Can't react to posts since f26eb25a
What happened?
After upgrading to the latest trunk code as of this writing (eab7d5bd), I can't react to posts in Sharkey anymore when using the default interface. The mobile interface still lets me like posts, however.
Falling back to commit f26eb25a fixed it, but I didn't try the commits in-between, however.
What did you expect to happen?
Reacting to a post would work as normal.
Git commit eab7d5bd
What type of issue is this?
User interface, only on desktop.
What browser are you using? (Client-side issues only)
Firefox 115.8.0esr 64-bit
What operating system are you using? (Client-side issues only)
Slackware Linux 15.0
How do you deploy Sharkey on your server? (Server-side issues only)
Manually on a separate Slackware Linux 15.0 machine.
What operating system are you using? (Server-side issues only)
Slackware Linux 15.0 with kernel 6.6.18
Relevant log output
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- I agree to follow this project's Contribution Guidelines
- I have searched the issue tracker for similar issues, and this is not a duplicate.
My search-skills may suck, however ^_^;