"attach-media-from-local":"Attach media from your pc",
"attach-media-from-drive":"Attach media from the drive",
"attach-cancel":"Cancel attachment",
"insert-the-cat":"Insert a cat",
"create-poll":"Create a poll",
"text-remain":"{} chars remaining"
"post":"New post",
"attaches":"{} media attached",
"uploading-media":"Uploading {} media"
"reposted-by":"Reposted by {}",
"add-reaction":"Add your reaction",
"detail":"Show detail"
"settings":"Notification settings"
"title":"Recommended users",
"refresh":"Show others",
"no-one":"No one",
"refresh":"Show others",
"refresh":"Show others",
"no-photos":"No photos"
"text":"To manage Misskey, we spend money for our domain, server, etc.. There's no incomes for us, so we need your tip. If you're interested, contact {}. Thank you for your contribution!"
"failure":"Failed to Repost"
"title":"Are you sure you want to repost this post?"