Support IceShrimp.NETs reply backfill feature via exposing a replies collection in activities
What feature would you like implemented? IceShrimp.NET now has a feature where it can use the replies collection on activities in order to backfill replies. At the moment Misskey and its forks do not support this property, forgoing it entirely, likely due to the complexities of correctly implementing ActivityPub collections.
Why should we add this feature? Adding this would start to pave the way for a wider, standardized means for instances to backfill replies, which is a feature I hear talked about time and time again by end users. If we could get this upstreamed, implementations could finally have a reliable means to backfill replies across all major fediverse implementations without having to rely on hacks like using the unauthenticated mastodon API (much like rebased uses to bypass secure fetch, I might add).
Version 2024.8.2.1-eepy
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