diff --git a/.github/workflows/changelog-check.yml b/.github/workflows/changelog-check.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4cdf64f70cf78635ecc249fb65f0d547ebd1e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/changelog-check.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+name: Check the description in CHANGELOG.md
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - master
+      - develop
+  check-changelog:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout head
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
+      - name: Setup Node.js
+        uses: actions/setup-node@v4.0.1
+        with:
+          node-version-file: '.node-version'
+      - name: Checkout base
+        run: |
+          mkdir _base
+          cp -r .git _base/.git
+          cd _base
+          git fetch --depth 1 origin ${{ github.base_ref }}
+          git checkout origin/${{ github.base_ref }} CHANGELOG.md
+      - name: Copy to Checker directory for CHANGELOG-base.md
+        run: cp _base/CHANGELOG.md scripts/changelog-checker/CHANGELOG-base.md
+      - name: Copy to Checker directory for CHANGELOG-head.md
+        run: cp CHANGELOG.md scripts/changelog-checker/CHANGELOG-head.md
+      - name: diff
+        continue-on-error: true
+        run: diff -u CHANGELOG-base.md CHANGELOG-head.md
+        working-directory: scripts/changelog-checker
+      - name: Setup Checker
+        run: npm install
+        working-directory: scripts/changelog-checker
+      - name: Run Checker
+        run: npm run run
+        working-directory: scripts/changelog-checker
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 870cdd7ae1358f5c678674162b9d5396cc4cbb4e..6747c9fce247e524142296b441f88f759430fbf4 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 ### Client
 - Feat: 新しいゲームを追加
 - Feat: 絵文字の詳細ダイアログを追加
+- Feat: 枠線をつけるMFM`$[border.width=1,style=solid,color=fff,radius=0 ...]`を追加
 - Enhance: ハッシュタグ入力時に、本文の末尾の行に何も書かれていない場合は新たにスペースを追加しないように
 - Enhance: チャンネルノートのピン留めをノートのメニューからできるように
 - Enhance: 管理者の場合はAPI tokenの発行画面で管理機能に関する権限を付与できるように
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/components/global/MkMisskeyFlavoredMarkdown.ts b/packages/frontend/src/components/global/MkMisskeyFlavoredMarkdown.ts
index 650c79dff7d8ebad5d0a663b25624f02c6cd5a78..f55069200dbce4e2d8c9d06bb8ae69522146e8b2 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/components/global/MkMisskeyFlavoredMarkdown.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/components/global/MkMisskeyFlavoredMarkdown.ts
@@ -61,7 +61,12 @@ export default function(props: MfmProps, context: SetupContext<MfmEvents>) {
 		if (t == null) return null;
 		return t.match(/^[0-9.]+s$/) ? t : null;
+	const validColor = (c: string | null | undefined): string | null => {
+		if (c == null) return null;
+		return c.match(/^[0-9a-f]{3,6}$/i) ? c : null;
+	};
 	const useAnim = defaultStore.state.advancedMfm && defaultStore.state.animatedMfm;
@@ -240,17 +245,30 @@ export default function(props: MfmProps, context: SetupContext<MfmEvents>) {
 					case 'fg': {
-						let color = token.props.args.color;
-						if (!/^[0-9a-f]{3,6}$/i.test(color)) color = 'f00';
+						let color = validColor(token.props.args.color);
+						color = color ?? 'f00';
 						style = `color: #${color}; overflow-wrap: anywhere;`;
 					case 'bg': {
-						let color = token.props.args.color;
-						if (!/^[0-9a-f]{3,6}$/i.test(color)) color = 'f00';
+						let color = validColor(token.props.args.color);
+						color = color ?? 'f00';
 						style = `background-color: #${color}; overflow-wrap: anywhere;`;
+					case 'border': {
+						let color = validColor(token.props.args.color);
+						color = color ? `#${color}` : 'var(--accent)';
+						let b_style = token.props.args.style;
+						if (
+							!['hidden', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'double', 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 'outset']
+								.includes(b_style)
+						) b_style = 'solid';
+						const width = parseFloat(token.props.args.width ?? '1');
+						const radius = parseFloat(token.props.args.radius ?? '0');
+						style = `border: ${width}px ${b_style} ${color}; border-radius: ${radius}px`;
+						break;
+					}
 					case 'ruby': {
 						if (token.children.length === 1) {
 							const child = token.children[0];
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/const.ts b/packages/frontend/src/const.ts
index 01c224ae2d8c2398adf050eceb8e671eda0b286c..ea072044560640165923ac2a2f74284af191b18a 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/const.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/const.ts
