note counter may be wrong after deleting notes
What happened? Sugar wrote on Discord:
i found a weird quirk with note where if you write a message and a reply for it, and then remove the main message then the note counter will increment by 1, despite the fact that removing messages removes their replies too
this can be reproduced as this:
- look up at the note counter
- write a message (can be a direct one)
- write a reply for it
- delete a message created in first step
- see note counter increased by 1 relative to value in first step, despite the fact that both of those messages should have been deleted
(there appears to be code that attempts to deal with this in NoteDeleteService.ts, but it doesn't work for some reason)
What did you expect to happen?
the note counter should match the number of notes
test dev build on eab7d5bd
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