   jobQueue: "Cola de trabajos"
+  serverMetric: "Estadísticas del servidor"
+  aiscript: "Consola de AiScript"
+  aichan: "indigo"
   hide: "Ocultar"
   show: "Ver más"
@@ -1154,14 +1282,21 @@ _profile:
   username: "Nombre de usuario"
   description: "Descripción"
   youCanIncludeHashtags: "Puedes añadir hashtags"
+  metadata: "información adicional"
+  metadataEdit: "Editar información adicional"
+  metadataDescription: "Muestra la información adicional en el perfil"
   metadataLabel: "Etiqueta"
   metadataContent: "Contenido"
+  changeAvatar: "Cambiar avatar"
+  changeBanner: "Cambiar banner"
   allNotes: "Todas las notas"
   followingList: "Siguiendo"
   muteList: "Silenciados"
   blockingList: "Bloqueados"
   userLists: "Listas"
+  excludeMutingUsers: "Excluir usuarios silenciados"
+  excludeInactiveUsers: "Excluir usuarios inactivos"
   federation: "Federación"
   apRequest: "Pedidos"
@@ -1200,6 +1335,7 @@ _pages:
   created: "La página fue creada"
   updated: "La página fue actualizada"
   deleted: "La página borrada"
+  pageSetting: "Configurar página"
   nameAlreadyExists: "La URL de la página especificada ya existe"
   invalidNameTitle: "URL inválida"
   invalidNameText: "Verifique que no tenga espacios en blanco"
@@ -1210,6 +1346,7 @@ _pages:
   unlike: "Quitar me gusta"
   my: "Mis páginas"
   liked: "Páginas que me gustan"
+  featured: "Popular"
   inspector: "Inspector"
   contents: "Contenido"
   content: "Bloque de página"
@@ -1265,6 +1402,11 @@ _pages:
       id: "Lienzo ID"
       width: "Ancho"
       height: "Altura"
+    note: "Nota embebida"
+    _note:
+      id: "Id de la nota"
+      idDescription: "Pega la URL de la nota para configurarla"
+      detailed: "Ver Detalles"
     switch: "Interruptor"
       name: "Nombre de variable"
@@ -1492,6 +1634,8 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "Has mandado una solicitud de seguimiento"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Tu solicitud de seguimiento fue aceptada"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "Invitado al grupo"
+  pollEnded: "Estan disponibles los resultados de la encuesta"
+  emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Se han actualizado las notificaciones push"
     all: "Todo"
     follow: "Siguiendo"
@@ -1501,11 +1645,13 @@ _notification:
     quote: "Citar"
     reaction: "Reacción"
     pollVote: "Votado en la encuesta"
+    pollEnded: "La encuesta terminó"
     receiveFollowRequest: "Recibió una solicitud de seguimiento"
     followRequestAccepted: "El seguimiento fue aceptado"
     groupInvited: "Invitado al grupo"
     app: "Notificaciones desde aplicaciones"
+    followBack: "Te sigue de vuelta"
     reply: "Responder"
     renote: "Renotar"
@@ -1518,7 +1664,9 @@ _deck:
   swapDown: "Mover abajo"
   stackLeft: "Apilar a la izquierda"
   popRight: "Sacar a la derecha"
+  profile: "Perfil"
+    main: "Principal"
     widgets: "Widgets"
     notifications: "Notificaciones"
     tl: "Linea de tiempo"
diff --git a/locales/fr-FR.yml b/locales/fr-FR.yml
index 7e225c29921a46b7fd5974ab2226d18400073a8b..ebc6d16a392c332fb2b3ddf3159671fff2b1651e 100644
--- a/locales/fr-FR.yml
+++ b/locales/fr-FR.yml
@@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ voteConfirm: "Confirmez-vous votre vote pour « {choice} » ?"
 hide: "Masquer"
 leaveGroup: "Quitter le groupe"
 leaveGroupConfirm: "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir quitter \"{name}\" ?"
+useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Afficher le sélecteur de réactions en tant que panneau sur mobile"
 welcomeBackWithName: "Heureux de vous revoir, {name}"
 clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Veuillez cliquer sur [{ok}] afin de compléter la vérification par courriel."
 overridedDeviceKind: "Type d’appareil"
@@ -827,15 +828,21 @@ numberOfColumn: "Nombre de colonnes"
 searchByGoogle: "Google"
 instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Thème clair par défaut sur toute l’instance"
 instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Thème sombre par défaut sur toute l’instance"
+instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Saisissez le code du thème en format objet."
 mutePeriod: "Durée de mise en sourdine"
 indefinitely: "Illimité"
 tenMinutes: "10 minutes"
 oneHour: "1 heure"
 oneDay: "1 jour"
 oneWeek: "1 semaine"
+rateLimitExceeded: "Limite de taux dépassée"
+cropImage: "Recadrer l'image"
+cropImageAsk: "Voulez-vous recadrer cette image ?"
+file: "Fichiers"
   used: "Non disponible"
   format: "Le format de cette adresse de courriel est invalide"
+  disposable: "Les adresses e-mail jetables ne peuvent pas être utilisées"
   mx: "Ce serveur de courriels est invalide"
   smtp: "Ce serveur de courriels ne répond pas"
@@ -1118,6 +1125,7 @@ _2fa:
   registerKey: "Enregistrer une clef"
   step1: "Tout d'abord, installez une application d'authentification, telle que {a} ou {b}, sur votre appareil."
   step2: "Ensuite, scannez le code QR affiché sur l’écran."
+  step2Url: "Vous pouvez également saisir cette URL si vous utilisez un programme de bureau :"
   step3: "Entrez le jeton affiché sur votre application pour compléter la configuration."
   step4: "À partir de maintenant, ce même jeton vous sera demandé à chacune de vos connexions."
   securityKeyInfo: "Vous pouvez configurer l'authentification WebAuthN pour sécuriser davantage le processus de connexion grâce à une clé de sécurité matérielle qui prend en charge FIDO2, ou bien en configurant l'authentification par empreinte digitale ou par code PIN sur votre appareil."
@@ -1601,6 +1609,8 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "Vous avez reçu une demande d’abonnement"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Votre demande d’abonnement a été accepté"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "Invité·e au groupe"
+  pollEnded: "Les résultats du sondage sont disponibles"
+  emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Les notifications push ont été mises à jour"
     all: "Toutes"
     follow: "Nouvel·le abonné·e"
@@ -1615,13 +1625,12 @@ _notification:
     groupInvited: "Invitation à un groupe"
     app: "Notifications provenant des apps"
+    followBack: "Suivre"
     reply: "Répondre"
     renote: "Renoter"
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Toujours afficher la colonne principale"
   columnAlign: "Aligner les colonnes"
-  columnMargin: "Marge entre les colonnes"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Taille de l'en-tête de colonne"
   addColumn: "Ajouter une colonne"
   swapLeft: "Déplacer à gauche"
   swapRight: "Déplacer à droite"
diff --git a/locales/id-ID.yml b/locales/id-ID.yml
index 39e2c1f661d41eb86e67c468d700a06f3c1e0161..585b02900498a664eda5e45639004021ca625421 100644
--- a/locales/id-ID.yml
+++ b/locales/id-ID.yml
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ somethingHappened: "Terjadi kesalahan"
 retry: "Coba lagi"
 pageLoadError: "Gagal memuat halaman."
 pageLoadErrorDescription: "Umumnya disebabkan jaringan atau tembolok perambah. Cobalah bersihkan tembolok peramban lalu tunggu sesaat sebelum mencoba kembali."
-serverIsDead: "Tidak ada respon dari server. Mohon tunggu dan coba beberapa saat lagi."