@@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ export const DEFAULT_SERVER_ERROR_IMAGE_URL = 'https://xn--931a.moe/assets/error
 export const DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_IMAGE_URL = 'https://xn--931a.moe/assets/not-found.jpg';
 export const DEFAULT_INFO_IMAGE_URL = 'https://xn--931a.moe/assets/info.jpg';
-export const MFM_TAGS = ['tada', 'jelly', 'twitch', 'shake', 'spin', 'jump', 'bounce', 'flip', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'scale', 'position', 'fg', 'bg', 'font', 'blur', 'rainbow', 'sparkle', 'rotate', 'ruby', 'unixtime'];
+export const MFM_TAGS = ['tada', 'jelly', 'twitch', 'shake', 'spin', 'jump', 'bounce', 'flip', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'scale', 'position', 'fg', 'bg', 'border', 'font', 'blur', 'rainbow', 'sparkle', 'rotate', 'ruby', 'unixtime'];
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6acf8b3e6e1085b2b46b24358a55eb1f118406b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module.exports = {
+	parserOptions: {
+		tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
+		project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
+	},
+	extends: [
+		'../../packages/shared/.eslintrc.js',
+	],
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+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+        "node": "^18.0.0 || >=20.0.0"
+      },
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+      "dev": true,
+      "dependencies": {
+        "@vitest/expect": "1.1.3",
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+        "tinypool": "^0.8.1",
+        "vite": "^5.0.0",
+        "vite-node": "1.1.3",
+        "why-is-node-running": "^2.2.2"
+      },
+      "bin": {
+        "vitest": "vitest.mjs"
+      },
+      "engines": {
+        "node": "^18.0.0 || >=20.0.0"
+      },
+      "funding": {
+        "url": "https://opencollective.com/vitest"
+      },
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+        "@types/node": "^18.0.0 || >=20.0.0",
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+        "happy-dom": "*",
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+      },
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+        },
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+          "optional": true
+        },
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+      "funding": {
+        "type": "github",
+        "url": "https://github.com/sponsors/wooorm"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c9a49def163d264161ccd65374a02c0df089a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+  "name": "changelog-checker",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "description": "",
+  "type": "module",
+  "scripts": {
+    "run": "vite-node src/index.ts",
+    "test": "vitest run",
+    "test:coverage": "vitest run --coverage"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/mdast": "4.0.3",
+    "@types/node": "20.10.7",
+    "@vitest/coverage-v8": "1.1.3",
+    "mdast-util-to-string": "4.0.0",
+    "remark": "15.0.1",
+    "remark-parse": "11.0.0",
+    "typescript": "5.3.3",
+    "unified": "11.0.4",
+    "vite": "5.0.11",
+    "vite-node": "1.1.3",
+    "vitest": "1.1.3"
+  }
diff --git a/scripts/changelog-checker/src/checker.ts b/scripts/changelog-checker/src/checker.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbd5b2270a76f93617000d1ca5d5a0cda3cececc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/src/checker.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import { Release } from './parser.js';
+export class Result {
+	public readonly success: boolean;
+	public readonly message?: string;
+	private constructor(success: boolean, message?: string) {
+		this.success = success;
+		this.message = message;
+	}
+	static ofSuccess(): Result {
+		return new Result(true);
+	}
+	static ofFailed(message?: string): Result {
+		return new Result(false, message);
+	}
+ * develop -> masterまたはrelease -> masterを想定したパターン。
+ * base側の先頭とhead側で追加された分のリリースより1つ前のバージョンが等価であるかチェックする。
+ */
+export function checkNewRelease(base: Release[], head: Release[]): Result {
+	const releaseCountDiff = head.length - base.length;
+	if (releaseCountDiff <= 0) {
+		return Result.ofFailed('Invalid release count.');
+	}
+	const baseLatest = base[0];
+	const headPrevious = head[releaseCountDiff];
+	if (baseLatest.releaseName !== headPrevious.releaseName) {
+		return Result.ofFailed('Contains unexpected releases.');
+	}
+	return Result.ofSuccess();
+ * topic -> developまたはtopic -> masterを想定したパターン。
+ * head側の最新リリース配下に書き加えられているかをチェックする。
+ */
+export function checkNewTopic(base: Release[], head: Release[]): Result {
+	if (head.length !== base.length) {
+		return Result.ofFailed('Invalid release count.');
+	}
