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allow a theme to specify a font - #225

Ghost User requested to merge gh-b77c0252/230/unknown/refs/pull/230/head into develop

Created by: dakkar


With this, admins and users can specify a font in their themes. Any value that would work as the source argument to new FontFace can be used:

  • local(Arial)
  • url( format('truetype'), local(Helvetica), local(Arial)

they all work.


Do you want a specific dyslexic-friendly font? You can have it!

Do you want to make your instance's text unreadable as a prank to your users? Sure!

Additional info (optional)

I'll write a docs page for this.


  • Read the contribution guide
  • Test working in a local environment
  • (If needed) Add story of storybook
  • (If needed) Update
  • (If possible) Add tests

Merge request reports