syuilo authored07695664
Misskey Setup and Installation Guide
We thank you for your interest in setting up your Misskey server! This guide describes how to install and setup Misskey.
Japanese version also available - 日本語版もあります
If you can use Docker, please see Setup with Docker.
1. Domains
Misskey requires two domains called the primary domain and the secondary domain.
- The primary domain is used to provide main service of Misskey.
- The secondary domain is used to avoid vulnerabilities such as XSS.
Ensure that the secondary domain is not a subdomain of the primary domain.
Note that Misskey uses following subdomains:
- api.{primary domain}
- auth.{primary domain}
- docs.{primary domain}
- ch.{primary domain}
- stats.{primary domain}
- status.{primary domain}
- dev.{primary domain}
- file.{secondary domain}
2. reCAPTCHA tokens
Misskey requires reCAPTCHA tokens. Please visit https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/ and generate keys.
(optional) Generating VAPID keys
If you want to enable ServiceWroker, you need to generate VAPID keys:
npm install web-push -g
web-push generate-vapid-keys
3. Install dependencies
Please install and setup these softwares:
Dependencies - Node.js and npm
- MongoDB
- Redis
- ImageMagick
- Elasticsearch - used to provide searching feature instead of MongoDB
4. Install Misskey
git clone -b master git://github.com/syuilo/misskey.git
cd misskey
npm install
npm run build
git pull origin master
npm install
npm run build
5. That is it.
Well done! Now, you have an environment that run to Misskey.
Just sudo npm start
Run npm test
after building
Debugging Show debug messages
Misskey uses debug and the namespace is misskey:*