+	const headLatest = head[0];
+	for (let relIdx = 0; relIdx < base.length; relIdx++) {
+		const baseItem = base[relIdx];
+		const headItem = head[relIdx];
+		if (baseItem.releaseName !== headItem.releaseName) {
+			// リリースの順番が変わってると成立しないのでエラーにする
+			return Result.ofFailed(`Release is different. base:${baseItem.releaseName}, head:${headItem.releaseName}`);
+		}
+		if (baseItem.categories.length !== headItem.categories.length) {
+			// カテゴリごと書き加えられたパターン
+			if (headLatest.releaseName !== headItem.releaseName) {
+				// 最新リリース以外に追記されていた場合
+				return Result.ofFailed(`There is an error in the update history. expected additions:${headLatest.releaseName}, actual additions:${headItem.releaseName}`);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// カテゴリ数の変動はないのでリスト項目の数をチェック
+			for (let catIdx = 0; catIdx < baseItem.categories.length; catIdx++) {
+				const baseCategory = baseItem.categories[catIdx];
+				const headCategory = headItem.categories[catIdx];
+				if (baseCategory.categoryName !== headCategory.categoryName) {
+					// カテゴリの順番が変わっていると成立しないのでエラーにする
+					return Result.ofFailed(`Category is different. base:${baseCategory.categoryName}, head:${headCategory.categoryName}`);
+				}
+				if (baseCategory.items.length !== headCategory.items.length) {
+					if (headLatest.releaseName !== headItem.releaseName) {
+						// 最新リリース以外に追記されていた場合
+						return Result.ofFailed(`There is an error in the update history. expected additions:${headLatest.releaseName}, actual additions:${headItem.releaseName}`);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return Result.ofSuccess();
diff --git a/scripts/changelog-checker/src/index.ts b/scripts/changelog-checker/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8cbeb297d9057010b8c2ad09c45dfb9d4df2575f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import * as process from 'process';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+import { parseChangeLog } from './parser.js';
+import { checkNewRelease, checkNewTopic } from './checker.js';
+function abort(message?: string) {
+	if (message) {
+		console.error(message);
+	}
+	process.exit(1);
+function main() {
+	if (!fs.existsSync('./CHANGELOG-base.md') || !fs.existsSync('./CHANGELOG-head.md')) {
+		console.error('CHANGELOG-base.md or CHANGELOG-head.md is missing.');
+		return;
+	}
+	const base = parseChangeLog('./CHANGELOG-base.md');
+	const head = parseChangeLog('./CHANGELOG-head.md');
+	const result = (base.length < head.length)
+		? checkNewRelease(base, head)
+		: checkNewTopic(base, head);
+	if (!result.success) {
+		abort(result.message);
+		return;
+	}
diff --git a/scripts/changelog-checker/src/parser.ts b/scripts/changelog-checker/src/parser.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6a9ddeda8c17e9ce85f21bd9303e9e8c4aafeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/src/parser.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import * as fs from 'node:fs';
+import { unified } from 'unified';
+import remarkParse from 'remark-parse';
+import { Heading, List, Node } from 'mdast';
+import { toString } from 'mdast-util-to-string';
+export class Release {
+	public readonly releaseName: string;
+	public readonly categories: ReleaseCategory[];
+	constructor(releaseName: string, categories: ReleaseCategory[] = []) {
+		this.releaseName = releaseName;
+		this.categories = [...categories];
+	}
+export class ReleaseCategory {
+	public readonly categoryName: string;
+	public readonly items: string[];
+	constructor(categoryName: string, items: string[] = []) {
+		this.categoryName = categoryName;
+		this.items = [...items];
+	}
+function isHeading(node: Node): node is Heading {
+	return node.type === 'heading';
+function isList(node: Node): node is List {
+	return node.type === 'list';
+export function parseChangeLog(path: string): Release[] {
+	const input = fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: 'utf8' });
+	const processor = unified().use(remarkParse);
+	const releases: Release[] = [];
+	const root = processor.parse(input);
+	let release: Release | null = null;
+	let category: ReleaseCategory | null = null;
+	for (const it of root.children) {
+		if (isHeading(it) && it.depth === 2) {
+			// リリース
+			release = new Release(toString(it));
+			releases.push(release);
+		} else if (isHeading(it) && it.depth === 3 && release) {
+			// リリース配下のカテゴリ
+			category = new ReleaseCategory(toString(it));
+			release.categories.push(category);
+		} else if (isList(it) && category) {
+			for (const listItem of it.children) {
+				// カテゴリ配下のリスト項目
+				category.items.push(toString(listItem));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return releases;