+serverIsDead: "Tidak ada respon dari peladen. Mohon tunggu dan coba beberapa saat lagi."
 youShouldUpgradeClient: "Untuk melihat halaman ini, mohon muat ulang untuk memutakhirkan klienmu."
 enterListName: "Masukkan nama daftar"
 privacy: "Privasi"
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ rename: "Ubah nama"
 avatar: "Avatar"
 banner: "Banner"
 nsfw: "Konten sensitif"
-whenServerDisconnected: "Ketika kehilangan koneksi dengan server"
-disconnectedFromServer: "Terputus koneksi dari server"
+whenServerDisconnected: "Ketika kehilangan koneksi dengan peladen"
+disconnectedFromServer: "Terputus koneksi dari peladen"
 reload: "Muat ulang"
 doNothing: "Abaikan"
 reloadConfirm: "Apakah kamu ingin memuat ulang linimasa?"
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Matikan ini jika kamu tidak akan menggunakan HTTPS unt
 objectStorageUseProxy: "Hubungkan melalui Proxy"
 objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "Matikan ini jika kamu tidak akan menggunakan Proxy untuk koneksi ObjectStorage"
 objectStorageSetPublicRead: "Setel \"public-read\" disaat mengunggah"
-serverLogs: "Log Server"
+serverLogs: "Log Peladen"
 deleteAll: "Hapus semua"
 showFixedPostForm: "Tampilkan form posting di atas linimasa."
 newNoteRecived: "Kamu mendapat catatan baru"
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ removeAllFollowingDescription: "Batal mengikuti semua akun dari {host}. Mohon ja
 userSuspended: "Pengguna ini telah dibekukan."
 userSilenced: "Pengguna ini telah dibungkam."
 yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "Akun ini dibekukan"
-yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "Akun ini dibekukan karena melanggar ketentuan penggunaan layanan server atau semacamnya. Hubungi admin apabila ingin tahu alasan lebih lanjut. Mohon untuk tidak membuat akun baru."
+yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "Akun ini dibekukan karena melanggar ketentuan penggunaan layanan peladen atau semacamnya. Hubungi admin apabila ingin tahu alasan lebih lanjut. Mohon untuk tidak membuat akun baru."
 menu: "Menu"
 divider: "Pembagi"
 addItem: "Tambahkan item"
@@ -577,12 +577,12 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Plugin ini dapat menggunakan setelan ijin disi
 notificationType: "Jenis pemberitahuan"
 edit: "Sunting"
 useStarForReactionFallback: "Gunakan ★ sebagai fallback jika reaksi emoji tidak diketahui"
-emailServer: "Server surel"
+emailServer: "Peladen surel"
 enableEmail: "Nyalakan distribusi surel"
 emailConfigInfo: "Digunakan untuk mengonfirmasi surel kamu disaat mendaftar dan lupa kata sandi"
 email: "Surel"
 emailAddress: "Alamat surel"
-smtpConfig: "Konfigurasi server SMTP"
+smtpConfig: "Konfigurasi peladen SMTP"
 smtpHost: "Host"
 smtpPort: "Port"
 smtpUser: "Nama Pengguna"
@@ -643,6 +643,8 @@ clip: "Klip"
 createNew: "Buat baru"
 optional: "Opsional"
 createNewClip: "Buat klip baru"
+unclip: "Batalkan klip"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "Catatan ini sudah disertakan di klip \"{name}\". Yakin ingin membatalkan catatan dari klip ini?"
 public: "Publik"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey diterjemahkan ke dalam banyak bahasa oleh sukarelawan. Kamu dapat ikut membantu di {link}."
 manageAccessTokens: "Kelola access token"
@@ -791,7 +793,7 @@ whatIsNew: "Lihat perubahan pemutakhiran"
 translate: "Terjemahkan"
 translatedFrom: "Terjemahkan dari {x}"
 accountDeletionInProgress: "Penghapusan akun sedang dalam proses"
-usernameInfo: "Nama yang mengidentifikasikan akun kamu dari yang lain pada server ini. Kamu dapat menggunakan alfabet (a~z, A~Z), digit (0~9) atau garis bawah (_). Username tidak dapat diubah setelahnya."
+usernameInfo: "Nama yang mengidentifikasikan akun kamu dari yang lain pada peladen ini. Kamu dapat menggunakan alfabet (a~z, A~Z), digit (0~9) atau garis bawah (_). Username tidak dapat diubah setelahnya."
 aiChanMode: "Mode Ai"
 keepCw: "Biarkan Peringatan Konten"
 pubSub: "Akun Pub/Sub"
@@ -804,7 +806,7 @@ itsOff: "Nonaktif"
 emailRequiredForSignup: "Membutuhkan alamat surel untuk mendaftar"
 unread: "Belum dibaca"
 filter: "Saring"
-controlPanel: "Panel kontrol"
+controlPanel: "Panel kendali"
 manageAccounts: "Kelola Akun"
 makeReactionsPublic: "Tampilkan riwayat reaksi ke publik"
 makeReactionsPublicDescription: "Pengaturan ini akan membuat daftar dari semua reaksi masa lalu kamu ditampilkan secara publik."
@@ -845,12 +847,13 @@ failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Gagal untuk mendapatkan informasi akun"
 rateLimitExceeded: "Batas sudah terlampaui"
 cropImage: "potong gambar"
 cropImageAsk: "Ingin memotong gambar?"
+file: "Berkas"
   used: "Alamat surel ini telah digunakan"
   format: "Format tidak valid."
   disposable: "Alamat surel temporer tidak dapat digunakan"
-  mx: "Server alamat surel ini tidak valid"
-  smtp: "Server alamat surel ini tidak merespon"
+  mx: "Peladen alamat surel ini tidak valid"
+  smtp: "Peladen alamat surel ini tidak merespon"
   public: "Terbitkan"
   followers: "Tampil untuk pengikut saja"
@@ -1208,7 +1211,7 @@ _widgets:
   button: "Tombol"
   onlineUsers: "Pengguna online"
   jobQueue: "Antrian kerja"
-  serverMetric: "Statistik server"
+  serverMetric: "Statistik peladen"
   aiscript: "Konsol AiScript"
   aichan: "Ai"
@@ -1640,8 +1643,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Selalu tampilkan kolom utama"
   columnAlign: "Luruskan kolom"
-  columnMargin: "Batas antar kolom"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Tinggi kolom header"
   addColumn: "Tambahkan kolom"
   swapLeft: "Pindah ke kiri"
   swapRight: "Pindah ke kanan"
diff --git a/locales/it-IT.yml b/locales/it-IT.yml
index 8584ed6a8eadc67160a64d8766abcd5d6d8d007b..0f205441931abac92b350487aee1a77256d8fd86 100644
--- a/locales/it-IT.yml
+++ b/locales/it-IT.yml
@@ -809,6 +809,7 @@ tenMinutes: "10 minuti"
 oneHour: "1 ora"
 oneDay: "1 giorno"
 oneWeek: "1 settimana"
+file: "Allegati"
   used: "Email già in uso"
   format: "Formato email non valido"
@@ -1443,8 +1444,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Mostra sempre la colonna principale"
   columnAlign: "Allineare colonne"
-  columnMargin: "Margine tra le colonne"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Dimensioni dell'intestazione della colonna"
   addColumn: "Aggiungi colonna"
   swapLeft: "Sposta a sinistra"
   swapRight: "Sposta a destra"
diff --git a/locales/ja-KS.yml b/locales/ja-KS.yml
index 5458152dda074e568e9f00dd19e87260d6d5982c..156918fe2139a655a4234e1572bb5dfd3932c7af 100644
--- a/locales/ja-KS.yml
+++ b/locales/ja-KS.yml
@@ -657,6 +657,7 @@ hashtags: "ハッシュタグ"
 hide: "隠す"
 searchByGoogle: "探す"
 indefinitely: "無期限"
+file: "ファイル"
   back: "戻る"
@@ -1207,8 +1208,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "いつもメインカラムを表示"
   columnAlign: "カラムの寄せ"
-  columnMargin: "カラム間のマージン"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "カラムのヘッダー幅"
   addColumn: "カラムを追加"
   swapLeft: "左に移動"
   swapRight: "右に移動"
diff --git a/locales/kab-KAB.yml b/locales/kab-KAB.yml
index 77ca8245283ef192be85aed17686b9e687c5cd76..f0297c66a06fd1fccdc1411a4471aafe8a613361 100644
--- a/locales/kab-KAB.yml
+++ b/locales/kab-KAB.yml
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ emailNotification: "Ilɣa imayl"
 selectAccount: "Fren amiḍan"
 accounts: "Imiḍan"
 searchByGoogle: "Nadi"
+file: "Ifuyla"
     title: "Yeṭṭafaṛ-ik·em-id"
diff --git a/locales/kn-IN.yml b/locales/kn-IN.yml
index 368227717538ad5af3a12c96d9a33f824da6d909..a38d9267b1baae41de6085a71e4a664b71aedab1 100644
--- a/locales/kn-IN.yml
+++ b/locales/kn-IN.yml
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ smtpUser: "ಬಳಕೆಹೆಸರು"
 smtpPass: "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ"
 user: "ಬಳಕೆದಾರ"
 searchByGoogle: "ಹುಡುಕು"
+file: "ಕಡತಗಳು"
     title: "ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸಿದರು"
diff --git a/locales/ko-KR.yml b/locales/ko-KR.yml
index e0a839a2c89c9e9822ff77899ab17a412fb8bc01..8ceceaa509ca83ff22a3737998c3e9c2b3f93bfb 100644
--- a/locales/ko-KR.yml
+++ b/locales/ko-KR.yml
@@ -643,6 +643,8 @@ clip: "클립"
 createNew: "새로 만들기"
 optional: "옵션"
 createNewClip: "새 클립 만들기"
+unclip: "클립 해제"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "이 노트는 이미 \"{name}\" 클립에 포함되어 있습니다. 클립을 해제하시겠습니까?"
