Notes that should be visible are not visible
What happened?
Sharkey will at times randomly replace posts with the (Private) placeholder/stub even if it is your own post.
This will go away after a page refresh but it's still annoying and causes some confusion.
What did you expect to happen?
I expected my posts to be visible to me, and the people I am not blocking or being blocked by.
Instance (although I know it happens on other instances running 2025.3.0-dev)
What type of issue is this?
Honestly, I have no idea I haven't bothered looking into it. It can either be a client side bug or a server side bug.
What browser are you using? (Client-side issues only)
Firefox Version: 135.0.1; Build ID: 20250219104841; Distribution ID: fedora
What operating system are you using? (Client-side issues only)
Fedora 41
How do you deploy Sharkey on your server? (Server-side issues only)
Last time I checked kio deploys it in portainer on an ubuntu host
What operating system are you using? (Server-side issues only)
Relevant log output
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