2 reactions from same user get grouped as 'users' in notifications
Created by: NinekoTheCat
💡 Summary
Whenever a reaction is posted twice on your note by the same user (for example, quickly changing your reaction to a different emoji) causes the frontend to incorrectly group the reactions as if they were posted by 2 different users. This isn't by any means critical, however it is a minor annoyance. FRONTEND
🥰 Expected Behavior
should be grouped as User not Users
🤬 Actual Behavior
gets grouped as Users
📝 Steps to Reproduce
- make someone react to your post
- then make them change their reaction to a different emoji
- look at notifications
💻 Frontend Environment
* Model and OS of the device(s):
* Browser: Firefox 121.0 20231211174248
* Server URL: lea.pet
* Sharkey: 2023.12.0.beta1
🛰 Backend Environment (for server admin)
Do you want to address this bug yourself?
- Yes, I will patch the bug myself and send a pull request