 public: "공개"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey는 자원봉사자들에 의해 다양한 언어로 번역되고 있습니다. {link}에서 번역에 참가할 수 있습니다."
 manageAccessTokens: "액세스 토큰 관리"
@@ -845,6 +847,16 @@ failedToFetchAccountInformation: "계정 정보를 가져오지 못했습니다"
 rateLimitExceeded: "요청 제한 횟수를 초과하였습니다"
 cropImage: "이미지 자르기"
 cropImageAsk: "이미지를 자르시겠습니까?"
+file: "파일"
+recentNHours: "최근 {n}시간"
+recentNDays: "최근 {n}일"
+noEmailServerWarning: "메일 서버가 설정되어 있지 않습니다."
+thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "해결되지 않은 신고가 있습니다."
+recommended: "추천"
+check: "체크"
+isSystemAccount: "시스템에 의해 자동으로 생성되어 관리되는 계정입니다."
+typeToConfirm: "계속하시려면 {x} 을 입력하세요"
+deleteAccount: "계정 삭제"
   used: "이 메일 주소는 사용중입니다"
   format: "형식이 올바르지 않습니다"
@@ -1640,8 +1652,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "메인 칼럼 항상 표시"
   columnAlign: "칼럼 정렬"
-  columnMargin: "칼럼 간 여백"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "칼럼 헤더 폭"
   addColumn: "칼럼 추가"
   swapLeft: "왼쪽으로 이동"
   swapRight: "오른쪽으로 이동"
diff --git a/locales/nl-NL.yml b/locales/nl-NL.yml
index 0ded57394879a64840591f8dc1c42806ccb18e76..7a0580f2d0a3e4cae5c20321b8233e6bca7611ce 100644
--- a/locales/nl-NL.yml
+++ b/locales/nl-NL.yml
@@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ hide: "Verbergen"
 searchByGoogle: "Zoeken"
 cropImage: "Afbeelding bijsnijden"
 cropImageAsk: "Bijsnijdengevraagd"
+file: "Bestanden"
     title: "volgde jou"
diff --git a/locales/pl-PL.yml b/locales/pl-PL.yml
index fa1dad2173cd74d414e70ab26838fbf27cb121ec..9f3861756fa804fa25243e7c249d8ae633d15518 100644
--- a/locales/pl-PL.yml
+++ b/locales/pl-PL.yml
@@ -760,6 +760,7 @@ pubSub: "Konta Pub/Sub"
 hide: "Ukryj"
 searchByGoogle: "Szukaj"
 indefinitely: "Nigdy"
+file: "Pliki"
   public: "Publikuj"
@@ -1406,8 +1407,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Zawsze pokazuj główną kolumnę"
   columnAlign: "Wyrównaj kolumny"
-  columnMargin: "Odstęp między kolumnami"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Wysokość nagłówka kolumny"
   addColumn: "Dodaj kolumnÄ™"
   swapLeft: "Przesuń w lewo"
   swapRight: "Przesuń w prawo"
diff --git a/locales/pt-PT.yml b/locales/pt-PT.yml
index 0dc15a27bb5cd7e621e8861f4feb4558639bfb9d..046c307b1771ec4b998d8ed3cab023a5aadec142 100644
--- a/locales/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/locales/pt-PT.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 _lang_: "Português"
-headlineMisskey: "Rede conectada por notas"
+headlineMisskey: "Uma rede ligada por notas"
 introMisskey: "Bem-vindo! Misskey é um serviço de microblogue descentralizado de código aberto.\nCria \"notas\" e partilha o que te ocorre com todos à tua volta. 📡\nCom \"reações\" podes também expressar logo o que sentes às notas de todos. 👍\nExploremos um novo mundo! 🚀"
 monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
-search: "Pesquisar"
+search: "Buscar"
 notifications: "Notificações"
 username: "Nome de usuário"
 password: "Senha"
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ unfollow: "Deixar de seguir"
 followRequestPending: "Pedido de seguimento pendente"
 enterEmoji: "Inserir emoji"
 renote: "Repostar"
+unrenote: "Desmarcar"
 renoted: "Repostado"
 cantRenote: "Não pode repostar"
 cantReRenote: "Não pode repostar este repost"
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ sensitive: "Conteúdo sensível"
 add: "Adicionar"
 reaction: "Reações"
 reactionSetting: "Quais reações a mostrar no selecionador de reações"
+reactionSettingDescription2: "Arraste para reordenar, clique para excluir, pressione + para adicionar."
 rememberNoteVisibility: "Lembrar das configurações de visibilidade de notas"
 attachCancel: "Remover anexo"
 markAsSensitive: "Marcar como sensível"
@@ -133,35 +135,339 @@ emojiName: "Nome do Emoji"
 emojiUrl: "URL do Emoji"
 addEmoji: "Adicionar um Emoji"
 settingGuide: "Guia de configuração"
+cacheRemoteFiles: "Memória transitória de arquivos remotos"
+cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Se você desabilitar essa configuração, os arquivos remotos não serão armazenados em memória transitória e serão vinculados diretamente. Economiza o armazenamento do servidor, mas não gera miniaturas, o que aumenta o tráfego."
 flagAsBot: "Marcar conta como robô"
+flagAsBotDescription: "Se esta conta for operada por um programa, ative este sinalizador. Quando ativado, serve como um sinalizador para evitar o encadeamento de reações para outros programadores, e o manuseio do sistema do Misskey é adequado para ‘bots’."
 flagAsCat: "Marcar conta como gato"
 flagAsCatDescription: "Ative essa opção para marcar essa conta como gato."
 flagShowTimelineReplies: "Mostrar respostas na linha de tempo"
+flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Quando ativado, a linha do tempo mostra as respostas às outras notas do utilizador, além da nota do utilizador."
