AP lookups cannot redirect
What happened?
When performing a user-initiated untrusted AP fetch (such as via the Lookup tool), cross-origin redirects are rejected.
What did you expect to happen?
Redirects should be allowed for this specific case (and only this case!) because it's necessary for compatibility with split-domain setups and objects with an alternate url
. It's safe to follow redirects here as long as we ignore the input URI and exclusively trust the final redirected URI. This property is accessible via res.url
, and should replace the original input URL.
What type of issue is this? (If this happens on your device and has to do with the user interface, it's client-side. If this happens on either with the API or the backend, or you got a server-side error in the client, it's server-side.)
How do you deploy Sharkey on your server? (Server-side issues only)
Build from source
What operating system are you using? (Server-side issues only)
Ubuntu Server 22.04
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