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Commit a8ef16e8 authored by Septicake's avatar Septicake
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Added documentation

parent 079b0dd6
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2 merge requests!9Bump version to 0.24.6 and include recent changes,!3Added documentation
......@@ -2,18 +2,37 @@
// Parsimmon-like stateful parser combinators
* Holds the information from a successful parse.
export type Success<T> = {
success: true;
value: T;
index: number;
* Represents a failed parse.
export type Failure = { success: false };
* Possible results from a parse.
export type Result<T> = Success<T> | Failure;
* The function used by a parser to determine if it succeeds or fails.
export type ParserHandler<T> = (input: string, index: number, state: any) => Result<T>
* A function that always returns a parse success.
* @param index The index of the success.
* @param value The value of the success.
* @returns A {@link Success} object.
export function success<T>(index: number, value: T): Success<T> {
return {
success: true,
......@@ -22,10 +41,18 @@ export function success<T>(index: number, value: T): Success<T> {
* A function that always returns a parse failure.
* @returns A {@link Failure} object.
export function failure(): Failure {
return { success: false };
* The parser class.
export class Parser<T> {
public name?: string;
public handler: ParserHandler<T>;
......@@ -50,6 +77,13 @@ export class Parser<T> { = name;
* A function that maps the result of the parse with the provided function if successful, and returns a {@link Failure}
* otherwise.
* @param fn The function used to map the output of the parser.
* @returns The result of the parser mapped with `fn`.
map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Parser<U> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
const result = this.handler(input, index, state);
......@@ -60,6 +94,11 @@ export class Parser<T> {
* A function that returns the plaintext related to the {@link Success} and a {@link Failure} otherwise.
* @returns The plaintext related to the successful parse, and a {@link Failure} if the parse failed.
text(): Parser<string> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
const result = this.handler(input, index, state);
......@@ -71,6 +110,13 @@ export class Parser<T> {
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that must succeed at least of `min` times in order to return
* a {@link Success} and returns a {@link Failure} otherwise.
* @param min The minimum amount of times this parse must succeed to return a {@link Success}.
* @returns A Parser that returns a {@link Success} object it matches enough times, and a {@link Failure} otherwise.
many(min: number): Parser<T[]> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
let result;
......@@ -91,6 +137,13 @@ export class Parser<T> {
* A function that checks if the supplied separator appears between this separator's value.
* @param separator The parser representing the separator that must appear between this parser's value.
* @param min The minimum amount of times the separator must appear.
* @returns A {@link Success} object if the minimum separator count is met, and a {@link Failure} otherwise.
sep(separator: Parser<any>, min: number): Parser<T[]> {
if (min < 1) {
throw new Error('"min" must be a value greater than or equal to 1.');
......@@ -104,6 +157,12 @@ export class Parser<T> {
]).map(result => [result[0], ...result[1]]);
* A function that attempts to match this parser, but returns a {@link Success} object with the
* value `null` if it fails.
* @returns A {@link Success} object.
option<T>(): Parser<T | null> {
return alt([
......@@ -112,6 +171,12 @@ export class Parser<T> {
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that succeeds if it matches the supplied string.
* @param value The string that the returned {@link Parser} checks for.
* @returns A {@link Parser} that matches the supplied string.
export function str<T extends string>(value: T): Parser<T> {
return new Parser((input, index, _state) => {
if ((input.length - index) < value.length) {
......@@ -124,6 +189,12 @@ export function str<T extends string>(value: T): Parser<T> {
* A function that returns {@link Parser} that succeeds if the input matches the supplied regular expression.
* @param pattern The regular expression that the returned {@link Parser} tries to match.
* @returns A {@link Parser} that checks if the input matches the supplied regular expression.
export function regexp<T extends RegExp>(pattern: T): Parser<string> {
const re = RegExp(`^(?:${pattern.source})`, pattern.flags);
return new Parser((input, index, _state) => {
......@@ -136,6 +207,20 @@ export function regexp<T extends RegExp>(pattern: T): Parser<string> {
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that goes through the parsers provided, in order, and checks that they all
* succeed. A {@link Failure} object is returned if any of the parsers fails.
* The value in the {@link Success} returned by the parser varies depending on the value of `select`:
* If select is `null`, then the array of the results of the supplied parsers is returned, otherwise the value
* in the array at the specified index is returned.
* @param parsers The array of {@link Parser Parsers} that are checked to see if it succeeds.
* @param select The index of the result array that is returned.
* @returns A {@link Parser} that runs through the parsers in the order that they were provided and returns
* a value based on the state of `select` (the entire array if `null`, else the value held at the
* index specified by `select`).
export function seq(parsers: Parser<any>[], select?: number): Parser<any> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
let result;
......@@ -153,6 +238,15 @@ export function seq(parsers: Parser<any>[], select?: number): Parser<any> {
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that goes through the parsers provided, in order, and checks if each succeeds.