+autoAcceptFollowed: "Aprove automaticamente os seguidores dos seguintes utilizadores"
+addAccount: "Adicionar Conta"
+loginFailed: "Não consegui logar"
+showOnRemote: "Exibir remotamente"
 general: "Geral"
 wallpaper: "Papel de parede"
+setWallpaper: "Definir papel de parede"
+removeWallpaper: "Remover papel de parede"
 searchWith: "Buscar: {q}"
 youHaveNoLists: "Não tem nenhuma lista"
 followConfirm: "Tem certeza que quer deixar de seguir {name}?"
+proxyAccount: "Conta proxy"
+proxyAccountDescription: "Uma conta proxy é uma conta que atua como seguidora remota para utilizadores sob determinadas condições. Por exemplo, quando um utilizador lista um utilizador remoto, a atividade não será entregue à instância, a menos que alguém esteja seguindo o utilizador listado, portanto, a conta proxy deve seguir."
+host: "hospedeiro"
+selectUser: "Selecionar utilizador"
+recipient: "Morada"
+annotation: "Anotação"
+federation: "União"
 instances: "Instância"
 registeredAt: "Registrado em"
+latestRequestSentAt: "Enviar a solicitação mais recente"
+latestRequestReceivedAt: "Recebeu a última solicitação"
+latestStatus: "Status mais recente"
+storageUsage: "Uso de armazenamento"
+charts: "gráfico"
 perHour: "por hora"
 perDay: "por dia"
+stopActivityDelivery: "Parar a entrega de atividades"
+blockThisInstance: "Bloquear esta instância"
+operations: "operar"
+software: "Programas"
+version: "versão"
+metadata: "Metadados"
+withNFiles: "{n} Um arquivo"
+monitor: "monitor"
+jobQueue: "Fila de trabalhos"
+cpuAndMemory: "CPU e memória"
+network: "rede"
+disk: "disco"
+instanceInfo: "Informações da instância"
+statistics: "Estatisticas"
+clearQueue: "Limpar a fila"
+clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Quer limpar a fila?"
+clearQueueConfirmText: "Postagens não entregues não serão mais entregues. Normalmente você não precisa fazer isso."
+clearCachedFiles: "Limpar memória transitória"
+clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir todos os arquivos remotos armazenados em memória transitória?"
+blockedInstances: "Instância bloqueada"
+blockedInstancesDescription: "Defina os anfitriões das instâncias que deseja bloquear, separados por quebras de linha. Uma instância bloqueada não poderá interagir com esta instância."
+muteAndBlock: "Silenciar e bloquear"
+mutedUsers: "Silenciar utilizador"
+blockedUsers: "Utilizadores bloqueados"
 noUsers: "Sem usuários"
+editProfile: "Editar Perfil"
+noteDeleteConfirm: "Deseja excluir esta nota?"
+pinLimitExceeded: "Não consigo mais fixar"
+intro: "A instalação do Misskey está completa! Crie uma conta de administrador."
+done: "Concluído"
+processing: "Em Progresso"
+preview: "Pré-visualizar"
+default: "Padrão"
+noCustomEmojis: "Não há emojis"
+noJobs: "Sem trabalho"
+federating: "federar"
+blocked: "Bloqueado"
+suspended: "Cancelar subscrição"
+all: "Todos"
+subscribing: "Subscrito"
+publishing: "Executando"
+notResponding: "Sem resposta"
+instanceFollowing: "Seguir a instância"
+instanceFollowers: "Seguidores da instância"
+instanceUsers: "Utilizador da instância"
+changePassword: "Mudar senha"
+security: "Segurança"
+retypedNotMatch: "As entradas não coincidem."
+currentPassword: "Palavra-passe atual"
+newPassword: "Nova palavra-passe"
+newPasswordRetype: "Nova senha (redigite)"
+attachFile: "Anexar arquivo"
+more: "Mais!"
+featured: "Destaques"
+usernameOrUserId: "Nome de utilizador ou ID de utilizador"
+noSuchUser: "Utilizador não encontrado"
+lookup: "Buscando"
+announcements: "Notícia"
+imageUrl: "URL da imagem"
 remove: "Eliminar"
+removed: "Foi deletado"
+removeAreYouSure: "Deseja excluir \"{x}\"?"
+deleteAreYouSure: "Deseja excluir \"{x}\"?"
+resetAreYouSure: "Redefinir agora?"
+saved: "Salvo"
+messaging: "Chat"
+upload: "Enviando"
+keepOriginalUploading: "Manter a imagem original"
+keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Mantenha a versão original ao carregar a imagem. Quando desligado, a imagem para publicação na web será gerada no navegador no momento do upload."
+fromDrive: "\nDa unidade"
+fromUrl: "Da URL"
+uploadFromUrl: "Carregamento de URL"
+uploadFromUrlDescription: "URL do arquivo que você deseja enviar"
+uploadFromUrlRequested: "Upload solicitado"
+uploadFromUrlMayTakeTime: "Pode levar algum tempo para que o upload seja concluído."
+explore: "Explorar"
 messageRead: "Lida"
+noMoreHistory: "Sem mais história"
+startMessaging: "Iniciar conversação"
+nUsersRead: "{n} Pessoas leem"
+agreeTo: "Eu concordo com {0}"
+tos: "Termos de serviço"
+start: "começar"
+home: "casa"
+remoteUserCaution: "As informações estão incompletas porque é um utilizador remoto."
+activity: "atividade"
+images: "imagem"
+birthday: "aniversário"
+yearsOld: "{age} anos"
+registeredDate: "Data de registro"
+location: "Lugar, colocar"
+theme: "tema"
+themeForLightMode: "Temas usados ​​no modo de luz"
+themeForDarkMode: "Temas usados ​​no modo escuro"
+light: "Claro"
+dark: "Escuro"
 lightThemes: "Tema claro"
 darkThemes: "Tema escuro"
+syncDeviceDarkMode: "Sincronize com o modo escuro do dispositivo"
+drive: "Unidades"
+fileName: "Nome do Ficheiro"
+selectFile: "Selecione os arquivos"
+selectFiles: "Selecione os arquivos"
+selectFolder: "Selecionar uma pasta"
+selectFolders: "Selecionar uma pasta"
+renameFile: "Renomear ficheiro"
+folderName: "Nome da pasta"
+createFolder: "Criar pasta"
+renameFolder: "Renomear Pasta"
+deleteFolder: "Eliminar Pasta"
 addFile: "Adicionar arquivo"
+emptyDrive: "A unidade está vazia"
+emptyFolder: "A pasta está vazia"
+unableToDelete: "Não é possível eliminar"
+inputNewFileName: "Por favor, digite um novo nome para a pasta!"
+inputNewDescription: "Insira uma nova legenda"
+inputNewFolderName: "Por favor, digite um novo nome para a pasta!"
+circularReferenceFolder: "A pasta de destino é uma subpasta da pasta que você deseja mover."
+hasChildFilesOrFolders: "Esta pasta não está vazia e não pode ser excluída."
+copyUrl: "Copiar URL"
+rename: "Renomear"
+avatar: "Avatar"
+banner: "Capa"
 nsfw: "Conteúdo sensível"
+whenServerDisconnected: "Quando a conexão com o servidor é perdida"
+disconnectedFromServer: "Desconectado do servidor"
+reload: "Recarregar"
+doNothing: "Nenhuma ação adicional"
+reloadConfirm: "Quer recarregar?"
