X-Ratelimit Headers
What feature would you like implemented? Ratelimit Headers - like X-Ratelimit-Amount, X-Ratelimit-Reset and X-Ratelimit-Left.
So, when I send a post, and I get 10 posts every 60 seconds, the server should return:
X-Ratelimit-Amount: 1
X-Ratelimit-Reset: 59
X-Ratelimit-Left: 9
Why should we add this feature? While not that useful for users, this'll be immensely useful for bots who may be interacting with the global timeline. Bots can do a lot of actions very quickly, and need to be able to know when to slow down - and the rate-limit headers are a great way to inform said bots when the server is getting... for lack of a better term, annoyed.
Version 2024.6.0-dev
Instance kitsunes.club
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