* If one fails, the next parser is tested, and this pattern is continued until the final parser is tested, at which point
* the parser will return a {@link Failure} if it still fails. If any of the parsers succeed, the resulting {@link Success}
* is returned immediately.
* @param parsers The {@link Parser Parsers} that should be used.
* @returns A {@link Parser} that returns the first {@link Success} from the supplied parsers.
export function alt(parsers: Parser<any>[]): Parser<any> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
let result;
......@@ -166,12 +260,24 @@ export function alt(parsers: Parser<any>[]): Parser<any> {
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that always succeeds, returning a {@link Success} object with the supplied value.
* @param value The value to be used in the returned {@link Success} object.
* @returns A {@link Parser} that always returns a {@link Success} with the specified value.
function succeeded<T>(value: T): Parser<T> {
return new Parser((_input, index, _state) => {
return success(index, value);
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that inverts the result of the parser supplied.
* @param parser The {@link Parser} to be matched.
* @returns A {@link Success} with the value `null` if the parser fails, or a {@link Failure} if it succeeds.
export function notMatch(parser: Parser<any>): Parser<null> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
const result = parser.handler(input, index, state);
......@@ -181,6 +287,15 @@ export function notMatch(parser: Parser<any>): Parser<null> {
* A function that returns a {@link Parser} that fails if `parserExcluded` succeeds, and returns the result of `parserIncluded`
* otherwise.
* @param parserIncluded The {@link Parser} that should succeed
* @param parserExcluded The {@link Parser} that should fail
* @returns A {@link Failure} object if `parserExcluded` succeeds, or if `parserIncluded` fails, and a {@link Success} object
* otherwise.
export function difference(parserIncluded: Parser<any>, parserExcluded: Parser<any>): Parser<string> {
return new Parser((input, index, state) => {
const exclude = parserExcluded.handler(input, index, state);
......@@ -193,11 +308,16 @@ export function difference(parserIncluded: Parser<any>, parserExcluded: Parser<a
/** A {@link Parser} that matches the carriage return character `\r`. */
export const cr = str('\r');
/** A {@link Parser} that matches the line feed character `\n`. */
export const lf = str('\n');
/** A {@link Parser} that matches the character sequence `\r\n`. */
export const crlf = str('\r\n');
/** A {@link Parser} that matches for any valid new line sequences. */
export const newline = alt([crlf, cr, lf]);
/** A {@link Parser} that succeeds so long as it is not at the end of the input string. */
export const char = new Parser((input, index, _state) => {
if ((input.length - index) < 1) {
return failure();
......@@ -206,6 +326,10 @@ export const char = new Parser((input, index, _state) => {
return success(index + 1, value);
* A {@link Parser} that checks that the current position is the beginning of a line. For this parser to succeed,
* either the current index must be zero, or the previous character is a `\n` or `\r`.
export const lineBegin = new Parser((input, index, state) => {
if (index === 0) {
return success(index, null);
......@@ -219,6 +343,10 @@ export const lineBegin = new Parser((input, index, state) => {
return failure();
* A {@link Parser} that checks that the current position is the end of a line. For this parser to succeed, either the current
* index must be equal to the input length, or the current character is a `\n` or `\r`.
export const lineEnd = new Parser((input, index, state) => {
if (index === input.length) {
return success(index, null);
......@@ -232,6 +360,12 @@ export const lineEnd = new Parser((input, index, state) => {
return failure();
* A function that lazily loads the supplied {@link Parser}
* @param fn The {@link Parser} that the returned parser should use.
* @returns A {@link Parser} that checks using the supplied parser's {@link Parser.handler}
export function lazy<T>(fn: () => Parser<T>): Parser<T> {
const parser: Parser<T> = new Parser((input, index, state) => {
parser.handler = fn().handler;
......@@ -3,10 +3,21 @@ import { language } from './parser';
import { mergeText } from './util';
import * as P from './core';
* A type representing the available options for the full parser.
export type FullParserOpts = {
nestLimit?: number;
* A function that parses through the input plaintext with the full parser and returns the AST representing the
* result.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @param opts The options used for the parsing.