+watch: "ver"
+unwatch: "Não observar"
+accept: "Aceitar"
+reject: "Rejeitar"
+normal: "Normal"
+instanceName: "Nome da instância"
+instanceDescription: "Descrição da instância"
+maintainerName: "Nome do administrador"
+maintainerEmail: "E-mail do Administrador:"
+tosUrl: "URL dos Termos de Uso"
+thisYear: "Este ano"
+thisMonth: "Este mês"
+today: "Hoje"
+dayX: " Dia {day}"
 monthX: "mês de {month}"
+yearX: "Ano {year}"
+pages: "Páginas"
+integration: "Integração"
+connectService: "Conectar"
+disconnectService: "Desconectar"
+enableLocalTimeline: "Ativar linha do tempo local"
+enableGlobalTimeline: "Ativar linha do tempo global"
+disablingTimelinesInfo: "Se você desabilitar essas linhas do tempo, administradores e moderadores ainda poderão usá-las por conveniência."
+registration: "Registar"
+enableRegistration: "Permitir que qualquer pessoa se registre"
+invite: "Convidar"
+driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Capacidade da unidade por utilizador local"
+driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Capacidade da unidade por utilizador remoto"
+inMb: "Em ‘megabytes’"
+iconUrl: "URL da imagem do ícone (favicon, etc.)"
+bannerUrl: "URL da imagem do ‘banner’"
+backgroundImageUrl: "URL da imagem de fundo"
+basicInfo: "Informações básicas"
+pinnedUsers: "Utilizador fixado"
+pinnedUsersDescription: "Descreva os utilizadores que você deseja fixar na página \"Localizar\", etc., separados por quebras de linha."
+pinnedPages: "Página fixada"
+pinnedPagesDescription: "Descreva o caminho da página que você deseja fixar na página superior da instância, separada por quebras de linha."
+pinnedClipId: "ID do clipe a ser fixado"
 pinnedNotes: "Post fixado"
+hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
+enableHcaptcha: "Ativar hCaptcha"
+hcaptchaSiteKey: "Chave do sítio ‘web’"
+hcaptchaSecretKey: "Chave secreta"
+recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
+enableRecaptcha: "Habilitar reCAPTCHA"
+recaptchaSiteKey: "Chave do sítio ‘web’"
+recaptchaSecretKey: "Chave secreta"
+avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "O uso de vários captchas pode causar interferência. Deseja desativar outros captchas? Você também pode cancelar e deixar vários captchas ativados."
+antennas: "Antenas"
+manageAntennas: "Gestão de antena"
+name: "Nome"
+antennaSource: "Origem de entrada"
+antennaKeywords: "Palavras-chave recebidas"
+antennaExcludeKeywords: "Palavras-chave negativas"
+antennaKeywordsDescription: "Se você separá-lo com um espaço, será uma especificação AND, e se você separá-lo com uma quebra de linha, será uma especificação OR."
+notifyAntenna: "Notificar novas notas"
+withFileAntenna: "Apenas notas com arquivos anexados"
+enableServiceworker: "Ative as notificações push para o seu navegador"
+antennaUsersDescription: "Especificar nomes de utilizador separados por quebras de linha"
+caseSensitive: "Maiúsculas e minúsculas"
+withReplies: "Incluindo resposta"
+connectedTo: "Você está conectado à seguinte conta"
+notesAndReplies: "Publicações e respostas"
+withFiles: "Com arquivo"
+silence: "Silenciado"
+silenceConfirm: "Quer silenciar?"
+unsilence: "Liberar silenciar"
+unsilenceConfirm: "Quer liberar o silêncio?"
+popularUsers: "Utilizadores populares"
+recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Utilizadores postados recentemente"
+recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Utilizadores registrados recentemente"
+recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Utilizadores descobertos recentemente"
+exploreUsersCount: "Há um utilizador de {count}"
+exploreFediverse: "Explorar Fediverse"
+popularTags: "Tags populares"
 userList: "Listas"
+about: "Informações"
+aboutMisskey: "Sobre Misskey"
+administrator: "Administrador"
+token: "Símbolo"
+twoStepAuthentication: "Verificação em duas etapas"
+moderator: "Moderador"
+nUsersMentioned: "Postado por {n} pessoas"
+securityKey: "Chave de segurança"
+securityKeyName: "Nome chave"
+registerSecurityKey: "Registre a chave de segurança"
+lastUsed: "Último uso"
+unregister: "Cancelar registro"
+passwordLessLogin: "Entrar sem senha"
+resetPassword: "Redefinir senha"
+newPasswordIs: "A nova senha é \"{password}\""
+reduceUiAnimation: "Reduzir a animação da ‘interface’ do utilizador"
+share: "Compartilhar"
+notFound: "Não encontrado"
+notFoundDescription: "Não havia página correspondente ao URL especificado."
+uploadFolder: "Destino de ‘upload’ padrão"
+cacheClear: "Excluir memória transitória"
+markAsReadAllNotifications: "Marcar todas as notificações como lidas"
+markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Marcar todas as postagens como lidas"
+markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Marcar todas as conversas como lidas"
+help: "Ajuda"
+inputMessageHere: "Escrever mensagem aqui"
+close: "Fechar"
+group: "Grupos"
+groups: "Grupos"
+createGroup: "Criar grupo"
+ownedGroups: "Grupo próprio"
+invites: "Convidar"
+invitations: "Convidar"
+tags: "Etiquetas"
+docSource: "Fonte deste documento"
+createAccount: "Criar conta"
+existingAccount: "Contas existentes"
+regenerate: "Gerar novamente"
+fontSize: "Tamanho do texto"
+noFollowRequests: "Não há aplicação de acompanhamento"
+openImageInNewTab: "Abrir a imagem numa nova aba"
+dashboard: "Painel de controle"
+local: "Local"
+remote: "Remoto"
+total: "Total"
+weekOverWeekChanges: "Em comparação com a semana anterior"
+dayOverDayChanges: "Dia anterior"
+appearance: "Aparência"
+clientSettings: "Configurações do cliente"
+accountSettings: "Configurações da conta"
+promotion: "Promoção"
+promote: "Promover"
+numberOfDays: "Dias"
+hideThisNote: "Ocultar esta nota"
+showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Mostrar notas recomendadas na linha do tempo"
+objectStorage: "Armazenamento de objetos"
+useObjectStorage: "Usar armazenamento de objetos"
+objectStorageBaseUrl: "URL base"
+objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "O URL usado para referência. Se você estiver usando um CDN ou Proxy, seu URL, S3:'https: // <bucket> .s3.amazonaws.com', GCS, etc .:'https://storage.googleapis.com/ <bucket>' ."
+objectStorageBucket: "Bucket"
+objectStorageBucketDesc: "Especifique o nome do bucket do serviço a ser usado."
+objectStoragePrefix: "Prefixo"
+objectStoragePrefixDesc: "Ele é armazenado neste diretório de prefixo."
+objectStorageEndpoint: "Ponto final"
+objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Especifique vazio para S3, caso contrário, especifique o ponto final para cada serviço. Especifique como'<host>'ou'<host>: <port>'."
+objectStorageRegion: "Região"
+objectStorageRegionDesc: "Especifique uma região como 'xx-east-1'. Caso seu serviço não tenha o conceito de região, ele deve estar vazio ou 'us-east-1'."
+objectStorageUseSSL: "Usar SSL"
+objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Desative-o se não quiser usar https para conexões de API"
+objectStorageUseProxy: "Usar proxy"
+objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "Se você não usa proxy para conexão de API, desative-o."
