The order of individual tasks is a guide only and is subject to change depending on the situation.
Also, the later tasks are more indefinite and are subject to change as development progresses.
## (1) Improve maintainability \<current stage\>
## (1) Improve maintainability \<current phase\>
This is the phase we are at now. We need to make a high-maintenance environment that can withstand future development.
- Make the number of type errors zero (backend)
- Probably need to switch some libraries to others that make it difficult to reduce type errors
- e.g. koa to fastify
@@ -15,8 +17,12 @@ Also, the later tasks are more indefinite and are subject to change as developme
- Improve documentation
## (2) Improve functionality
Once Phase 1 is complete and an environment conducive to the development of a stable system is in place, the implementation of new functions can begin gradually.
- OAuth2 support
- GraphQL support?
## (3) Improve scalability
Once the development of the feature has settled down, this may be an opportunity to make larger modifications.