* @returns An array of nodes representing the resulting styles.
export function fullParser(input: string, opts: FullParserOpts): M.MfmNode[] {
const result = language.fullParser.handler(input, 0, {
nestLimit: (opts.nestLimit != null) ? opts.nestLimit : 20,
......@@ -17,6 +28,13 @@ export function fullParser(input: string, opts: FullParserOpts): M.MfmNode[] {
return mergeText(result.value);
* A function that parses through the input plaintext with the simple parser and returns the AST representing the
* result.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @returns An array of simple nodes represennting the resulting styles.
export function simpleParser(input: string): M.MfmSimpleNode[] {
const result = language.simpleParser.handler(input, 0, { }) as P.Success<any>;
return mergeText(result.value);
......@@ -12,10 +12,25 @@ import twemojiRegex from '@twemoji/parser/dist/lib/regex';
type ArgPair = { k: string, v: string | true };
type Args = Record<string, string | true>;
/** A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches all whitespace characters other than ones representing new lines */
const space = P.difference(P.regexp(/\s/), P.newline);
/** A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches all alphanumeric characters */
const alphaAndNum = P.regexp(/\p{Letter}|\p{Number}/iu);
/** A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches any valid new line sequences */
const newLine = P.alt([P.crlf,, P.lf]);
* A function that returns a {@link P.Parser Parser} which goes through the supplied parsers sequentially.
* If the first provided parser fails, a {@link P.Failure Failure} object is returned, the plaintext of the
* successfully parsed portion of the input if any other parsers fail, and an array of the values of the
* parsers' {@link P.Success Successes}.
* @param parsers The list of {@link P.Parser Parsers} to use.
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that goes through the supplied parsers sequentially and makes sure that each
* succeeds. If the first parser fails, a {@link P.Failure Failure} object is returned. If any other parser
* fails, the plaintext of the successfully parsed portion of the input text is returned. If all succeed,
* the array of each {@link P.Success Success'} value is returned.
function seqOrText(parsers: P.Parser<any>[]): P.Parser<any[] | string> {
return new P.Parser<any[] | string>((input, index, state) => {
const accum: any[] = [];
......@@ -36,18 +51,34 @@ function seqOrText(parsers: P.Parser<any>[]): P.Parser<any[] | string> {
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that succeeds if the supplied state is not a link label.
const notLinkLabel = new P.Parser((_input, index, state) => {
return (!state.linkLabel)
? P.success(index, null)
: P.failure();
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that succeeds if the current nest depth is less than the nest limit.
const nestable = new P.Parser((_input, index, state) => {
return (state.depth < state.nestLimit)
? P.success(index, null)
: P.failure();
* A function that returns a {@link P.Parser Parser} that calls `parser` if it is possible to nest, and `fallback`
* otherwise.
* @param parser The {@link P.Parser Parser} that gets used if it is currently possible to nest.
* @param fallback The {@link P.Parser Parser} that gets used if it is not currently possible to nest.
* If `null`, {@link P.char} is used.
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that checks that it is possible to nest, returning the result of `parser` if it is,
* otherwise returning the result of `fallback`
function nest<T>(parser: P.Parser<T>, fallback?: P.Parser<string>): P.Parser<T | string> {
// nesting limited? -> No: specified parser, Yes: fallback parser (default = P.char)
const inner = P.alt([
......@@ -62,15 +93,37 @@ function nest<T>(parser: P.Parser<T>, fallback?: P.Parser<string>): P.Parser<T |
* The collection of {@link P.Parser Parsers} representing the rules that make up SFM
export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches every SFM rule as many times as possible.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches every rule as many times as possible
fullParser: r => {
return r.full.many(0);
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches {@link language.unicodeEmoji}, {@link language.emojiCode},
* and {@link language.text} as many times as possible
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches very few SFM rules as many times as possible.
simpleParser: r => {
return r.simple.many(0);
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches any SFM rule.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches any rule.
full: r => {
return P.alt([
// Regexp
......@@ -129,6 +182,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that only matches {@link language.unicodeEmoji}, {@link language.emojiCode},
* and {@link language.text}.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches very few SFM rules.
simple: r => {
return P.alt([
r.unicodeEmoji, // Regexp
......@@ -137,6 +197,12 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that only matches rules that can be done without disrupting text.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches all inline rules.
inline: r => {
return P.alt([
// Regexp
......@@ -185,6 +251,12 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches single lines that begin with a `>` character.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
quote: r => {
const lines: P.Parser<string[]> = P.seq([
......@@ -222,6 +294,14 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded by the ` ``` ` mark.
* Text directly after the opening mark decides the language that the syntax highlighting uses.
* The marks must be on their own lines.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
codeBlock: r => {
const mark = P.str('```');
return P.seq([
......@@ -242,6 +322,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `\[` and closed with `\]`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines, nor do they need to be the first.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
mathBlock: r => {
const open = P.str('\\[');
const close = P.str('\\]');
......@@ -259,6 +346,14 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `<center>` and closed with `</center>`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines.