+objectStorageSetPublicRead: "Definir 'public-read' ao fazer o upload"
+serverLogs: "Registro do servidor"
+deleteAll: "Apagar Tudo"
+showFixedPostForm: "Exibir o formulário de postagem na parte superior da linha do tempo"
+newNoteRecived: "Nova nota recebida"
+sounds: "Sons"
+listen: "Ouvir"
 none: "Nenhum"
+showInPage: "Ver na página"
+popout: "Sair"
+volume: "Volume"
+masterVolume: "volume principal"
+details: "Detalhes"
 output: "Resultado"
+smtpHost: "hospedeiro"
 smtpUser: "Nome de usuário"
 smtpPass: "Senha"
+clearCache: "Limpar memória transitória"
+info: "Informações"
 user: "Usuários"
-searchByGoogle: "Pesquisar"
+searchByGoogle: "Buscar"
+file: "Ficheiros"
     title: "Você tem um novo seguidor"
@@ -169,7 +475,7 @@ _mfm:
   mention: "Menção"
   quote: "Citar"
   emoji: "Emoji personalizado"
-  search: "Pesquisar"
+  search: "Buscar"
     mention: "Menção"
@@ -177,22 +483,33 @@ _theme:
   note: "Posts"
   notification: "Notificações"
+  chat: "Chat"
   notifications: "Notificações"
   timeline: "Timeline"
+  activity: "atividade"
+  federation: "União"
+  jobQueue: "Fila de trabalhos"
   show: "Carregar mais"
+  home: "casa"
   followers: "Seguidores"
+  name: "Nome"
   username: "Nome de usuário"
   followingList: "Seguindo"
   muteList: "Silenciar"
   blockingList: "Bloquear"
   userLists: "Listas"
+  federation: "União"
+  home: "casa"
+    image: "imagem"
@@ -397,8 +714,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Sempre mostrar a coluna principal"
   columnAlign: "Alinhar colunas"
-  columnMargin: "Margem entre colunas"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Altura do cabeçalho de coluna"
   addColumn: "Adicionar coluna"
   swapLeft: "Trocar de posição com a coluna à esquerda"
   swapRight: "Trocar de posição com a coluna à direita"
diff --git a/locales/ro-RO.yml b/locales/ro-RO.yml
index cc7475611948d76ffda8271c534f8073b785af6f..6f0553b223a4d75e959fb4629f475a06172e5273 100644
--- a/locales/ro-RO.yml
+++ b/locales/ro-RO.yml
@@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ administration: "Gestionare"
 middle: "Mediu"
 sent: "Trimite"
 searchByGoogle: "Caută"
+file: "Fișiere"
     title: "te-a urmărit"
diff --git a/locales/ru-RU.yml b/locales/ru-RU.yml
index c44589a7e596c8495492ad7ce4033d79f274e731..fce11c5df26c84823c04becae19bb404c8ebb2d6 100644
--- a/locales/ru-RU.yml
+++ b/locales/ru-RU.yml
@@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ administrator: "Администратор"
 token: "Токен"
 twoStepAuthentication: "Двухфакторная аутентификация"
 moderator: "Модератор"
+moderation: "Модерация"
 nUsersMentioned: "Упомянуло пользователей: {n}"
 securityKey: "Ключ безопасности"
 securityKeyName: "Имя ключа"
@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@ waitingFor: "Ждём, когда {x} ответит"
 random: "Случайные"
 system: "Система"
 switchUi: "Выбор вида"
-desktop: "Стол"
+desktop: "Компьютер"
 clip: "Подборка"
 createNew: "Новый документ"
 optional: "Необязательно"
@@ -832,6 +833,7 @@ searchByGoogle: "Поиск"
 instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Светлая тема по умолчанию"
 instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Темная тема по умолчанию"
 indefinitely: "вечно"
+file: "Файлы"
   used: "Уже используется"
   format: "Неверный формат"
@@ -1619,8 +1621,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Всегда показывать главную колонку"
   columnAlign: "Выравнивание колонок"
-  columnMargin: "Расстояние между колонками"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Высота заголовка колонки"
   addColumn: "Добавить колонку"
   swapLeft: "Переставить левее"
   swapRight: "Переставить правее"
diff --git a/locales/sk-SK.yml b/locales/sk-SK.yml
index dc1151522eafc4a97bfce6e87b487a7f002179fe..fc3f93248f0bd078f132764f8c4b93eb53c43428 100644
--- a/locales/sk-SK.yml
+++ b/locales/sk-SK.yml
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ done: "Hotovo"
 processing: "Pracujem..."
 preview: "Náhľad"
 default: "Predvolené"
+defaultValueIs: "Predvolené: {value}"
 noCustomEmojis: "Žiadne emoji"
 noJobs: "Žiadne úlohy"
 federating: "Federácia"
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ administrator: "Administrátor"
 token: "Token"
 twoStepAuthentication: "Dvojfaktorová autentifikácia"
 moderator: "Moderátor"
+moderation: "Moderovanie"
 nUsersMentioned: "{n} používateľov spomenulo"
 securityKey: "Bezpečnostný kľúč"
 securityKeyName: "Názov kľúča"
@@ -642,6 +644,8 @@ clip: "Klip"
 createNew: "Vytvoriť nový"
 optional: "Voliteľné"
 createNewClip: "Vytvoriť nový klip"
+unclip: "Odopnúť"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "Táto poznámka je už pripnutá ako \"{name}\". Naozaj ju chcete odopnúť?"
 public: "Verejné"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey je prekladaný do rôznych jazykov dobrovoľníkmi. Pomôcť môžete na {link}."
 manageAccessTokens: "Spravovať prístupové tokeny"
@@ -842,6 +846,25 @@ oneWeek: "1 týždeň"
 reflectMayTakeTime: "Zmeny môžu chvíľu trvať kým sa prejavia."
 failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Nepodarilo sa načítať informácie o účte."
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+cropImageAsk: "Chcete orezať obrázok?"
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+noEmailServerWarning: "Nie je nastavený emailový server."
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+driveCapOverrideCaption: "Ak je zadaná hodnota menšia alebo rovná 0, zruší sa."
+isSystemAccount: "Tieto účty automaticky vytvoril a spravuje systém."
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+numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Zvýši rýchlosť ale tiež nároky na pamäť."
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+  introduction2: "Stlačením tlačidla + v pravej časti obrazovky môžete kedykoľvek pridať stĺpce."
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--- a/locales/th-TH.yml
+++ b/locales/th-TH.yml
@@ -1 +1,677 @@
+_lang_: "ภาษาไทย"
+headlineMisskey: "เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายโดยโน้ต"
+introMisskey: "ยินดีต้อนรับจ้าาา! Misskey เป็นบริการไมโครบล็อกโอเพ่นซอร์ส แบบการกระจายอำนาจ\nสร้าง \"โน้ต\" เพื่อแบ่งปันความคิดของคุณกับทุกคนรอบตัวคุณกันเถอะ 📡\nด้วยการ \"รีแอคชั่นผู้คน\" คุณยังสามารถแสดงความรู้สึกของคุณเกี่ยวกับบันทึกของทุกคนได้อย่างรวดเร็ว 👍\n\nแล้วมาท่องสำรวจโลกใบใหม่กันเถอะ! 🚀"
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+fetchingAsApObject: "กำลังดึงข้อมูล จาก เฟดิเวิร์ส..."
+ok: "ตกลง"
+gotIt: "เข้าใจแล้ว !"
+cancel: "ยกเลิก"
+enterUsername: "ใส่ชื่อผู้ใช้"
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+serverIsDead: "เซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้ไม่มีการตอบสนอง ได้โปรดกรุณารอสักครู่แล้วลองใหม่อีกครั้งนะ"
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+unblockConfirm: "คุณแน่ใจแล้วเหรอ? ว่าต้องการปลดบล็อคบัญชีนี้"
+suspendConfirm: "นายแน่ใจแล้วเหรอว่าต้องการระงับบัญชีนี้อ่ะ?"