diff --git a/scripts/changelog-checker/test/checker.test.ts b/scripts/changelog-checker/test/checker.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc73e5622b125f63f18373de97de19d4fb71be45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/test/checker.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+import {expect, suite, test} from "vitest";
+import {Release, ReleaseCategory} from "../src/parser";
+import {checkNewRelease, checkNewTopic} from "../src/checker";
+suite('checkNewRelease', () => {
+	test('headに新しいリリースがある1', () => {
+		const base = [new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const head = [new Release('2024.12.1'), new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const result = checkNewRelease(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('headに新しいリリースがある2', () => {
+		const base = [new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const head = [new Release('2024.12.2'), new Release('2024.12.1'), new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const result = checkNewRelease(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('リリースの数が同じ', () => {
+		const base = [new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const head = [new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const result = checkNewRelease(base, head)
+		console.log(result.message)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(false)
+	})
+	test('baseにあるリリースがheadにない', () => {
+		const base = [new Release('2024.12.0')]
+		const head = [new Release('2024.12.2'), new Release('2024.12.1')]
+		const result = checkNewRelease(base, head)
+		console.log(result.message)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(false)
+	})
+suite('checkNewTopic', () => {
+	test('追記なし', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('最新バージョンにカテゴリを追加したときはエラーにならない', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('最新バージョンからカテゴリを削除したときはエラーにならない', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat3',
+					'feat4',
+				])
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('最新バージョンに追記したときはエラーにならない', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+					'feat3',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('最新バージョンから削除したときはエラーにならない', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(true)
+	})
+	test('古いバージョンにカテゴリを追加したときはエラーになる', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+				new ReleaseCategory('Client', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		console.log(result.message)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(false)
+	})
+	test('古いバージョンからカテゴリを削除したときはエラーになる', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		console.log(result.message)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(false)
+	})
+	test('古いバージョンに追記したときはエラーになる', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+					'feat3',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		console.log(result.message)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(false)
+	})
+	test('古いバージョンから削除したときはエラーになる', () => {
+		const base = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const head = [
+			new Release('2024.12.1', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+					'feat2',
+				]),
+			]),
+			new Release('2024.12.0', [
+				new ReleaseCategory('Server', [
+					'feat1',
+				]),
+			])
+		]
+		const result = checkNewTopic(base, head)
+		console.log(result.message)
+		expect(result.success).toBe(false)
+	})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/changelog-checker/tsconfig.json b/scripts/changelog-checker/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32f1547eb8207b0d424875479c1869aef8ef2ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+	"$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig",
+	"compilerOptions": {
+		"target": "ES2022",
+		"module": "nodenext",
+		"moduleResolution": "nodenext",
+		"declaration": true,
+		"declarationMap": true,
+		"sourceMap": true,
+		"removeComments": true,
+		"strict": true,
+		"strictFunctionTypes": true,
+		"strictNullChecks": true,
+		"experimentalDecorators": true,
+		"noImplicitReturns": true,
+		"esModuleInterop": true,
+		"typeRoots": [
+			"./node_modules/@types"
+		],
+		"lib": [
+			"esnext"
+		]
+	},
+	"include": [
+		"src/**/*"
+	],
+	"exclude": [
+		"node_modules",
+		"test/**/*"
+	]
diff --git a/scripts/changelog-checker/vite.config.ts b/scripts/changelog-checker/vite.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46db02c806716d14ec6097a848bbfa760ae1d819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/changelog-checker/vite.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import {defineConfig} from 'vite';
+const config = defineConfig({});
+export default config;