* The opening mark must appear at the beginning of its line, and the closing mark must appear at the end of its line.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
centerTag: r => {
const open = P.str('<center>');
const close = P.str('</center>');
......@@ -277,6 +372,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `***` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
big: r => {
const mark = P.str('***');
return seqOrText([
......@@ -289,6 +391,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `**` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
boldAsta: r => {
const mark = P.str('**');
return seqOrText([
......@@ -301,6 +410,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `<b>` and closed with `</b>`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
boldTag: r => {
const open = P.str('<b>');
const close = P.str('</b>');
......@@ -314,6 +430,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `__` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
boldUnder: r => {
const mark = P.str('__');
return P.seq([
......@@ -323,6 +446,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
]).map(result => M.BOLD(mergeText(result[1] as string[])));
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `<small>` and closed with `</small>`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
smallTag: r => {
const open = P.str('<small>');
const close = P.str('</small>');
......@@ -336,6 +466,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `<i>` and closed with `</i>`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
italicTag: r => {
const open = P.str('<i>');
const close = P.str('</i>');
......@@ -349,6 +486,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `*` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
italicAsta: r => {
const mark = P.str('*');
const parser = P.seq([
......@@ -370,6 +514,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `_` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
italicUnder: r => {
const mark = P.str('_');
const parser = P.seq([
......@@ -391,6 +542,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `<s>` and closed with `</s>`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
strikeTag: r => {
const open = P.str('<s>');
const close = P.str('</s>');
......@@ -404,6 +562,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `~~` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
strikeWave: r => {
const mark = P.str('~~');
return seqOrText([
......@@ -416,11 +581,24 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches unicode emojis according to a regex.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
unicodeEmoji: r => {
const emoji = RegExp(twemojiRegex.source);
return P.regexp(emoji).map(content => M.UNI_EMOJI(content));
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is opened with `<plain>` and closed with `</plain>`.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
plainTag: r => {
const open = P.str('<plain>');
const close = P.str('</plain>');
......@@ -483,6 +661,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches multi-line text that is surrounded with the `` ` `` mark.
* The marks do not have to be on their own lines and have no restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
inlineCode: r => {
const mark = P.str('`');
return P.seq([
......@@ -495,6 +680,13 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
]).map(result => M.INLINE_CODE(result[1].join('')));
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches single-line text opened with `\(` and closed with `\)`.
* The marks must be on the same line, but have no other restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
mathInline: r => {
const open = P.str('\\(');
const close = P.str('\\)');
......@@ -508,6 +700,14 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
]).map(result => M.MATH_INLINE(result[1].join('')));
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches user mentions, which all must begin with `@{username}`, but only have to be followed by
* `@{hostname}` if the user is on a different instance.
* The mention must be contained within one line, but it has no other restrictions on placement.
* @param r the rules of SFM
* @returns The {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
mention: r => {
const parser = P.seq([
......@@ -574,6 +774,15 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches single word hashtags starting with the character `#`.
* The contents of the hashtag are limited to alphanumeric characters, but cannot be made up of exclusively numbers.
* There are some characters that must be closed with another in order for the parse to succeed.
* There are no restrictions on the placement of hashtags.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
hashtag: r => {
const mark = P.str('#');
const hashTagChar = P.seq([
......@@ -620,6 +829,14 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches single word emojis surrounded by the `:` mark.
* The marks must be on the same line, and alphanumeric characters cannot appear both in front
* of, and behind, the opening and closing marks respectively.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
emojiCode: r => {
const side = P.notMatch(P.regexp(/[a-z0-9]/i));
const mark = P.str(':');
......@@ -632,6 +849,16 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
], 2).map(name => M.EMOJI_CODE(name as string));
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches inline links, which are made up of the label and the url.
* The label must be opened with either `?[` for silent links or `[` for normal links and closed with `]`.
* The url must be opened with `(` and closed with `)`, and the contents of the url must follow either the
* {@link language.url} or {@link language.urlAlt} rules.
* The inline link must be on a single line, but has no other restrictions on placement.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
link: r => {
const labelInline = new P.Parser((input, index, state) => {
state.linkLabel = true;
......@@ -659,6 +886,12 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches the standard format for urls.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
url: r => {
const urlChar = P.regexp(/[.,a-z0-9_/:%#@$&?!~=+-]/i);
const innerItem: P.Parser<any> = P.lazy(() => P.alt([
......@@ -698,6 +931,12 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches an alternate form for urls, where it is opened with `<` and closed with `>`.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
urlAlt: r => {
const open = P.str('<');
const close = P.str('>');
......@@ -718,6 +957,14 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A {@link P.Parser Parser} that matches single line text for a search query. The query must have either `[検索]` or
* `[search]` at the end of the line.
* The query and button must be on the same line and there can be nothing else on that line.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
search: r => {
const button = P.alt([
......@@ -742,5 +989,11 @@ export const language = P.createLanguage({
* A rule that simply collects characters.
* @param r The rules of SFM
* @returns A {@link P.Parser Parser} for this rule
text: r => P.char,
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