+unsuspendConfirm: "นายแน่ใจแล้วหรอ? ว่าต้องการยกเลิกการระงับบัญชีนี้"
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+flagAsBotDescription: "การเปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้หากบัญชีนี้ถูกควบคุมโดยนักเขียนโปรแกรม หรือ ถ้าหากเปิดใช้งาน มันจะทำหน้าที่เป็นแฟล็กสำหรับนักพัฒนารายอื่นๆ และเพื่อป้องกันการโต้ตอบแบบไม่มีที่สิ้นสุดกับบอทตัวอื่นๆ และยังสามารถปรับเปลี่ยนระบบภายในของ Misskey เพื่อปฏิบัติต่อบัญชีนี้เป็นบอท"
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+flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "แสดงการตอบกลับของผู้ใช้งานไปยังโน้ตของผู้ใช้งานรายอื่นๆในไทม์ไลน์หากได้เปิดเอาไว้"
+autoAcceptFollowed: "อนุมัติคำขอติดตามโดยอัตโนมัติทันที จากผู้ใช้งานที่คุณกำลังติดตาม"
+addAccount: "เพิ่มบัญชี"
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+statistics: "สถิติการใช้งาน"
+clearQueue: "ล้างคิว"
+clearQueueConfirmTitle: "คุณแน่ใจแล้วหรอว่าต้องการที่จะล้างคิว?"
+clearQueueConfirmText: "บันทึกย่อที่ยังไม่ได้ส่งที่เหลืออยู่ในคิวนั้นมักจะ ไม่ถูกรวมเข้าด้วยกัน โดยปกติแล้วไม่จำเป็นต้องดำเนินการนี้"
+clearCachedFiles: "ล้างแคช"
+clearCachedFilesConfirm: "นายแน่ใจแล้วหรอว่าต้องการที่จะลบไฟล์ระยะไกลที่แคชไว้ทั้งหมด?"
+blockedInstances: "อินสแตนซ์ที่ ถูกบล็อก"
+blockedInstancesDescription: "ระบุชื่อโฮสต์ของอินสแตนซ์ที่คุณต้องการบล็อก อินสแตนซ์ที่อยู่ในรายการนั้นจะไม่สามารถพูดคุยกับอินสแตนซ์นี้ได้อีกต่อไป"
+muteAndBlock: "ปิดเสียงและบล็อก"
+mutedUsers: "ผู้ใช้ที่ถูกปิดเสียง"
+blockedUsers: "ผู้ใช้ที่ถูกบล็อก"
+noUsers: "ไม่พบผู้ใช้งาน"
+editProfile: "แก้ไขโปรไฟล์"
+noteDeleteConfirm: "นายแน่ใจแล้วหรอว่าต้องการลบโน้ตนี้นะ?"
+pinLimitExceeded: "คุณไม่สามารถปักหมุดโน้ตเพิ่มเติมใดๆได้อีก"
+intro: "การติดตั้ง Misskey เสร็จสิ้นแล้วนะ! โปรดสร้างผู้ใช้งานที่เป็นผู้ดูแลระบบ"
+done: "เสร็จสิ้น"
+processing: "กำลังประมวลผล..."
+preview: "แสดงตัวอย่าง"
+default: "ค่าตั้งต้น"
+noCustomEmojis: "ไม่มีอีโมจิ"
+noJobs: "ไม่มีชิ้นงาน"
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+blocked: "ถูกบล็อก"
+suspended: "ถูกระงับ"
+all: "ทั้งหมด"
+subscribing: "สมัครแล้ว"
+publishing: "กำลังเผยแพร่"
+notResponding: "ไม่มีการตอบสนอง"
+instanceFollowing: "กำลังติดตาม บน อินสแตนซ์"
+instanceFollowers: "ผู้ติดตามของอินสแตนซ์"
+instanceUsers: "ผู้ใช้งานของอินสแตนซ์นี้"
+changePassword: "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน"
+security: "ความปลอดภัย"
+retypedNotMatch: "อินพุตไม่ตรงกันนะ"
+currentPassword: "รหัสผ่านปัจจุบัน"
+newPassword: "รหัสผ่านใหม่"
+newPasswordRetype: "ใส่รหัสผ่านใหม่อีกครั้ง"
+attachFile: "แนบไฟล์"
+more: "เพิ่มเติม!"
+featured: "เป็นจุดเด่น"
+usernameOrUserId: "ชื่อผู้ใช้หรือรหัสผู้ใช้งาน"
+noSuchUser: "ไม่มีผู้ใช้นี้อยู่ในระบบ"
+lookup: "ค้นหา"
+announcements: "ประกาศ"
+imageUrl: "url รูปภาพ"
+remove: "ลบ"
+removed: "ถูกลบไปแล้ว"
+removeAreYouSure: "นายแน่ใจจริงหรอว่าต้องการที่จะลบออก \"{x}\""
+deleteAreYouSure: "นายแน่ใจจริงหรอว่าต้องการที่จะลบออก \"{x}\""
+resetAreYouSure: "รีเซ็ตเลยไหม"
+saved: "บันทึกแล้ว"
+messaging: "แชท"
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+explore: "สำรวจ"
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+start: "เริ่มต้น​ใช้งาน​"
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+inputNewFolderName: "กรุณาใส่ชื่อโฟลเดอร์ใหม่นะ\n"
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+reloadConfirm: "นายต้องการรีเฟรชไทม์ไลน์หรือป่าว?"
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+notifyAntenna: "แจ้งเตือนเกี่ยวกับโน้ตใหม่"
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+enableServiceworker: "เปิดใช้งาน การแจ้งเตือนแบบพุชสำหรับเบราว์เซอร์ของคุณ"
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+silenceConfirm: "นายแน่ใจแล้วหรอว่าต้องการที่จะ ปิดปาก ผู้ใช้งานรายนี้?"
+unsilence: "ยกเลิกการปิดปาก"
+unsilenceConfirm: "นายแน่ใจแล้วหรอว่าต้องการที่จะยกเลิกปิดปากผู้ใช้งานรายนี้?"
+popularUsers: "ผู้ใช้ที่เป็นที่นิยม"
+recentlyUpdatedUsers: "ผู้ใช้ที่เพิ่งใช้งานล่าสุด"
+recentlyRegisteredUsers: "ผู้ใช้ที่เข้าร่วมใหม่"
+recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "ผู้ใช้ที่เพิ่งค้นพบใหม่"
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+userList: "รายการ"
+about: "เกี่ยวกับ"
+aboutMisskey: "เกี่ยวกับ Misskey"
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+token: "โทเค็น"
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+resetPassword: "รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่าน"
+newPasswordIs: "รหัสผ่านใหม่คือ \"{password}\""
+reduceUiAnimation: "ลดภาพเคลื่อนไหว UI"
+share: "แชร์"
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+markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "ทำเครื่องหมายโน้ตทั้งหมดว่าอ่านแล้ว"
+markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "ทำเครื่องหมายข้อความทั้งหมดว่าอ่านแล้ว"
+help: "ช่วยเหลือ"
+inputMessageHere: "พิมพ์ข้อความที่นี่"
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+ownedGroups: "กลุ่มที่เป็นเจ้าของ"
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+invites: "เชิญชวน"
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+members: "สมาชิก"
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+messagingWithGroup: "แชทกลุ่ม"
+title: "หัวข้อ"
+text: "ข้อความ"
+enable: "เปิดใช้งาน"
+next: "ถัด​ไป"
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+noteOf: "โน้ต โดย {ผู้ใช้งาน}"
+inviteToGroup: "ชวนเข้ากลุ่ม"
+quoteAttached: "อ้างอิง"
+quoteQuestion: "นายต้องการที่จะอ้างอิงหรอ?"
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+newMessageExists: "คุณมีข้อความใหม่"
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+signinRequired: "กรุณาลงทะเบียนหรือลงชื่อเข้าใช้ก่อนดำเนินการต่อนะ"
+invitations: "เชิญชวน"
+invitationCode: "รหัสคำเชิญ"
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+unavailable: "ไม่พร้อมใช้"
+usernameInvalidFormat: "คุณสามารถใช้อักษรตัวพิมพ์ใหญ่และตัวพิมพ์เล็ก ตัวเลข และขีดล่างได้นะ ( a-z , A-Z , 0-9 , รวมไปถึงอักษรพิเศษเช่น + * / , . - อื่นๆเป็นต้น )"
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+passwordMatched: "ถูกต้อง!"
+passwordNotMatched: "ไม่ถูกต้อง"
+signinWith: "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ด้วย {x}"
+signinFailed: "ไม่สามารถลงชื่อผู้เข้าใช้ได้ เนื่องจาก ชื่อผู้ใช้หรือรหัสผ่านที่คุณป้อนนั้นไม่ถูกต้องนะ"
+tapSecurityKey: "แตะคีย์ความปลอดภัย"
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+++ b/locales/vi-VN.yml
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@@ -843,6 +847,28 @@ oneWeek: "1 tuần"
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   federation: "Liên hợp"
+  instanceCloud: "Instance cloud"
   postForm: "Mẫu đăng"
   slideshow: "Trình chiếu"
   button: "Nút"
@@ -1638,8 +1666,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Luôn hiện cột chính"
   columnAlign: "Căn cột"
-  columnMargin: "Căn lề giữa các cột"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "Chiều rộng cột ảnh bìa"
   addColumn: "Thêm cột"
   swapLeft: "Hoán đổi với cột bên trái"
   swapRight: "Hoán đổi với cột bên phải"
@@ -1648,6 +1674,9 @@ _deck:
   stackLeft: "Xếp chồng với cột bên trái"
   popRight: "Xếp chồng với cột bên trái"
   profile: "Hồ sơ"
+  introduction: "Kết hợp các cột để tạo giao diện của riêng bạn!"
+  introduction2: "Bạn có thể thêm cột bất kỳ lúc nào bằng cách nhấn + ở bên phải màn hình."
+  widgetsIntroduction: "Chọn \"Sửa widget\" trong menu cột và thêm một widget."
     main: "Chính"
     widgets: "Tiện ích"
diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.yml b/locales/zh-CN.yml
index 4953f55280ea2bc4cae0eb8a9710d95cb5e42718..a6b0be105194575aa11098cf260b9f05c51ad62d 100644
--- a/locales/zh-CN.yml
+++ b/locales/zh-CN.yml
@@ -842,6 +842,16 @@ oneDay: "1天"
 oneWeek: "1周"
 reflectMayTakeTime: "可能需要一些时间才能体现出效果。"
 failedToFetchAccountInformation: "获取账户信息失败"
+cropImage: "剪裁图像"
+cropImageAsk: "是否要裁剪图像?"
+file: "文件"
+recentNHours: "最近{n}小时"
+recentNDays: "最近{n}天"
+noEmailServerWarning: "电子邮件服务器未设置。"
+thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "有未解决的报告"
+recommended: "推荐"
+check: "检查"
+isSystemAccount: "该账号由系统自动创建和管理。"
   used: "已经被使用过"
   format: "无效的格式"
@@ -1637,8 +1647,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "总是显示主列"
   columnAlign: "列对齐"
-  columnMargin: "列间距"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "列标题高度"
   addColumn: "添加列"
   swapLeft: "向左移动"
   swapRight: "向右移动"
diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.yml b/locales/zh-TW.yml
index f088fdc0e910179953392900f62ed69cdcdad89f..f0ed78b96918ecc71a70f10dc0ef4e01e234fd0c 100644
--- a/locales/zh-TW.yml
+++ b/locales/zh-TW.yml
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ done: "完成"
 processing: "處理中"
 preview: "預覽"
 default: "預設"
+defaultValueIs: "預設值:{value}"
 noCustomEmojis: "沒有自訂的表情符號"
 noJobs: "沒有任務"
 federating: "整合搜索中"
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ administrator: "管理員"
 token: "權杖"
 twoStepAuthentication: "兩階段驗證"
 moderator: "板主"
+moderation: "言論調節"
 nUsersMentioned: "提到了{n}"
 securityKey: "安全金鑰"
 securityKeyName: "金鑰名稱"
@@ -643,6 +645,8 @@ clip: "摘錄"
 createNew: "新建"
 optional: "可選"
 createNewClip: "建立新摘錄"
+unclip: "解除摘錄"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "此貼文已包含在摘錄「{name}」中。 你想將貼文從這個摘錄中排除嗎?"
 public: "公開"
 i18nInfo: "Misskey已經被志願者們翻譯成各種語言版本,如果想要幫忙的話,可以進入{link}幫助翻譯。"
 manageAccessTokens: "管理存取權杖"
@@ -842,6 +846,29 @@ oneDay: "1天"
 oneWeek: "1週"
 reflectMayTakeTime: "可能需要一些時間才會出現效果。"
 failedToFetchAccountInformation: "取得帳戶資訊失敗"
+rateLimitExceeded: "已超過速率限制"
+cropImage: "圖片裁剪"
+cropImageAsk: "要剪裁圖片嗎?"
+file: "檔案"
+recentNHours: "過去{n}小時"
+recentNDays: "過去{n}天"
+noEmailServerWarning: "尚未設定電子郵件伺服器。"
+thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "有尚未處理的檢舉。"
+recommended: "推薦"
+check: "檢查"
+driveCapOverrideLabel: "更改這個使用者的雲端硬碟容量上限"
+driveCapOverrideCaption: "如果指定0以下的值,就會被取消。"
+requireAdminForView: "必須以管理者帳號登入才可以檢視。"
+isSystemAccount: "由系統自動建立與管理的帳號。"
+typeToConfirm: "要執行這項操作,請輸入 {x} "
+deleteAccount: "刪除帳號"
+document: "文件"
+numberOfPageCache: "快取頁面數"
+numberOfPageCacheDescription: "增加數量會提高便利性,但也會增加負荷與記憶體使用量。"
+logoutConfirm: "確定要登出嗎?"
+lastActiveDate: "上次使用日期及時間"
+statusbar: "狀態列"
+pleaseSelect: "請選擇"
   used: "已經在使用中"
   format: "格式無效"
@@ -1196,10 +1223,12 @@ _widgets:
   trends: "發燒貼文"
   clock: "時鐘"
   rss: "RSS閱讀器"
+  rssTicker: "RSS跑馬燈"
   activity: "å‹•æ…‹"
   photos: "照片"
   digitalClock: "電子時鐘"
   federation: "聯邦宇宙"
+  instanceCloud: "實例雲"
   postForm: "發佈窗口"
   slideshow: "幻燈片"
   button: "按鈕"
@@ -1637,8 +1666,6 @@ _notification:
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "總是顯示主欄"
   columnAlign: "對齊欄位"
-  columnMargin: "列之間的邊距"
-  columnHeaderHeight: "欄位標題高度"
   addColumn: "新增欄位"
   swapLeft: "向左移動"
   swapRight: "向右移動"
@@ -1647,6 +1674,9 @@ _deck:
   stackLeft: "向左折疊"
   popRight: "向右彈出"
   profile: "個人檔案"
+  introduction: "組合欄位來製作屬於自己的介面吧!"
+  introduction2: "您可以隨時透過按畫面右方的 + 來添加欄位。"
+  widgetsIntroduction: "請從欄位的選單中,選擇「編輯小工具」來添加小工具"
     main: "主列"
     widgets: "小工具"